[ 005 ] - Go On, Apologize.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -
Implied abuse, child death, ghosts, ptsd..


"I'm gonna be sick" steve muttered to himself. He was definitely about to be sick again, his heart rate was rising and he struggled to keep it under control but that mention of the basement had brought back so many unwanted memories, for each of them.

"How long have you guys even been here? how long have you been here watching me?" Steve said, trying to change the subject before he vomited again.

The boys again fell silent as they looked at each other and shrugged as Vance said "long enough, Finney Blake". Steve stared at them in confusion for a while before asking, "what does that even mean?" as he began to pace again, feeling like he was going crazy, regardless it was two in the morning and Steve would have to go to school in a few hours.

"Like the whole four years 'long enough' or just today 'long enough'?" Steve asked, he had to know if they had seen everything he'd done from leaving Denver to now.

another fourteen year old- Bruce Yamada- raised an eyebrow before the boys exchanged a look again and spoke reluctantly, "..long enough as in.. the whole four years" making Steve freeze and his eyes nearly bulged out of his skull when he heard it.

These boys had been here the whole time?!

Watching him for the past four years?

"So.. you're been watching me? Watching me become this asshole person and everything?" Steve asked, he already knew the answer of course but he wanted them to actually confirm it.

Vance spoke again in a cold tone "yes, we have, Finney Blake. You didn't make things easy on yourself did you".  The boys all looked at Steve with either cold or dark expressions before Griffin said in a sarcastic tone "you really think you hid your trauma that well?"

"Don't mock me, Griffin" Steve states with a small smile, "and besides.. uh.. I don't even know what to tell you all" Steve admitted, he did think he'd never see them again and since now he was, he clearly didn't know how to go about it.

The boys all exchanged a look again before Billy raised an eyebrow and said in a teasing tone "oh, you don't know what to say? Well then you could, I don't know, apologise for acting like such a tool all these years?" making Griffin let out a small chuckle as Vance let out a scoff.

"Yeah, Paperboy, I'm sorry I've been a tool or asshole for years now.. I want to be better, I swear" Steve said with a sigh, it true after all since he did in fact want to be better- not like Moose or Tommy..

Vance just rolled his eyes as Bruce just looked at Steve blankly before saying, "well then that's a first, you actually admit that you've been a dick all these years"

Steve rolled his eyes and nodded silently as The five boys just looked at him blankly, "ok, Shithead, you've said your apology. You want to know what to do now?" Vance asked making Steve raise an eyebrow but nodded.

Steve started to speak but Billy instantly cut him off by saying quickly "just remember, we're not just gonna tell you everything for free. We want to make some deals first"

"It's like I'm selling my soul" steve joked and then coughed, "uh, sorry..that was a poor choice of words.."

The boys all gave him a look before they burst out laughing at that joke, it was a strange sight to see these dead boys laughing like that, "yeah, basically" Vance said bluntly when they all quietened down after a couple minutes.

"It's good to be able to see you all again.. wish it was different but Uh, yeah" Steve said not daring to even glance towards the fifth boy yet,

He wasn't ready.

The boys all shared a glance before they nodded slightly, they all had such a serious look in their eye, it made Steve shiver slightly.

Billy then stood back up, "yeah, the same goes for us, Steven. Now, back to the deals. We need to ask for some things" he told Steve who nodded silently and gestured with his right hand for them to continue.

Vance then stepped forward and said "we'll tell you everything you need to know.. if you're willing to do some things as well, Finney Blake" Steve nodded again and said in a slightly hesitant tone "anything"

Vance looked at the other boys to confirm before nodding and saying "first things you'll need to do.. try and help find out a way to get rid of The Grabber." Steve had a confused look on his face, "get rid of him? what are you talking about, he's dead already"

Vance gave Steve a cold look as if to say not to argue with him before Vance spoke, "it's not that simple, trust me on that" Steve was even more confused now but didn't say anything as Vance continued, "another thing that we need you to do is.. stop being a dick"

"Yeah, I know, I'm- I'll try" Steve said nodding, trying to get the words stuck in his brain making Vance huff in annoyance loudly before shaking his head slightly, "you don't get off that easy you know, try is good enough though. So, the last thing is that you go to work on that relationship" Steve furrowed his brow in a confused manner as Vance just scoffed again.

Vance then spoke in a slight mocking tone, "you think we haven't noticed, Finney Blake?" Steve tensed at those words.

how long had they been actually watching him for?

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now