[ 044 ] - Bandana Boys.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter - implied child death..


Robin immediately looked surprised and intrigued upon hearing the words, the ghost tilting his head with a bewildered look as he responded with genuine surprise in his tone, "you got me something? What is it, Cariño? You know you didn't have to get me anything..."

Steve smiles and then walks around to stand behind him while Robin looked even more confused upon seeing Steve moving until he was standing behind him, opening his mouth to ask another question before abruptly stopping as a realization dawned on him...

was Steve doing what he thought he was?

Robin's eyes widened as he felt the other boy's arms wrap around his waist, his heart immediately fluttering in his chest as he felt Steve's chin rest on his shoulder, the ghost's eyes immediately widening with a mixture of shock and excitement as he looked back at Steve, "are you about to-"

"About to what?" Steve asked confused himself now as Robin gave a low, breathless chuckle before replying affectionately, "you're not about to kiss the back of my neck, Cariño? Is that my special thing that'll make me perfect? Because if it is, then keep going. In fact, if you want to do more, keep going and there'll be no complaints here"

"I'm not kissing you or any of that, ever, dumby" Steve states making Robin's eyes widen with surprise and disappointment, his expression quickly turning into a sulky pout as he said with a slightly disappointed tone, "you're not? Then what the hell are you doing, Finn? You got my hopes up-"

"Oh my god, just stay still or it'll fall off" Steve stated which only made Robin look even more dumbfounded and bewildered, the ghost's eyes widened more and his mouth fell open in shock as he asked with a slight confusion in his tone, "you got me something that'll fall off? Finn, Cariño, what on freaking earth are you-"

"You talk to much Robbie" Steve spoke simply making Robin feel his cheeks heat up with slight embarrassment, the ghost giving a slight cough of embarrassment and flushing slightly as he muttered in a defensive tone "it's not my fault I'm a talker, Finn. Besides, I'm not the only one who talks a ton. If I really talk too much then how do you explain the way you-"

"Shhh" Steve said, or more like hissed?, at him making Robin's breath immediately catch in his throat, a surprised sound escaping the ghost's lips as a flushed expression spread over his face, immediately feeling his cheeks flush an even deeper shade of pink as he went quiet.

"Thank you" Steve tells him with a small chuckle, the ghost quickly muttering in a slightly flustered voice, "you're welcome, cariño.. I can.. shut up for you if you want me to-"

"Please, just so I can concentrate to do this" Steve tells him nervously making excitement run through Robin and instantly giving another slightly flustered chuckle and replying quietly, "you got it, Finn. For you, I won't make a peep-"

"Robin. Shh" Steve spoke simply before Robin immediately shut his mouth, his heart fluttering in his chest as he felt excitement building inside him more, wondering what exactly the other boy was planning on doing.

Steve sighed before reaching up to Robin's head gently and taking a look at the wounds from four years ago making Robin blink in bewilderment, and after a few moments, he gave a slight wince of pain as he felt the other boy's fingertips lightly touch his old wounds, his heart twisting in his chest..

he remembered those wounds like they were yesterday..

"Sorry, Rob.. didn't think they'd still hurt" Steve muttered sheepishly making Robin gave a slight shudder at hearing Steve's apology, the Ghost Boy immediately shaking his head and replying quietly, "it's all right, Cariño. I just didn't expect them to still hurt that much-"

Steve gently gave Robin a kiss on one of the scars as the others watched making Robin's eyes widened and his cheeks immediately flushed, immediately muttering in a flustered voice, "F-Finn"

Steve chuckled lightly before he carefully placed a new bandana around Robin's forehead and tied it exactly how Robin used to have it.

The moment he felt Steve's hands carefully tying the bandana around his forehead, Robin had a warm smile on his face, "you even tied it like I used to.. Finn.. it's perfect"

"Couldn't be you without one, and it matches your old one" Steve chuckles holding up his left wrist as if he were to prove a point to him.

Robin's heart skip a beat as he looked at the matching bandana around Steve's wrist, his breath hitching at the realization that Steve had gone through the effort to get a bandana for him that matched the one on Steve's own wrist.

Of the one Robin wore in person last before..


Robin felt another fond smile spreading over his face as he softly whispered, "it does... we match, Finn" making Steve chuckle as a memory of Robin trying to bully him into wearing his own Bandana's back in Denver years ago,

"Just like how you always wanted, Rob"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now