[ 002 ] - Sink and Drown.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -
The Grabber, implied abuse, ptsd, paranoia, implied neglect, implied sexual assault, vomiting..


"Who is this?" Steve asked quietly making the voice on the other side of the line sound slightly hurt as they let out a sigh but it quickly turned into anger as Steve really wished he hadn't picked up the phone.

"who do you think it is, Finney? How could you forget our time together?" The voice said in a snarky tone making Steve feel sick to his gut while memories of The Grabber filled his mind, soon tears started to drop as he remembered the fear he had towards that bastard.

"Stop. calling me by that name.." Steve growled down the phone, shaking slightly, trying to stay calm as fear set in, was what he did not enough? God, he really hates phones now.

"And I killed you.. you're dead.. rotting somewhere, somewhere I don't care about" Steve stated before The Grabber's voice laughed on the other side, "Oh dear, are you still in shock over your trauma I gave you all those years ago, Naughty Boy?"

Steve felt disgusted with the way The Grabber spoke to him, just like in the past, and the fact he'd started to call him by that.. "Don't fucking call me that" Steve stated harshly as his heart started to pound even more.

The Grabber kept laughing making Steve feel like he was back in that damn fucking basement again, the fear set in like rain soaking into paper.

What was going on?

Why was he experiencing this?

"Stop it" Steve stated, though it sounded more like he begged while on the verge of actual tears, "I'm not joking, leave me alone", he added on, he could just hang up the phone, why hadn't he thought of that before?

So as quickly as the thought entered his mind- Steve quickly hung up the phone.

Steve sat down on the living room sofa, breathing heavily with his hands over his face trying to calm himself down as he tried to get away from the phone, away from him.

Steve had been starting to get more flashbacks from that basement and he would keep getting them every now and then..

But this time however, this felt real too, like he was back there, talking to them again, trying to escape him and then also watching both men die..

"It's not real, it's not real" Steve repeated to himself over and over, he felt so incredibly sick to his stomach as the memories played over in his head, maybe he needed to throw up, but that wouldn't make any of this better..

Had The Grabber somehow come back from the dead?

No, that was impossible..

It was just a prank call, but yet something about it felt too real to Steve and he felt like he was having a panic attack again, clutching his chest as sweat began to drip down his face.

He felt the need to vomit, his head was spinning, the memories and all the voices kept spinning in his head until finally, he couldn't cope anymore and he ran over to the sink, beginning to vomit as tears streamed down his face as he started to realise how broken he was by this all.

He hadn't cried once in the four years of living in Hawkins' small and quiet town, but maybe that was his own karma in a way..

Or maybe he was just cursed both as Steve Harrington and Finney Blake, whatever it was though, he knew he already needed a break from all of it, all thanks to one single phone call as the ringing haunted his mind.

So instead, once he was done with feeling sick, Steve decided to go and sit outside and dip his feet in the pool to calm himself down, and his pool had became somewhat of a safe space for him now, so why not?

What's the worst that could happen?

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now