[ 043 ] - Reaching Perfection.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -

Note: this book is back to being number one in the griffinstagg hashtag again and is number seven in the finneyblake hashtag, thanks for the support on this book <3

This book and Pretty Nightmares are now both on a03 (for if that's your preferred reading place)


Robin couldn't stop a fond look from spreading over his face as he heard such a sweet word of affection in Steve's tone, immediately feeling his heart flutter as he replied with a smile, "well, cariño, it might not seem like it all the time, but I do only have your best intentions in mind"

"So they'd have to be good enough for you for me to date them?" Steve asks in a small amount of confusion making Robin chuckle. "You hit the nail on the head there, cariño" Robin spoke affectionately before adding, "if I think any boy trying to take you from me isn't worthy of being with you, then I'd immediately start planning how to get rid of them. They'd have to be truly exceptional to get my approval in dating you..."

"You're a very possessive ghost" Steve states with a joking glare towards Robin making him immediately chuckle, giving Steve a fond smile and softly ruffling the other boy's hair just to mess it up, "that's a very accurate assessment, isn't it? It seems like I'm rather possessive of you, Finn"

"Well, then, I appreciate the possessiveness I guess" Steve spoke quietly with a small shrug and Robin couldn't help how his heart fluttered in his chest at hearing the appreciation, "well, cariño, you better appreciate it because I'm not going to stop"

"I doubt you would if I asked" Steve huffed out in fake annoyance making Robin scoff playfully at Steve's words, instantly agreeing, "you're absolutely right. There's nothing you could say that could stop me.. you're all mine, Finn"

"Yeah, yeah" Steve chuckles out before rolling his eyes making Robin smile affectionately at Steve's slight dismissal of his words, gently ruffling the boy's hair and saying softly and teasingly, "you'll just have to accept the fact that you belong to me forever, Finn"

"I'm not a toy, little bird" Steve states making Robin roll his eyes, "You're not a toy, but you do belong to me," Robin spoke affectionately but firmly, "you're just going to have to get used to me fawning over you for the rest of eternity"

"That..I can do" Steve spoke unsure of himself but shrugged it off. Robin's expression became loving as he grinned affectionately, "that's wonderful. But are you sure you can handle my constant affection? Not many people can"

"It's fine with me, and it would be fine in another life too" Steve stated with a small sigh as the statement made Robin smile happily, "trust me, Finn, if you're in the afterlife, you'll never escape from my affection. And I'm sure as hell not going to let you go once you're there"

"If only little ghosts like you aged" Steve teased lightly making Robin immediately give him a small glare as he responded with a teasing tone, "oh, cariño, if I had a physical form, I'm sure I'd just age with you. But the beauty of being a ghost is that I never lose my good looks."

"You keep telling yourself that" Steve scoffs with a small smirk and despite the teasing nature of the words, Robin couldn't help but smile as he heard them, responding affectionately and with a warm smile, "what's wrong with me believing the truth, Finn? Are you saying that my ghost form is not drop dead gorgeous?"

"Nope, you're super ugly Rob, sorry to break it to ya" Steve says with a serious face as he tries hard to not burst out laughing.

Robin immediately pretended to look offended upon hearing that, shooting Steve a glare, "not true at all. As your number one admirer, I can say with full confidence that my ghost form is a work of art. Super ugly? Never."

"Almost perfect" Steve says with a smirk tugging at his lips. Hearing those words from Steve made Robin's heart flutter affectionately in his chest again, the ghost boy giving a loving smile as he replied, "well if I'm almost perfect then I'll have to spend the rest of my afterlife figuring out how to achieve full perfection, won't I?"

"You're just missing one thing" Steve states in a serious tone making Robin immediately looked intrigued, his eyes gleaming with curiosity and a hint of hopefulness as he said with a soft smile, "oh? What exactly am I missing that will make me reach full perfection, Querido?"

"Just a little something and then we can all head to the arcade" Steve says seriously and then smiles at him innocently causing Robin to immediately make his expression excited and slightly giddy, "all right then, if you're saying we can go to the arcade, then all I ask is that you tell me what that one thing is, Finn. Is it a kiss? I'm sure that'll be all it takes to make me reach perfection"

"You wish" Steve scoffs before rolling his eyes. Hearing Steve deny giving him a kiss made Robin groan in mild annoyance, giving the other boy a small pout, "aw, what!? You're not going to give me what I want, Finn? You know I'm too damn pretty to not have my wishes granted"

Steve rolled his eyes and went out to his car as Griffin, Bruce, Vance, Billy and Robin all followed him.

Robin couldn't stop a small laugh from escaping his lips as he watched Steve rolling his eyes, immediately taking the opportunity to tease Steve as he said affectionately and affectionately, "you're such a brat, Finn. But you know I love you for that"

"Mhm, I love you too Rob.. that's why I got you this"

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now