[ 019 ] - Game Over.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter -
Implied child death, implied murder..


A look of betrayal appeared on Robin's face as he looked at Steve, eyes widening before he turned his head to look at Vance, his gaze narrowing as he yelled out slightly frantically, "hey, I didn't call you here- I didn't say anything about your beloved pinball!"

Vance scoffed in offense as he stepped closer, an intimidating aura filling the room as he spoke with a mischievous glint in his eye "hey, don't speak about Pinball like it's a bad thing, Arellano."

Then Vance turned to Steve and said, a teasing edge to his tone though a hint of mock threat laced his words "so, Finney Blake, you want to talk Pinball with me?"

"Depends, did you tell Bruce yet?" Steve asked with a hint of amusement making Vance let out a sigh and groaned slightly, eyes narrowing and an annoyed look on his face as he muttered, ".. no, I haven't told Bruce yet.. he'll find it stupid, I know he will. Why did you have to bring that up?"

"I meant the other thing, V. Not Pinball" Steve corrected himself and it took a few seconds for the words to click but eventually they did.

Suddenly a smile appeared on Vance's face when a chuckle escaped him as he leant against the doorframe slightly, "oh, that. Yes, I did tell him, Finney Blake. Why? Jealous we're closer than you two now?"

"Did he like you back? That why you're in a good mood, huh?" Steve said, slightly in a teasing tone making blush appear on Vance and a slightly bigger smile formed, he hadn't expected him to ask that but, he couldn't lie, he was happy he did.

Vance spoke happily in a sort of shy tone in his voice, avoiding direct eye contact with Steve, "yes, Finney Blake... he said he liked me back.. we're together now."

"Good, you're cute together you know" Steve stated like it was a well known fact which made Vance's cheeks turn a deeper shade of red as he scoffed, trying to ignore the fluttering feeling in his chest.

He had to keep up the 'tough guy' image, he couldn't look like a blushing mess in front of Finney freaking Blake.

A slightly mocking look appeared on Vance's face as he spoke with a sarcastic tone, "yeah? I'm sure you're only saying that, Shithead."

"I mean it, V" Steve spoke sincerely making Vance's demeanor soften slightly, it was like Steve was being sincere with his words and that was a rare occurrence with him ever since he'd become 'Steve'..

Vance smiled slightly in response before speaking with a slight teasing edge to his voice, "thanks, Finney Blake. But don't think I'll be nicer to you just cus I'm happy with Bruce now"

"Wouldn't dream of it, Pinball" Steve teased back as a scoff of offense left Vance, "oh come on, is that gonna be a thing now? You're gonna start nicknaming me that, again?"

"Always" Steve stated simply causing another scoff to leave Vance, he knew Finney wasn't gonna forget about his beloved pinball now..

he just knew it.

He rolled his eyes slightly before muttering teasingly under his breath, "freakin Finney Blake.."

"That's my name" Steve said and then laughed quietly. Another scoff escaped Vance as he spoke teasingly, sarcasm filling his voice, "no, really?.. that's your name?"

"It's better than Vance Hopper" Steve teased lightly making Vance's face scrunch up in disgust, a light look of offense on his face before he scoffed, a slightly threatening edge to his voice as he spoke, "take that back. My name is awesome."

"The awesomest, Buddy" Steve stated like it was a fact in attempt to make the blonde happier again but it only made more scoffs of offense leave Vance as he spoke defensively, "hey, I don't need your validation, Steve Harrington. My name is awesome. It's great. I don't need your approval to know how cool the name Vance is"

"Oh, so I'm Steve to you now huh?" Steve asked after noticing the small but annoyed slip up Vance had made.

Vance's eyes widened before a small blush appeared on his features as he spoke snarky, "oh I'm sorry, do you want me to go back to calling you by that ridiculous nickname Bruce picked out for you? I mean Little Killer sounds much dumber than Steve.. but if you want me to use it, that's totally fine by me"

"Just ho back to sticking with Finney Blake" Steve says already knowing Vance would go back to what he always called him making Vance scoff lightly as he rolled his eyes slightly though the blush stayed on his features.

Damn Finney Blake and his ability to render him into a stuttering mess- he needed to get revenge somehow, so he said with a teasing and mocking tone, "whatever you say.. Finney Blake"

Steve smiled, the last time Vance said his name with snark was the blondes voice through the disconnected phone back in the hell basement..

it was such a bittersweet feeling but it felt like normal,

Their normal.

A teasing smirk appeared on Vance's features at that, seeing Steve smile made him feel a bit more at ease though he masked it expertly with a scoff and continued in the same tone he used earlier, "what? You like it when I say your name, Finney Blake?"

"Something like that, I'm just not terrified of you now though" Steve smiled before running his hand through his hair and then looking at where Vance stood in the doorway.

Vance scoffed lightly again before an amused look appeared on his features, a teasing tone in his voice as he said, leaning more against the doorframe now, "say that again when I'm pinning you against a wall."

"You really wanna try that? I killed The Grabber, so you might want to reconsider",

Steve said it before even realizing,
all five ghosts stared at him making Steve look down and gulp as the reminder that they got killed by that man and only Finney got out had settled into Steve's mind again.

A look of annoyance appeared on Vance's face because Finney Blake had such a way to ruin a perfectly good moment.

Vance rolled his eyes slightly as he spoke, his tone sarcastic, "great job, Finney Blake. Thanks for killing the mood and reminding is all about how we died. Great fucking move, there. Awesome."

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐂, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘵𝘰𝘯ᴬᵁWhere stories live. Discover now