[ 008 ] - Pinball And Comic Books.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -
child death, ptsd, implied abuse,


"Depends which one you mean, the Harrington one or my real one" Steve stated then sighed as The boys all stood there, seemingly a little confused by this but Vance seemed to understand slightly as he said in a slightly sarcastic tone "well, considering your real one is currently six feet under the ground, I think I meant your adopted one, Finney Blake" Steve looked at Vance with a look of surprise.

so he knew?

"Uh, nothing?" Steve said looking away making all The boys all look at him with an suspicious look before Billy spoke, "are you lying to us, Finn?", but, Steve only remained silent.

Steve couldn't even look at the boys, as if he was ashamed of something, which only caused the boys to look even more curious.

"..yes?" Steve muttered after a few silent moments making Griffin laugh before he spoke, "oooh, tell us something else, what else have you been hiding, Finn Finn"

"Like, everything I guess.. no one here in this town knows me, like the real me, like you guys do.. I'm just 'Steve Harrington' the asshole jock or whatever.." Steve admitted as The boys all stared at him for a few moments of silent consideration.

Griffin then spoke up again, "then change that. Don't pretend to be something you're not for people who don't even care about you" making Steve frown in mild confusion.

Did Griffin really just give him some real advice?

"You're the smartest yet you're the youngest" Steve states before laughing making the boys all burst out with laughter as well.

"wait, you actually think I'm the smartest?" Griffin asked in shock causing the boys to all look at Griffin now. "no way, are you feeling well, Griff, should we call a doctor?" Bruce spoke jokingly making Steve scoff, "See, you're smarter than these assholes" he stated with a smirk.

Griffin just huffed again before saying with a small proud smile "of course I am, I read all the time, unlike these guys who are probably.. illiterate", this caused the boys to exchange another glance before Bruce said in an insulted tone, "hey!! We can read, thank you for very much!"

"I don't think Vance can" Steve joked simply with a smirk making all The boys all burst out with loud laughter again before Billy spoke teasingly, "that is so tru-", he started but his sentence was cut off by Vance who interrupted with a loudly, "I CAN READ, YOU FUCKING IDIOTS!!"

"Like comics, V?" Steve stated quietly, knowing Vance would naturally go back to not being as loud while another round of laughter came from the other boys.

Vance just huffed in annoyance before he said "hey, comics are amazing, don't joke about them, Finney Blake", making Steve hold up his arms in surrender as he laughed.

The boys all laughted more before Vance spoke in a sarcastic and annoyed tone, "I could go on for hours telling you how awesome they are, so don't give me those puppy i surrender eyes either, Finney Blake"

"Maybe tell me about them next time, Bud" Steve teased gently before Bruce spoke with a smile, "of course, that's what we need to hear, an hour long comic book rant from Vance"

"It's not about pinball for once, so I'm game" Steve stated and yet again another round of loud laughter came from the boys.

Vance huffed in annoyance and muttered, "I do not talk that much about pinball" causing Griffin to let out a chuckle as he spoke, "dude, you literally talk about that thing non-stop"

"Your name is literally Vance 'Pinball' Hopper" Steve added in a matter of fact before Bruce said in a slightly teasing tone "that's fair, you even named yourself after the very thing you love the most, that's how obsessed you are with it, Pinhead"

Vance huffed and rolled his eyes again before he muttered "I'm not obsessed, Bruce". Steve couldn't help but let out a chuckle himself as he thought of how adorable Vance could be with his little obsession for those machines, it was almost cute..

"You are, but everyone's got their thing, you know?" Steve told him, he didn't want the blonde to suddenly hate what he loved so he tried to ease up on mocking him for loving Pinball.

Vance just huffed in annoyance again before he quickly muttered, "stop picking on me, Finney Blake"

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now