[ 015 ] - Not A Fighter.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -


"I mean, I'm talking to ghosts so what's not to like? But seriously, I'm perfectly fine with you and the others being around.. I'm just trying to not make myself out to be a creep when we've.. dealt with someone like that before.." Steve admitted in embarrassment as he gently put his head back to the wall, eyes never leaving Robin's bloodied face.

A slightly embarrassing blush appeared on Robin's face at Steve's statement, he himself was trying to sound reassuring and like he wasn't secretly freaking out.

"You could never be a creep, Finn, you've been anything but.. in fact, the only thing that's making me uncomfortable is how kind you're being about all of this" Robin admitted as he looked at the blood and scars that covered him.

"What do you mean?" Steve asked gently, he definitely didn't want to have another ghost on vengeance, Vance screaming in his ears the first time was enough.

Robin went pink under Steve's questioning gaze as he fiddled with his fingers awkwardly before he mumbled quietly in an unlike-Robin tone, "you've been nothing but kind and understanding about all this... you keep thinking about my feelings over your own.. that's what makes me feel uncomfortable. You're too kind, Finn"

"Well, yeah. You dying doesn't magically stop us from being friends, Ro" Steve said as he rolled his eyes in fake annoyance making a small smile appear on Robin's face as he blushed a darker shade of pink.

Robin couldn't help but feel slightly shy when Steve called him 'Ro' like that, not many people had used that nickname before and after taking a moment to calm his nerves a little, he softly replied, "I don't want us to stop being friends either, Cariño"

"Good, cause I like having you ghost assholes around" Steve stated making Robin laugh, slightly amused at how casually Finney called his friends 'ghost assholes', "yeah, I think I like having you around too, Finn"

"Well I'd hope so, you can't kick me outta my own house" Steve joked making Robin let out another quiet laugh before he said with a teasing smile, "Try me, Amor" as he smirked.

"Uh, no. I've seen you fight so I reluctantly decline thank you" Steve stated as the memory of Robin fighting Moose lingered in his mind.

Robin laughed again at Steve's statement before trying to sound slightly cocky, "aw, scared of me, Finn?"

"Never" Steve stated simply making Robin raised an eyebrow in skepticism at Steve's statement before leaning closer and spoke with a mocking tone, "really, huh? You're not scared of me? Is that right?"

"Never was, even when you beat up moose" Steve admitted making a laugh leave Robin, "alright.. then prove it, Finn. Prove that you're not scared of me"

"How am I meant to do that, Rob?" Steve asked as he gave him a confused look making Robin let out an amused chuckle before he said in a slightly taunting manner, "Use your imagination, niño bonito. Don't be dull now"

Steve did the first thing that came to mind and booped his finger slowly on Robin's nose making Robin's eyes widened as a shy blush appeared on his face, though he tried to cover it up by giving a fake scowl, "oh, ha, ha. Very funny, Finney"

After a moment, a mischievous look came over Robin as he gave Steve a mischievous grin, "Well, now that you did that.. payback is fair" he said in a whisper before he leaned over and suddenly ruffled up Steve's hair quickly.

"Ah, come on. Not the hair" Steve complained, though he didn't really mind it as much as he thought he would..

Robin let out a triumphant laugh before he spoke smugly, "this will teach you for being so cheeky. No one, and I mean no one gets away with a cheek nose boop unscathed"

"Yeah, yeah" Steve chuckled out making Robin smirk again as he continued to ruffle up Steve's hair for a moment longer, though he was careful not to be too rough.

The smirk was still on Robin's face as he continued to ruffle Steve's hair for a bit longer before he spoke teasingly, "you have such soft and fluffy hair though, Finn. It's really soft, it's no wonder the girls are obsessed with it"

"You're not stealing my hair" Steve warned him making Robin laugh quietly as he finally stopped ruffling his hair up before.

"well, you're lucky I'm feeling nice today and didn't want to get you that flustered, Finn. I would've ruffled it up for a lot longer if I really wanted to get to you" Robin said in a daunting tease making Steve roll his eyes,

"I missed you, Chico Loco"

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now