[ 010 ] - Oh, Hermano.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -
Uh, none? Possibly internalized homophobia..

Note:: I read a book about Vance as Hopper's nephew (like how I'm technically writing him here) but he survived and I really wanna write something like that now because of his, Hopper's and El's dynamics 😩


At the question, a small look of confusion took over Steve's features before he asked in a slightly confused tone, "what do you mean, V? Close, like, as friends?"

Again, Vance just huffed and shook his head in slight annoyance before he said quickly, "yeah.. sure, Finney Blake, let's go with that" which only made Steve more confused as a small frown took over his face, "why are you asking this, V? What's going on with you? And why are you so fidgety?"

It seemed like Vance wasn't planning for Steve to question him so much, but he didn't really have any other options but to answer the guy's questions, reluctantly.

So Vance huffed and spoke in slight irritation and embarrassment, "because I saw you two together and you looked very friendly, so I just thought, I'd fucking ask, okay.." causing Steve to widen his eyes in surprise by the comment, but he didn't say anything, just kept looking at Vance with a look of confusion while wondering why this mattered to him so much

"..are you.. are you really asking if I'm like.. if I'm gay ..right now?" Steve asked with wide eyes before Vance yelled in slight embarrassment and anger "no, that's not what I was asking! Why would I care if you were gay?" making Steve roll his eyes before he said in a sarcastic and teasing tone "then why do you care if me and Robin are close, hm? Jealous, Pinball?"

Vance flushed red again before he quickly said in a slightly embarrassed tone, "stop saying that you fucking dumbass, I'm just asking!!" but, Steve couldn't help to laugh at Vance's flustered state, it looked out of place to him making Steve smile.

"but to answer your question V.. I'm Uh, I guess I am? Like.. I'm whatever it's called when you like both girls and boys" Steve admitted,

he'd never admitted it to anyone before..

The boys all just blinked and stared quietly, processing what Steve just admitted.

He was bisexual.

They all started chuckling in a kind of amused way before Griffin grinned and said in an amused tone, "that's called 'bisexual', Finney"

"Like a bicycle?" Steve asked with a frown making all burst out into laughter as Billy said in his usual cold and calm manner, "yes, Finney, a fucking bicycle" causing Steve to roll his eyes before he said in a slightly sarcastic tone, "I was joking, assholes"

"But is that why you're asking, V? You think that's you?" Steve asked somewhat softly, he knew it was something had to talk about, especially with the person asking was prone to violence, but it was working out calmly so Steve smiled.

The words made Vance go tense as his breath hitched slightly..

Did Finney somehow know?

Was he just being so obvious?

Vance didn't answer for a few moments, he just sat quietly, debating silently on what exactly to say as The other boys realised something was up as they all started to watch Vance in a curious manner.

"Personally.. I think this is the gayest group I've ever been apart of" Steve stated with a smirk, knowing it would settle at least some of Vance's nerves down.

Vance blushed brighter red before he muttered in a quiet voice, trying to fight off the embarrassment of actually being called gay, "s-shut up, Finney Blake" making the other boys all chuckle quietly before Griffin spoke in his natural amused tone, "Finney's right tho, it's quite ironic how we're all either all gay or bi in some way or another"

"We need to recruit some like.. gay girls? Then we'd have a complete group" Steve joked adding onto Griffin's words as they tried to help Vance out with proving it was okay with them.

Vance just muttered in a low grumble "I hate you all" making Steve sigh quietly, "What I mean is, if you are, you're safe with us", Steve remold Vance with a smile but Vance stayed silent, a conflicted look in his eye.

On one hand, he didn't want to come out to anyone, especially not Finney..

But, on the other hand, Finney's words sounded so caring and genuine, like he actually meant it.

But could he really trust that he actually meant it?

That he wasn't toying with him?

"You're like a brother to me, Pinball"

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