[ 026 ] - Relentlessly Ghosted.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -
Implied child death..


The others were all surprised and even more confused at the revelation that there was another person involved here, someone else on the other end of this 'our'.

The curiosity and confusion all grew even more at this and Billy was the first to ask something, "..you've got someone you like?"

"No, yes, i used to, okay?" Steve admits as he frowns, he really didn't want to talk about this anymore.

Billy's and Griffin's eyes widened a little at that, while Bruce and Vance were smiling with knowing smirks on their faces as Robin was looking at Steve with mild

All the boys were quiet at the revelation that Steve had used to like someone, but also surprised and a little confused at just how long ago that had been.

What kind of time frame were they talking about for this past relationship.. or potential relationship?

Griffin was the first one to speak up, his tone softly and confusedly asking, "how long ago?"

"Four years.. back in Denver.. as Finney" Steve admitted reluctantly when he figured out that the boys weren't just simply going to drop the subject like he wanted them to.

There was totally no point in talking about it and he was greatly regretting even mentioning it in the first place.

All five of them just stared silently at Steve in utter, surprised confusion, completely lost in the response.

Vance was the only one who managed to actually say something, his voice filled with knowing, "..seriously? You liked someone that long back and didn't say anything, Finney Blake? Didn't take you for a little pussy, Dude"

"I didn't really know I guess, but looking back at it, yeah, I think I liked him really well" Steve shrugged as he ran his hand through his hair making Griffin's and Billy's eyes still widen with shock, while Robin was still processing that fact silently.

Only Vance thought to ask another question about this supposed person, his tone soft as he asked in fake curiously, "did anything actually happen between you two?"

"Not in the way I wanted" Steve stated with a sigh, just wanting to leave the whole conversation behind him now.

The boys all shared a look between each other at the implication before continuing to silently stare at Steve, which freaked Steve out once again.

Luckily after a moment of processing things though, Griffin was the one to speak up again, "then in what way did something happen..?"

"...he died" Steve answered quietly making three boys were surprised and horrified at that as their eyes all widened, except for Bruce and Vance.

Griffin and Billy were mildly horrified, but they managed to reign in their outward reactions as Robin still stayed silent.

It was silent for a few moments before Billy spoke up, his tone soft and mournful as he said, "Jesus, Finney, I'm so sorry.."

"It's not like it's your fault, so don't apologize" Steve stated with a small chuckle as Billy looked sad at that, as if it wasn't the response he was hoping for, but it was the truth because it wasn't his fault.

Griffin was clearly thinking, his expression focused even as he looked down, before he spoke up after a moment, his tone a little curious as he asked softly, "can I ask.. who it was?"

"That's a secret" Steve scoffed out lightly making the boys a little disappointed and baffled at that statement. They all shared a confused look before Billy spoke up, his tone concerned and soft, "why's it a secret, Finney?"

"Cause you all know him" Steve admitted, he knew Vance and Bruce would get it straight away, possibly Robin too, just Griffin and Billy didn't know yet,

Unless they did and this was just a scheme to get him to admit it for whatever reason.

They all silently took in the information for a few moments before sharing a look that confirmed their realisation and understanding.

They all looked back to Steve and Griffin was the first to speak, his tone still full of confusion that Steve couldn't help but think it made the kid look cute- despite the dried blood all over him, "...wait, are you saying the person you liked was one of us?"

"Technically I'm telling you I'm not saying" Steve said as he rolled his eyes as Griffin's expression widened in pure, complete, baffled bewilderment.

Just what was Steve saying here?

All three boys just stared at Steve in shock for a moment before Griffin finally spoke up again, his tone just as surprised but this time a little exasperated as well, "oh my god, Finney!! Just say what you're fucking saying!! Don't mince your words, you're just confusing me more than you're doing anything else!!"

"It's not even going to happen so I don't even know why I brought it up, fuckers" Steve snarked back lightly making the ghosts shared a bewildered look at Steve's statement.

It didn't add any context, and only added more questions.

It seemed to only increase their confusion, and, in Vance and Bruce's case, concern, for Steve. Both were a little worried about Steve now, both were clearly concerned and wanting to ask if he was okay, but Griffin was the one to speak first, his tone confused and curious, "what the shit, Finney? What do you mean when you say 'its not even going to happen'?"

"Well.. one, he's dead, two, I'm not kissing a ghost, three, I'm four years older now even though we were both on the same year and four, because it's weird now"

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now