[ 025 ] - Just A Slip Up.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -


"I'm sorry.." Steve muttered making Vance scoff a little at that shaking his head, the sarcastic tone was still in his voice as he spoke, "yeah, yeah, sure, Finney Blake. You just have it so fucking hard, don't you? You do all this suffering, you really are a poor, tragic thing." He chuckled a little as he continued, "but don't worry I'm sure you'll get through this. You'll figure out how to cope, someday."

"I didn't mean it like that" Steve argued but kept his voice quiet, he was not about to fight a ghost that had every right to turn into a vengeful spirit, they both didn't need that.

Vance's expression softened slightly, the sarcasm in his tone melting away slightly into something genuine as he spoke, "oh, come on Finney Boy, I'm not mad. It's okay, relax.. come on. I know you didn't mean it, it's fucking okay."

The other ghosts all shared a silent look at that, they were all surprised that Vance had softened so quickly once Finney had seemed really upset.

The others all smiled slightly and Billy spoke up with a teasing tone, "yeah 'Finney Boy', just relax. We don't want to push you into having a heart attack or anything"

Griffin let out a small laugh at Billy's statement and then spoke with a wide grin, "please don't have a heart attack before we get to meet Gwen, Finn. No dying until after that."

"God, you're just like Gwen" Steve said to Griffin teasingly with a small smile as the others all broke out into light, fond laughter.

Robin then decided to speak up teasingly, "No, Cariño, come on. That's exactly what Gwen is like.. that attitude of yours is identical to hers, she was just always so blunt and straight to the point about stuff like that. There was no beating around the bush with her.. just like you."

"Robin.. not you too" Steve complained at how the Ghost Boys had started to compare him to his little sister, he didn't see it himself but the Boys definitely did, apparently.

Robin just smiled widely and shrugged a little, his tone teasing, "what Finn? you are always very blunt, aren't you? That's just who you are, it's not like we can change that.. nor would we want to. That's just how you and Gwen are, it's like your thing, Cariño"

"Our thing?" Steve asked quietly as he looked over at Robin and squinted while Robin nodded with a smile, "sure, I mean.. you both were always so blunt at times weren't you? Like, if you disagreed with something you never pulled any punches, you just outright said it. And you were both so deadpan and sarcastic most of the time as well.. it's hard to explain but it was almost like a thing between the two of you, like, you both were very similar in that way."

"Hm, and what's our thing?" Steve asked still squinting slightly at Robin but Bruce was the one answer to that, a smile in his tone as he spoke, "well, you were both so sassy, especially together. Whenever you talked to each other it was just- banter, sarcasm, and banter for miles. You always made everything into a competition, even just a simple conversation. And also the insults, Jesus.. never a single filter between the two of you."

"That's not what I meant" Steve stated with mild blush and rolled his eyes. Griffin and Robin both noticed the blush and shared a small look, "then what do you mean, Cariño?" Robin's voice was soft as he asked, his expression also held curiosity while Billy and Vance stood there silently, both clearly wondering what the question actually meant as well.

"Doesn't matter.. and anyway, I have shitty school in the morning" Steve stated making all the boys look mildly surprised and confused at Steve's deflection.

A curious yet concerned look came across Griffin's eyes as he softly spoke, "hold on now, Finn. Why are you suddenly acting all weird and awkward about it? You asked about your and Gwen's thing and when we answer you're acting shifty."

"I didn't ask about me and Gwen" Steve admitted as he waved his right arm around slightly while he spoke.

The ghosts all looked confusedly at each other for a moment before all turning back towards Steve, looks of pure confusion on their faces.

They all were so clearly utterly baffled by Steve's statement, and his seemingly shifting moods as they all looked so confused, yet also concerned.

Griffin was the first to speak up, his voice hesitant and confused, "then.. then who were you asking about...?" making Steve sigh and mutter out a quick, "Doesn't matter"

The confusion and curiosity only grew as they all tried to figure out who exactly Steve was asking about, if it wasn't about him and Gwen's thing as a pair.

Who else was he asking about then?

They all looked back to Steve after their look between each other, their expressions still showing clear and utter confusion as Robin spoke up again, his voice sounding just as confused as his face looked, "then.. then who were you talking about, Finn?"

"Doesn't matter" Steve stated blushing which didn't help at all in the explanation in their minds. They could all see the blush and it just made them even more confused, and concerned about their friend now.

Why was he blushing so much suddenly?

Was he asking about a crush or something?

They had no idea what was going on here, they just had to keep speculating and like usual, Griffin was the first to speak, his voice hesitant and confused as he asked softly, "then.. who is 'our'? Who's the 'our', Finn?"

"Me and someone okay? Drop it"

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now