[ 011 ] - Memory Mishap.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -
Uh, none?


All of a sudden, Steve's words caused something to snap inside of Vance, like some thread had just been pulled or something.

The brunette boy's words had just sounded so genuine and affectionate and Vance couldn't help but realise that he couldn't remember the last time he'd ever heard that someone actually considered him as a friend, let alone a brother.

Something in Vance just broke and he let out a choked sob before he moved and ended up burying his head into Steve's shoulder.

"There, there, it's okay, V" Steve said softly trying his best to comfort him as he slowly wrapped his arm around Vance's shoulder, knowing not do move so fast as he did so when he took in Vance's own PTSD.

It still weirded Steve out greatly that he could even touch the ghosts, but he knew Vance needed the comfort more than Steve needed to worry about something like that right now, so he'd ignore all the weirdness for now.

Vance just sobbed quietly into Steve's shoulder, all thoughts of keeping his emotions in check now gone as he let himself just feel whatever he felt at the moment, even if that included sobbing quietly.

After a few moments, Bruce carefully walked over and placed a slow but gentle hand on Vance's back, quietly trying to sooth the boy as he moved his hand lazily around Vance's back.

All the boys started quietly comforting the crying ghost as soft shushes and soothing statements filled the room, it seemed as though all their previous conflicts between each other- if they even had any- had vanished as they tried to calm Vance down in any way they knew they all could.

After a few more minutes, Vance's sobs finally died down to quiet noises while the boys all sat around him, soothingly rubbing his back and quietly rubbing his shoulder.

Vance slowly removed his head from Steve's shoulder and slowly sat up, still hiccuping quietly as all the boys watched him closely but respectfully stayed quiet so as not to disturb him again.

Slowly, Vance looked up towards Steve with red and tear filled eyes so Steve asked his question quietly, "You okay, Buddy?" as Vance just continued to stare at Steve quietly, tears were still trickling slowly down his cheeks but he seemed a bit more calm and composed now.

After a few more moments of silence, Vance finally spoke in a quiet and croaking voice "..yes, I think so.. I'm sorry for uh.. crying on you, Finney Blake"

"You don't need to apologize man, it's fine" Steve chuckles out lightly as Vance went quiet for another few moments before he took a deep breath and said in a croaky and nervous tone, "can I.. tell you something, in private?" as he looked up at Steve.

The other boys all shared a confused glance, curious as to what he needed to say now, but Steve just nodded quietly and said in a gentle voice "of course, Pinball"

Vance nodded and slowly stood up from the bed, he gestured for Steve to follow him as he started walking towards what he assumed was Steve's bedroom door.

The boys shared another look before Steve followed and walked out of the room as well, quietly closing the door behind him making Bruce, Billy, Robin and Griffin look at each other in confusion at this but they didn't say a word, wondering what Vance could possibly want to tell Steve now..

After a few more minutes of awkwardly silent walking, the two boys eventually reached Steve's bedroom, almost completely hidden from view, it seemed Vance had found a spot he was satisfied with as he stopped walking and turned to face Steve.

"Sometimes I forget how big this house is" Steve stated to try and ease the tension making Vance just chuckle quietly as he leaned back against the wall and ran a hand through his blonde mullet of hair slightly.

Vance didn't speak for a couple moments as he collected his thoughts before he eventually spoke up, his voice slightly shaky from nerves, "Okay, Finney Blake.. there's something I want to tell you.."

Steve's expression stayed neutral as he nodded and spoke calmly, "okay, go ahead, I won't judge you if that's what you're afraid of, Vance"

Upon Steve's reassuring words, Vance took a deep breath and tried to calm down as he took in Steve's calm and collected expression.

"Okay, you know how you told me you were bisexual?" Vance asked as he moved a piece of his hair off his eye as Steve just nodded silently in response, waiting patiently for Vance's next words.

Vance's nerves started to spike as he muttered in a slightly flustered tone, "well uh.. I uh.. I guess I'm the same as you, but also not, I guess..I uh.. I like boys.."

"You like Bruce" Steve said as he smiled knowingly, it's like Vance had forgotten that he admitted to them that he liked him, but Steve wouldn't bring that up.

A faint shade of pinkish red came over Vance's cheeks as Steve's words sunk in, he started fidgeting with a small nervous laugh before he speaking quietly, "you uh... knew about that, huh?"

"You look at him how I used to look at Robin" Steve states in a matter of fact as a slightly flustered and embarrassed expression took over Vance's features.

"I'm that obvious, huh?" Vance asked in slight amusement as Steve quietly shrugged and said in a teasing tone "kinda, yeah" making Vance let out a small laugh before asking, "how long have you known I've had a thing for him, Finney Blake?"

"Since the.. since that place, I guess" Steve said with a shrug as a thoughtful look came over Vance's features as he let Steve's words sink in, he began pondering silently how long exactly he had been crushing on Bruce.

Vance pushed those thoughts aside and said quietly, "yeah.. that tracks. I've had a thing for Bruce for a while"

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now