[ 006 ] - House Of Stalkers.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -
Implied abuse, child death, ghosts, ptsd, the grabber mentioned..


"Me and Nance are.. we're fine, totally fine.." Steve muttered, hoping that his words sounding honest but of course they didn't. They had been watching him the whole time so it's not like he could lie to them..

But it did however cause the five ghost boys to burst out laughing at the obvious lie, before Billy said in a sarcastic tone, "yeah, we believe you Finney, we totally believe you're fine"

"I.. fine, it's not fine or whatever, but I tried" Steve stated making the boys all burst out with loud laughter. Steve felt a little anger towards them for laughing at him like that, but sighed before asking in an annoyed tone, "what's so funny about that?"

Griffin let out a small chuckle before saying, "it's funny because we all know that you never really try that hard, do you?" Steve furrowed slightly and rolled his eyes before Vance said in a harsh tone, "don't even get me started on all the times we've seen you get drunk, or high, you turn into much worst version of yourself"

"Yeah, I turn into him" Steve snarked back and turned away from them, "it's different with Nance, I thought it would work, you know? She's kind, beautiful, really smart.."

"..and completely deserves better than you" Vance said bluntly, sounding like his dead serious self again. Steve flinched at those words, he loved Nancy, and he didn't think he could really handle the thought of her with someone else, let alone someone better than him.

"Even in death, you're an ass, but thanks" Steve says with a small chuckle before running his right hand through his hair.

The boys all let out a slight chuckle but quickly went back to a serious topic, "I'm not being an ass, Finney Blake, I'm giving you the truth" Vance said bluntly before he continued, "it's quite obvious that this Nancy girl isn't in love with you anymore and it's time for you to do the same, move on"

"I've been trying, I tried with her, tried with other girls, but no one fucking compares if my hearts not here anymore" Steve muttered just loud enough for all of them to hear him.

The boys all looked at him for a moment before Vance huffed in an annoyed tone, "you're absolutely fuckinghopeless, Finney Blake, I swear, this is exactly what I'm talking about, you're still pining on over her and you do so fucking shamelessly. That is definitely one change we need you to make, stop being so pathetic"

"I'm not pining over her, she's literally my girlfriend" Steve stated in slight confusion making Vance scoff, "don't bullshit us, Finney Blake, you think just because you two are together she automatically loves you, I've seen the looks that she gives you. She doesn't love you anymore, if she did you would know, you would fucking feel it"

Steve nodded slowly and sat back down by the pool as he felt a wave of despair wash over him at the thought of Nancy not loving him anymore.

She was the love of his life, wasn't she?

and now she doesn't love him.. How was that possible?

"Doomed love.. it's so fucking relatable.." Steve snarked to himself making The boys all raise their eyebrows as Griffin muttered in a quiet tone "yeah, we can all relate to it.." Steve felt a shiver run down his spine as he thought of how the boys all suffered in the basement..

"I'm sorry" Steve said looking up at four of them before looking away again as The boys all gave him a slightly sad look, "there's no need to apologise, the blame lies all on The Grabber" Bruce said making Steve shiver at just the mention of that name, he had tried his best to get rid of all his memories of him but of course they were still there, they always were..

"You all helped me back then and you're helping me now and I'm just some asshole now.. I'm sorry for that" Steve spoke sincerely making the boys look over at him sadly, "as much of a fucking dick as you are now, you still did the right thing back then. It doesn't change anything, you helped us and took care of all our burials, that's more than we could ask for", Billy said as he pulled Steve closer to them, with no argument about it from Steve.

"Wish I could of made like the graves look better of whatever" Steve spoke quietly before he sighed. "Don't say that crap, you did more than enough for us, Finney Blake. You're giving our families closure for our deaths, that's all they ever fucking wanted"

"Yeah, I still talk to them.. but I guess you all know that, fucking stalkers" Steve stated giving them a playful glare as The boys exchanged a look with each other.

"yeah, we definitely stalk you, Buddy" Griffin said with a slight teasing tone making Steve just roll his eyes in response.

He had to admit that he had started to miss their company..

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now