[ 016 ] - Bandana Blackmail.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -


A look of slight shock appeared on Robin's face as he was slightly startled by Steve's statement, "huh? What do you mean you missed me? I am literally right here"

"You know what I mean, Robin" Steve stated with a bored expression as Robin blinked in slight disbelief for a second as realization hit him in the face, he couldn't believe his Finney was actually saying the words that he had been secretly longing to hear.

For a brief moment he was speechless as he stared at him, completely bewildered, before some of his courage finally kicked back in and he said in a slightly shy but teasing tone, "oh, do I? you have to specify what you mean, Cariño"

"In general, dickhead. Four years without you is a long time" Steve said and shrugged like it wasn't a big deal, except his heart was pounding heavy in his chest.

Robin burst out laughing after Steve's statement as he relaxed a bit more, he couldn't help but find it funny how Finney could suddenly go from being sweet and sincere one second to calling him a 'dickhead' the next.

He always liked how Finney could catch him off guard like that, "I missed you too, Finn"

"I'm glad you did" Steve said with a genuine smile as he blushes lightly, a sense of affection and warmth filled them both, the fact that Finney had said he had missed him made Robin's heart flutter and butterflies appear in his stomach.

He would always feel an overwhelming sense of joy to be reminded that someone, anyone, cared about him, especially someone he cared about as much as Finney.

Robin's voice came out softer as he spoke quietly, "you have no idea how much that warms my soul, Finn" making Steve roll his eyes playfully, " I thought ghosts had cold souls" Steve teased happily.

A playful scoff left Robin as a look of fake offense appeared on his face before he said teasingly, "I'll have you know that I'm actually full of hellfire, Finn, so watch what you're saying. Or who knows, maybe I'll hex you with my ghostly magic"

"I can actually see that, you and Vance leading hell.. not sure that's ever something I wanted to imagine but here we are" Steve said, speaking his thoughts out loud and making Robin burst out laughing as he shook his head.

Robin was trying to hide how he had gone slightly pink with shyness as he spoke between laughs, "okay, hold on, Vance wishes he was the king of hell! He's got a long way to catching up to my expertise"

"Yeah, sure. Sorry your highness" Steve mocked jokingly causing Robin to burst out in another round of laughter before he managed to compose himself enough to speak again.

"you're lucky I'm in a good mood, Finn.. or I might cast a bad luck curse on you for making fun of your King of Hell" Robin spoke confidently, just like he usually did after winning a fight all those years ago and it was nice for Steve to see that again.

"my king of hell, huh?" Steve teased causing Robin to turn a little more pink at Steve's words and teasing tone before he sighed nervously, trying to compose himself as his heart began to race at the thought of Finney calling him his King of Hell.

Then Robin let out a mock scoff as he spoke, trying to cover up the fact that Finney saying that had flustered him somewhat "yes, your King of Hell, Cariño. So you better watch out, I might curse you in your sleep tonight"

"Uh, huh. Good luck cursing me, Rob, I'm like.. uncurseable" Steve stated like it was a world known fact making a small laugh escaped Robin as he teased Steve back lightly, "oh, really? You're 'uncurseable' you say? That just fuels my desire to curse you even more, Cariño"

"You better not" Steve warned him as a sly smile formed on Robin face, he loved this teasing banter that they were sharing, it made butterflies fill his stomach as he tried to sound as menacing as possible, "or what, Finn? What are you gonna do about it?"

"Uh.. never let you wear bandanas ever again?" Steve asked hopeful, he knew he'd win this since bandanas were practically a part of Robin.

That made Robin's eyes widened slightly, trying his best not to smile like an idiot, "oh no, not the bandanas! anything but that! I'm begging you, not the bandanas Finn, anything but that!"

"Yeah, yeah. Shut up" Steve laughed making Robin look over at him, amused by how seriously he had teased him, "okay, okay.. I'll stop talking.. just don't take away my bandanas!"

"I won't, for now"

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now