[ 036 ] - Welcome To Simp Town.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -


The next morning, all five of the boys woke up tangled together on the bed from having cuddled Steve so tightly while they were asleep.

They all let out faint stretches and yawns as they started waking up, each of them immediately turning their attention over to Steve, who was still wrapped up tightly in their arms and sleeping, his head laying gently on Robin's chest.

Faint chuckles could be heard around the room and fond smiles appeared at the sight of Steve cuddled up with Robin, admiring the sight of the two boys all cuddled up in each others arms as Billy, Griffin, and Bruce let out faint 'aw''s, while Vance reached down to ruffle Steve's hair affectionately.

Steve let out a small snore making all five boys laugh quietly, each of them looking amused and fond at the sound as they watched Steve snore ever-so-softly. Robin was the first to speak up at the sound, "God, he's adorable even when he's snoring"

His comment made Griffin and Bruce let out a small laugh, Billy jumping in as well, "oh my god, Finn, you're so damn cute.. that should be fucking illegal"

Each of the boys were utterly amused by how hopelessly in love Robin was with Finn as they all shot Robin looks of fond amusement as he started to gently play with Steve's hair.

"you're such a simp, Robbie" Billy said with a fond smile, leaning over to ruffle Robin's own hair and snickering faintly, "you just keep getting soppier and soppier"

All four boys snickered at that comment, Griffin jumping in too, speaking with a wide smile, "oh my god, you're such a simp for the Finney, are you two actually dating or are you still being idiots and pining?"

That statement made Billy and Bruce snicker as well, but Robin just shot them a light hearted glare, saying defensively in a slightly sulky voice, "hey I'm not being an idiot and pining, alright?"

That made each of them laughing faintly at Robin's sulky response, each of them shooting Robin looks of fond amusement as Bruce spoke up, smirking slightly as he said teasingly, "yeah keep telling yourself that, Buddy"

Billy and Griffin just laughed at the comment, Vance jumping in as well, saying teasingly, "yeah Arellano, you're a total simp that's been pining for years, stop trying to deny it"

That just made Griffin, Billy and Bruce laugh louder again, each of them falling into further amusement while shaking their heads affectionately at Robin.

Griffin eventually regained enough composure to speak, saying teasingly with a smirk, "yeah Robin you're a total fucking simp, you're absolutely hopelessly in love with Finney"

Billy and Bruce just burst into laughter at the comment, all four boys having the time of their lives teasing Robin about how hopelessly in love he was as they just kept laughing and snickering at him, each of them utterly amused by how hopelessly head over heels he was.

Robin just sighed and rolled his eyes at all three boys, saying faintly through a huff of faux annoyance, "god damn, are you four just going to spend the rest of our eternity relentlessly bullying me about Finn?"

Griffin just grinned and nodded at Robin, leaning over to pat Robin's head as he teased faintly, "of course, Robin, I'll be relentless in bullying you about your crush on Finney... especially since you've been pining like an idiot for four years when he literally has adored you from the very start"

"Yeah, it's honestly ridiculous that you two idiots aren't together yet, with how much you love each other" Billy jumped in teasingly, reaching over and playfully mess up Robin's hair, snickering faintly as he continued, "you two should really stop being morons"

"It's not like they can do anything about it now anyway" Vance says quietly as he looks down at Finney, "It's like you said earlier, We don't age but Finney fucking still does and it's been four years.. Not to harsh on your shit, Arellano"

Robin just sighed and rolled his eyes at Vance, saying faintly through a faint smirk, "hey, as if you have room to criticize me.. you've been pining hopelessly for Bruce for way more than just four years"

"Yeah, but me and him are boyfriends now" Vance stated in a low huff making everyone of them burst into amused laughter, realization hitting them that Robin's comment had immediately backfired.

"Aw Robin, you're such a fucking dumbass," Billy said through his laughter, "you were being such a fucking hypocrite and you got burned immediately.. that's what you get for trying to tease Pinball Vance"

"Yeah, I feel so bad for you that your hypocrisy backfired," Griffin said with a teasing and amused smile before quickly adding, "you really brought that on yourself, Robin"

"You really should've seen that one coming", Bruce said through his laughter, patting Robin's shoulder fondly as he added, "you should really know better than to try and tease Vance, only Finn can get away with that, and even then that's rare"

"Yeah you should know that Vance's comeback game is way too strong to try and mess with him" Billy said as he smirked, "and you should know better than to tease Vance, dude.. I knew he'd shoot you down immediately"

Robin just rolled his eyes, he shot Billy a light hearted glare at his comment, saying in a faux-annoyed tone, "oh, come on, Paperboy, the only reason Vance's comeback game is so strong is because he's constantly trying to impress and flirt with Bruce"

Steve snores in his sleep again making all five boys just burst into a chorus of laughs at the sudden sound as they watched him snore, before they all reached down and simultaneously started ruffling Steve's hair and stroking his back affectionately to try and get him to wake up.

"Relentless shits" Steve mumbled as his eyes opened slightly making the five boys burst into another wave of laughter at Steve's groggy response.

They all looked at him affectionately as they continued ruffling his hair and stroking his back, all of them still trying to wake him up gently.

"Fucking.. I'm awake.. dicks" Steve mumbled as he opened his eyes more making another wave of laughter fill the room as they all watched him with fond smiles at the sleepy insults coming from him.

Robin then spoke teasingly, "aww, Cariño, you're so cute, waking up and cussing at us because we're trying to wake you up nicely" making Steve shift slightly, "Wait.. Robin?" Steve asked as his eyes snapped open after a few minutes and he look at the five of them in slight confusion as the memories of last night had settled into his brain.

"Yeah, Finn, we're here, we've always been her for you, Cariño", Robin said softly with a fond smile on his face and running his fingers soothingly through the others hair, "did you have a nightmare or something?"

"...not this time"

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now