[ 034 ] - Sunglasses And Bandanas.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -
Slightly implied child death, mild mention of the grabber, Paperboy starts his hate on Nancy.. and I think that's it..


The way Robin was embracing Steve with so much affection, embracing him in his arms and burying his face into his shoulder, declaring that he was his favorite everything.

The other boys had never seen Robin act like this with anyone, ever.

Griffin noticed Steve was actually being affectionate as well, he hadn't even slightly tensed up at Robin's embrace, he hadn't protested or tried to push him away, instead, he actually seemed to be somewhat leaning into it.

The realization sent a wave of shock and amazement over each of the boys, that Steve actually felt safe in Robin's embrace.

"Look at them, Finney and Robin would of had to have something four years ago, right? ..it just sucks they can't like, do anything about it now since it's too late" Billy said quietly, trying to figure out the whole backstory in amusement.

Both Griffin and Bruce nodded, each of them shooting Steve and Robin a sympathetic look, it did seem that way, it seemed like something had at least began to develop between the two boys before it was too late..Though the thought also made Vance's heart ache, making him feel a pang of guilt in his chest as he suddenly spoke up quietly, "it's sad.. But that bastard took that from them.. he fucking took everything"

That realization seemed to hit all four of the boys equally hard, each of them suddenly feeling a sharp jolt of pain in their chest as they remembered everything the Grabber took from them, everything the boys all lost, it was heartbreaking to remember..

"I'm just happy Finney can live his life, but he definitely needs our help, especially since that bastard made it so we're stuck here with Finn now too" Billy says quietly in hatred.

That made the three other boys all look at Billy in surprise. That was a much more mature answer than they were expecting from Billy, each of them shot him an equally surprised look, before Bruce spoke up in a voice laced through with determination, "don't worry, Paperboy.. we're always gonna watch over Finney"

"And we can fucking mess with the fuckers that fuck with our Finney.. starting with his girlfriend Nancy" Billy smiled widely as if he had already planned something out for her making the other three boys immediately laugh at that, their eyes lighting up with an amused spark at the idea.

Messing with Nancy?

They definitely all liked the sound of that..

"Oh god, there's so many funny things we could do to mess with her" Griffin said with an amused spark in his eyes, Billy and Bruce chiming in on the conversation as well, all three of them exchanging ideas and suggestions as they plotted and planned ideas as Vance watched them in pure amusement.

The ideas quickly got more and more ridiculous, with one of the most prominent ideas being to haunt her house and freak her out making all four boys chuckle, immediately loving the idea and how much fear it could fill Nancy with.

"What are you dumbass' laughing about?" Steve asked moving a tiny bit away from Robin to be able to look at the rest of them causing them all to immediately break down into a fit of laughter at that question, Bruce managing to choke out a response through his laughter, saying through his chuckles, "nothing Finn, we're just scheming"

"They're idiots" Steve muttered to Robin who grinned at that, giving Steve a teasing look before snickering faintly, saying as he shot a teasing smirk towards the other four boys, "well they're our idiots.. but you're the biggest doofus of the bunch though Finn"

"Hey, you take that back" Steve argued lightly with a chuckle making Robin laugh, shooting Steve an amused smirk before saying teasingly, "no way Finn, I'm gonna call you a doofus as much as I please.. after all, you're my doofus.."

"Yeah yeah, pequeña mierda" Steve said as he rolled his eyes and nudged Robin slightly making Robin burst into laughter all over again, the boy leaning against Steve for support as he laughed, "hey! You take that back too, doofus.. that's not very nice.. I'm your pequeno mierda, puta"

"Sure, you're my pequeña mierda, pequeña ave" Steve states with a smug smile as Robin leaned on Steve even more, saying in a somewhat breathless voice from all of the laughter, "Finn, I really am your pequeña mierda... I'm your little bird, always have been.."

"Just be glad I know like a couple words of Spanish for you" Steve spoke teasingly, Spanish wasn't exactly Steve's forte but he was trying, for Robin.

"I am, You speaking Spanish melts my cold heart, Finn... I don't know why, but, you're so cute when you mess up the words..." Robin teases making Steve roll his eyes, "I do not mess up the words"

"Yes you do, cariño, you absolutely do" Robin responded with a laugh, giving Steve an amused look before adding on teasingly, "you mess up like, half the words.."

"Cariño?" Steve asked with a slight frown making Robin nod, shooting Steve a fond look before saying in a happy voice, "I've been calling you cariño, Finn... it means sweetheart, like my favorite person.. because you absolutely ten-thousand times are my favorite person, Finn"

"You called me if four years ago" Steve stated at the memory that came into his mind making a fond smile appear across Robin's face at that, his eyes lighting up happily as he said, "yeah, I did. I couldn't help it, Finn, you were too damn cute"

"And now I'm an asshole" Steve stated simply as he ran a hand through his hair making Robin let out a small chuckle at that, reaching out and stealing Steve's sunglasses that were on the table and putting them on himself, "you're not a total ass, Finn, you're much more than just an ass.. you're actually quite lovely when you want to be"

"You're the only one I let steal my sunglasses, willingly, not even the other ghosts are allowed" Steve teased lightly as Robin suddenly ruffled Steve's hair again before saying affectionately, "that's almost too damn cute, Finn"

"Yeah, well, I wear your bandana on my wrist so it's fair, I guess"

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now