[ 037 ] - Griffin The Little Heathen.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -


The five boys all smiled fondly, each of them reaching over and lightly messing up Steve's hair in response. Each of them were glad that their Finney hadn't had a nightmare this time.

"Well I'm glad you were able to sleep through the night, Finn" Robin said softly, his voice filled with fond affection as he spoke, "and it was lovely to wake up with you in my arms too"

"Not my fault ghosts are surprisingly comfy" Steve mumbled making all five boys burst into laughter, each of them loving his sleepy statement in being his snarky self.

"Aw, Finn you're such a simp," Billy said affectionately through his laughter, reaching over to pat Steve's head, "you're so hopelessly in love with Robin that you'll admit it even when you're half asleep"

"Shut up, it's too early for you, Dude" Steve mumbled in a small annoyance, clearly not a morning person as the boys laugh, Griffin then spoke with a wide smile, "even when you're telling us to go eat a dick you're so precious"

"I never wanna hear those words out of your mouth, Griff" Steve mumbled a bit louder as he moved his eyes over to look at the youngest boy.

All five boys burst into another round of laughter at Steve's horrified response, each of them snickering at the look of pure revulsion on Steve's face, it had clearly been a phrase he never wanted to hear Griffin say, and the reaction was utterly comical to all five boys.

"Finney, you're such a drama queen," Billy said, reaching over and messing up Steve's hair, "Griffin didn't say anything that bad"

"Griff has the foulest mouth.. you guys have been teaching him, haven't you?" Steve asked moving his head off of Robin's chest to sit up.

All the boys had to hold back laughter at that statement, fighting to contain it as they shot looks between one another, their silent communication indicating that all five of them had in fact been teaching Griffin as many curse words as they could.

"What's the worst one?" Steve asked reluctantly earning a surge of laughter through the bedroom at that question as they looked back at Steve, their eyes lighting up mischievously.

They were all silently communicating on which of the curse words would be the best one to tell him.

"That depends" Robin began with a smirk, reaching over to run his fingers affectionately through Steve's hair. "What makes a curse word bad, Finney?" Billy asked teasingly, shooting the others a knowing look as they all started to grin wider at Steve, knowing exactly what curse word they were going to say.

"Hearing it from Griffin automatically makes it bad" Steve stated crossing his arms over his chest making each of them either laugh or scoff by that response.

"Well then Finn, the worst one.." Griffin said with a huge grin. "..would definitely be.." Bruce added in mock suspense, drawing out the pause for effect, all five boys watching Steve with fond smiles as they prepared to give him the answer.

"..it would have to be.." Billy said in the same drawling, suspenseful tone as his lover, each boy watching as their statement drew to a suspenseful close.

"..definitely.." Vance said in the same suspenseful, ominous drawl as the other boys, each of them having a ball watching Steve's anticipating expression as they built up to the moment.

"..it's definitely..." Robin said in the same drawling tone, all five boys watching Steve intently, each of them taking their turns as they slowly built to the reveal of the curse word, each of them shooting each other excited grins as they saw the look of expectation on Steve's face, all five boys having a ball knowing that they were winding Steve up so easily.

"Oh my god just say it" Steve stated in annoyance as the boys immediately burst into a chorus of laughter at Steve's exasperated response, their laughter increasing even more at the way he had just snapped at them in his sleepy and annoyed state.

"Okay, okay, we'll tell you the curse word Finney Blake", Vance said with a small chuckle, "it's..". An amused smirk spread across all five boy's faces as they all simultaneously said the curse word, saying it in a mockingly sinister and dramatic way.. "Cunt"

"Oh my god.. Griffin!" Steves eyes widen a bit as he looked over at him making them all immediately burst into laughter again, all snickering and giggling as Steve just stared at Griffin with an appalled expression, his jaw dropping in horror as he realized what curse word had been the 'worst' of all of them.

Each of the boys clutched their stomachs and gasped for breath between their giggling as they watched Steve's horrified expression, each of them finding it absolutely hilarious how Steve was so appalled to hear Griffin saying the curse word.

"You're lucky you're a ghost otherwise I would of grounded you" Steve stated playfully as he gently and slowly wrapped his arms around Griffins shoulders to hug him without startling him.

Once they'd recovered enough to properly speak through their laughter, Vance spoke up first, teasingly, "Jesus, Finney Blake, I never knew you were such a fucking dad"

"I'm not, just concerned about what you're all teaching him" Steve stated before rolling his eyes at them all.

Once they'd recovered enough to speak without giggling through their words, Robin spoke up, adding his own teasing words, "oh so you're just playing the dad role are you? Finn the overly-concerned parent"

"Don't start Rob, I will take your bandanas away, don't forget that" Steve threatened making them all burst into laughter at that as Billy replied, "just concerned about the well being of your adorable baby Griffin.. that's totally a 'just friends' thing, Buddy"

"You're all annoying" Steve states in a matter of fact making them all look at him fondly and adoring as they watched him pretend to be annoyed as an excuse to call them annoying so he didn't have to admit he cared.

"You love us" Griffin said with a knowing grin, reaching over to ruffle Steve's hair fondly, "you may think we're annoying, but you love us anyway"

"Yeah, I do" Steve stated simply with a smile making the boys all feel a pang of faint joy through their chests as they heard that confirmation from him, all of them loving him to bits and thrilled to hear he really did love them.

"Finn, you're so cute..." Robin said with a smile as he leaned forward to pull him into a hug again, "did you really just admit you love us?"

"I'm gonna take it back if you keep being heathens" Steve said and smirked as he got out of the bed and threw on some jeans and his favorite green jumper as a burst of laughs filled the room behind him.

"Aw, you look so cute in that green jumper, Finn" Robin said playfully as he reached over and gently grabbed Steve's wrists, pulling him closer to him, "that's my favorite piece of clothing you own now"

"Thanks, Rob" Steve said with a smile and small blush. "Oh, Finn, you're such a cutie" Bruce said affectionately, reaching over to ruffle Steve's hair affectionately as s Steve muttered out a few teasing words,

"Stop trying to hit on me dude, that's what you have Vance for"

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now