[ 038 ] - So Busted.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -


A small wave of snickers and giggles erupted from all five boys as they watched Finn teasing Bruce, each boy having a ball seeing that Bruce was being called out like that.

Once they'd recovered enough to speak through their faint giggling, Robin immediately said, "aw, you're so cheeky, Finn" while simultaneously reaching over to ruffle his hair playfully, "teasing poor Brucey"

"Robiiin" Steve complained on a small whine making all five boys start to laugh again. Seeing him complain about it was the funniest thing.

"you're so cute when you're grumpy, Finn" Robin said affectionately, gently ruffling Steve's hair while he teased him, "don't be upset, we can't help it you look so cute when you hair is a mess"

Steve sighed and buried his head in Robin's shoulder as Robin immediately melted into the touch, feeling his heart swell with an overwhelming rush of warmth and fondness while the others watched it happen.

Robin immediately wrapped his arms around Finn, gently rubbing his back and gently stroking his hair in a soothing manner, feeling a fierce protectiveness surge through his chest as he held him.

Steve burying his head into Robin's shoulder was one of the most adorable things he had ever seen in his life, and seeing it now made robin want to hold and protect him forever.

"I miss you so much" Steve mumbled causing the boys gazes to soften with affection and warmth as they saw Steve burying himself closer into Robin's side, holding onto each other protectively.

"Oh, Cariño, you're killing us..." Robin said faintly between gentle laughter, his expression filled with affection as he held Steve close, "you're so unbearably cute"

"Stop hitting on me, weirdo" Steve joked lightly as all five boys immediately erupted into laughter again as they just found it so amusing to see Finn's constant stream of jokes and jabs at the idea of Robin having a crush on him.

"Oh my god, you're such a brat" Robin said through laughter, gently booping his nose, "stop calling me a weirdo" he added on making Steve playfully roll his eyes at him, "You are a weirdo, Dingus" Steve stated as he smiled and looked at him.

At that Robin immediately made an fake offended expression, playfully sticking his tongue out and saying, "well excuse me Finn, I am a perfectly normal and boring person and you are the weirdo here"

"Well, I am talking to ghosts so you're not entirely wrong" Steve scoffed lightly with a smile. "you're such a dork" Robin said affectionately before he continued, "yeah definitely quite a weirdo talking to some ghosts"

Slowly they all calmed down enough to speak through their laughter, and Griffin was the first, "that's so true Finn.. only a weirdo talks to ghosts" and then Bruce decided to add on, "yeah, Finn's a weirdo..  then again, we're all weirdos for being here to talk to him"

Steve laughed as he stepped away from Robin and tightened the bandana on his wrist before styling his hair as each of the boys watched with great adoration and fondness in their gazes.

"Cariño sure does love his bandana" Robin teased, lightly and playfully flicking the bandana that was tied around Steve's wrist, a faint chuckle escaping his lips as he did so.

The thought of Steve's obsession with the bandana around his wrist was just so endearing to him, he never took it off at any point, which just added to Steve's adorability in his mind.

"Only cause it used to be yours, idiot" Steve stated with a smirk making the boys dissolve into laughs again, "you're just making it more obvious that you're fucking obsessed" Bruce said, unable to hold back a small grin as he teased him, "you're a bandana simp, Finn"

"Yeah, you sure do love my bandana", Robin agreed, affectionately reaching over and lightly flicking the bandana again. "Definitely a fucking bandana simp" Vance teased before adding playfully, "you're totally obsessed with it, Finney Blake"

"You are not one to talk, Pinball" Stated in a matter of fact making the boys start to laugh yet again, each of them bursting into uncontrollable laughter at the way he had just called out Vance so blatantly.

"V, you're busted" Bruce said between giggles, unable to hold back his laughter as he added on playfully, "you're the biggest simp in the group"

Robin and Griffin both immediately agreed, each burst out in louder laughter as they repeated what Bruce had said, each boy saying, "busted" over and over again, each of them completely adoring the banter going on.

"Yeah you're so busted Vance!" Griffin said through laughter, playfully messing up Vance's hair as he continued, "Finn knows you're the biggest simp here"

"Are you guys all gonna be tailing me at school or am I seeing you when I get back home?" Steve asked suddenly snapping them all back as a wave of surprise and confusion came over each of the boy's expressions.

"What do you mean, Finney?" Billy said, frowning and tilting his head slightly at the question, clearly really confused.

"Well, you're ghosts so I can't exactly talk to you guys in public because everyone else can't see you or hear you so I'd look crazy"

The five boys' immediate reactions to that were a mix of understanding and disappointment, understanding where Steve was coming from but feeling an immediate rush of disappointment at the idea of not being able to talk to their friend for the entire day.

"Oh" Robin breathed out quietly, his expression falling as he frowned faintly and said with a soft sigh, "yeah.. we really wouldn't want you to look crazy"

"I'll take you guys to the arcade later to make up for it?" Steve asked making all five boys perk up immediately as they heard that offer from him, already looking eager.

"Sounds fucking good to me, fucker" Vance said eagerly, looking like an excited child at the idea of going to the arcade. "Good, okay. " Steve said as he shoved his shoes on and grabbed his navy blue jacket, car keys and wallet.

"Okey dokey, well I guess Finn's off to school to live his life as Stevie Boy" Robin said with great fondness, shooting Steve a faint smile and saying affectionately, "see you after school, Finn"

"Yeah, see you then" Steve said and smiled before he kissed Robin's forehead and hugging the others before leaving.

All five boys immediately felt warmth spread though their chests as they saw Steve giving them hugs, all of them feeling such a sense of fondness and affection.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now