[ 027 ] - Bandana Clues.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -


All three of the others just stared at Steve in confused shock for a moment before finally Vance spoke up, glaring at him , "what the fuck do you mean you wouldn't kiss a ghost, Finney Blake?"

"That's the only thing you got from all that?" Steve asked shocked because of course that's the only thing Vance would want to fight about.

All three of the boys exchanged a look at that, the other two shared a look of 'Here we go again' before Vance spoke up once more, his tone still slightly pissed off but also a bit amused now, "no, it's just that statement was the most confusing and surprising. And... really fucking insulting..you just had to be the one who didn't want to kiss a ghost.. why?"

"I'm not kissing you, V, you have Bruce for that" Steve snarled back with a smirk as all the boys broke out into loud, hysterical laughter at that, clearly very amused by the comment.

Griffin was practically howling with laughter as he tried to speak through it all, saying in a heavily choked tone, "Finn, don't be rude!"

Billy was practically in tears at this point with how hard he was laughing while Griffin was now quieting down slightly, Bruce was trying to speak through it all, barely managing to get out, "Finn, that's terrible! You can't just say that!"

"Well, I did, so it's too late now.. But I'm still not telling you" Steve told them as he put his hands on his hips as if to back up his words.

Billy was the one to speak up first this time once the laughter had subsided, his voice a mix of amusement, "you're so stubborn, Finney. I mean, it doesn't even matter anymore does it? So why won't you say who it is?"

"It matters to me" Steve mumbled as he looked away, leaning back on the counter and crossing his arms over his chest now.

The boys all shared a quiet look before Steve added on quietly, "Cause.. he was my first crush I think.. and he still means loads to me too"

The boys, all except Bruce and Vance, just stared at Steve in shocked surprise at that statement as they all silently processed his words before sharing an amazed look between each other.

After a moment though, Griffin spoke up again, a soft, slightly amused tone in his voice this time as he asked, "your first crush..?"

Steve only nodded but that was enough for the boys to share an amused look between them, the idea that Steve had had his first crush with a member of their group- it was certainly an interesting and somewhat bewildering thought.

Griffin was the first to speak after this, his tone full of knowing as he said, "who?", but Steve didn't reply which made all the boys shared a small groan at that, all of them looking a little exasperated at Steve's stubbornness.

They were dying to know which one of them it was now, all knowing it must of been Robin- if only Steve would admit it to them- and the fact that Steve was being so stubborn about it was only increasing their will to get Steve to confess about it.

Bruce was the first to speak up this time, his tone a little pleading now, "c'mon Finn- give us a hint? Please?"

"It's nothing" Steve said as he looked down at the bandana on his left wrist while all the boys were mildly surprised at Steve's obvious deflection of the subject, and they all shared a small look at it.

Their interest all piqued and their gazes were locked onto his wrists, looking at the bandana as if it were a clue of some kind.

They knew it was Robin's, it was overly obvious.

They all looked at the bandana for a moment before finally Vance was the one to speak up, this time his tone a mixture of knowing, and understanding, "how come Robin's bandana is on your wrist then, Dickhead?"

"Uh, no reason.. sentimental?" Steve spoke quietly trying to not mess up his words like he did every other time he was stressed out..

Griffin spoke up first this time though, "oh my god Finn... you're so obvious" making Steve roll his eyes, "I am not, now shut up"

All three boys broke out into loud, hysterical laughter at that as they were all completely caught off guard by Steve's blunt response, and, honestly, it was just hilarious to them as well.

Billy was the first one to speak up through the laughter, his tone amused and teasing, "oh my fucking god Finney, you really are stubborn! You could have just said who, you fucking Dumbass"

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now