[ 039 ] - A Little Too Late.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -


They stayed silent until they heard the front door close and all five of them simultaneously dissolved into laughter at the thought that their Finney had just kissed Robin's forehead as a goodbye.

"Did you see that? Finn really just kissed your forehead as a goodbye!" Bruce practically cackled with laughter, unable to keep it together as he watched the flustered state that Robin immediately went into.

"He was just giving goodbye kisses-" Robin protested weakly, flushing deeply as he continued, "I didn't think it meant anything-"

That comment immediately made all five boys dissolve into even more laughter, Griffon was giggling through as he said, "Robin's embarrassed"

"Shut up you heathen I am not-" Robin protested weakly, only for his protest to be cut off by Bruce messing up his hair and saying teasingly, "sure you're not, just a little flustered Finney kissed your forehead as a goodbye to you"

"S-shush" Robin protested, trying to maintain his composure as he said in an attempt to defend himself, "he's done it to me before"

That statement immediately piqued the interest of all five boys, each one looking intrigued and eager to hear more as Billy said with an excited grin, "wait what? What do you mean he's done it before?"

"He's kissed my forehead as a goodbye before" Robin muttered faintly, flushing deeply and looking flustered as he continued to add, "once or twice.."

"You've never told us that before-" Billy said in surprise, looking like an intrigued child as he waited to hear the story.

"Yeah he's right you've never fucking told us that" Vance said in surprise, shooting a grin at Robin and saying, "now we really fucking need to know, Fuckface"

"Yeah tell us, please?" Griffin chimed in, joining in with the rest of the boy's excitement as he shot a playful look at Robin and said, "tell us the story"

Robin rolled his eyes and huffed but eventually caved, saying with a flushed look on his face, "okay, okay fine, just stop pestering me..."

Robin sighed and flushed red, rolling his eyes before he said with a smile, "one time I got a really bad grade on an assignment and was feeling down, and after I told Finn about it I couldn't even finish my sentence before Finn pulled me into a hug and said 'everything will be okay, Rob' and gave me a comforting kiss on the forehead.. and another time he gave me a forehead kiss as a 'thanks for the toy rocket' for his birthday"

The second Robin finished recalling the small stories, all four boys immediately dissolved into laughter with affectionate looks on their faces as Bruce teased, "Finn really is such a sap when it comes to you Robin"

"He's so whipped" Billy agreed with a chuckle, smiling teasingly and saying with a laugh, "man if that isn't evidence of him being madly in love with you already then I don't know what is."

Hearing that statement only sent the boys even more into laughter, all four of them unable to contain themselves as they continued to laugh and tease Robin.

"I feel bad for you, Rob" Billy states quietly
"Since you can't have him now" making them all fall completely silent as they heard Billy say that, each of them feeling a faint wave of sadness and disappointment wash over their faces as they realized once again that Billy had a point.

"Yeah that's true.." Robin muttered quietly, feeling himself grow a little sad as he nodded in agreement and said quietly, "it wouldn't be good to try to pursue anything with Finn.. I mean he's 17 already and I'm just thirteen, forever thirteen of whatever plus the fact that I'm not even still alive so there's no way it'd ever work out"

"Yeah exactly.." Bruce said quietly, sighing faintly and nodding in agreement as he added, "as much as we all wish it could happen for you both, it's just not a reasonable thing to wish for anymore"

"Yeah," Griffin echoed in agreement, sighing and nodding in agreement as he continued, "I mean Finney's a whole ass teenager and we're all stuck at the age we died at so it wouldn't ever really work, right?"

"It's best to not get your hopes up, Rob, both of you.. we don't want either of you guys to get hurt so.." Vance agreed heavily, his expression turning annoyed, "no use in fucking dreaming about something that could never happen"

All five boys lapsed back into a few moments of silence, each of them looking a little defeated and saddened by the prospect that there was no way that anything could ever happen between Robin and Finney, no matter how obviously madly in love they were with each other..

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now