[ 012 ] - Older Brother Duties.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -
Uh, none?


"Four years and you haven't done anything about it? You like, you have an eternity with him now technically so like, go for it dude" Steve said with a smiled.

Vance laughed quietly at Steve's words, it was so typical of him to be the most chill and accepting person ever, and it kind of amused him, "I wish it was that easy, Finney Blake. If I knew for sure that he liked me back, I would have confessed fucking years ago, but I don't wanna ruin our friendship, Shithead"

"He does, but I get where you're coming from, believe me" Steve stated as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Wait, what? Really?" Vance asks as his expression went a mix between confused and surprised, a look of shock took over his features as he stared at Steve in slight disbelief before he said "how do you know, Finney Blake?"

"I use my eyes, dumbass" Steve stated in a matter of fact making a small snort of amused laughter leave Vance's mouth at this statement, it was such a Finney-like statement now.

Vance shrugged slightly before he said in a slightly sarcastic manner, "hey hey, you don't have to be a a fucking dipshit about it now, Finney Blake"

"That name.." Steve mused as a small amused smirk took over Vance's features as he watched Steve's slightly annoyed expression, the name had obviously annoyed him. "Yeah? What's wrong? Don't like being called 'Finney Blake' then, huh?" The blonde asked quietly, just teasing Steve playfully.

"I don't mind you and the others calling me it.. I short of miss it I guess.. being Finney.." Steve admitted as a look of slight surprise and sympathy filled Vance's expression at Steve's words, it was so different to the usual sarcastic tone Steve seemed to have made of himself.

He could tell Steve wasn't joking around anymore, his words were genuine, and for some odd reason, that thought slightly hurt Vance, "You miss being Finney Blake?"

"Well yeah, that's who I am not this whatever now" Steve stated before rolling his eyes and tightening the brown bandana on his left wrist like it was some sort of life line.

That simple statement made a small ache go through Vance's heart for some reason, he couldn't really understand what he was feeling, but it hurt him anyways, to hear Steve sound so vulnerable made him feel strangely conflicted.

Slowly, a guilty and sympathetic look took over Vance's expression as he quietly said in a gentle tone "you might be Steve now but.. Finney fucking Blake is still you too, you know that right?"

Steve nodded as he took the words in, a small smile appeared at the corners of Vance's mouth, it was almost strange to see such a vulnerable side of Steve.

Vance just shrugged before he spoke quietly, as if trying to comfort Steve, "I mean.. I know things can be hard right now but.. you're still you, just because you're someone else now doesn't mean.. you're not still Finney Blake, y'know? Even though you're Steve dumb as fucking shit Harrington now-", he paused, trying to find the right words to say.

"Why do you do that?" Steve asked looking over at Vance as he took in the bloodied sight of him making a shiver run down his spine making Vance go quiet, clearly confused at the question before he said in a slightly nervous tone "do what?"

"You always say my whole name, it's always 'Finney Blake' with you.. not Finn or Finney or Steve or whatever" Steve says amused as they started walking back towards the others.

Vance's cheeks flushed slightly pink before he spoke in a slightly flustered as he tried to fight down his embarrassment "what kind of shit question is that? That's how you're supposed to address people, Finney Blake"

Steve just rolled his eyes, "yeah but it doesn't have to be every single time you wanna say my name though" Steve told him making Vance just shrug slightly before he muttered, "it's proper"

"Since when are you proper, Pinball?" Steve asked in a slight teasing tone making Vance just let out a scoff at Steve's words before he spoke in a sarcastic tone, trying to sound annoyed rather than flustered, "shut up, Finney Blake, I can be fucking proper sometimes"

"But seriously, why do you?" Steve asked curiously making Vance's face turn a darker shade of pink as he looked away from Steve, "because uh.. it's a nice name" Vance said, not daring to look back over at Steve who raised an eyebrow at Vance's words and decided to tease the blonde about it more, "oh really? You like my name huh? Is it like.. aesthetic enough for you?"

Again, Vance's cheeks darkened before he spoke in irritation, trying to act as though he wasn't flustered, "I said shut up before I punch you, Finney Blake" making Steve hold up his hands in mock surrender, "I was just wondering, V"

Vance just rolled his eyes again before he said awkwardly, "well, fucking stop wondering about it, you can stop asking before I give you a fucking bloody nose" but Steve just laughed at the usual threat Vance would throw about before he spoke quietly with a small shrug, "okay fine, you can keep liking my name all on your own then"

"God, you're so fucking annoying" Vance muttered under his breath, trying to sound annoyed, but he was quietly just trying to hide the fact that Steve's words were making him blush.

"Well, you're my brother now, so you have to deal with it" Steve stated with a genuine smile making Vance smile at Steve's words, "oh fucking joy. I've got an annoying and stupid brother for the rest of eternity now"

"I might take you to the arcade one day, let you play on the pinball machines" Steve mused as they made it back to the others, ignoring the threat Vance threw at him.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now