The Arranged Marriage: Inosuke x reader part 4

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You woke up with a hangover, but you left early and went to the river that was close to your house out some spare clothes for your sister and killed some animals. You drained some blood in a bucket, then put it in a tree. You headed back to the butterfly mansion as fast as you could with the animals you killed and started cooking them up.

"Y/n?!" Inosuke yelled as you looked at him with the same dull look you always did.

"What?" You asked.

"New blood is in. Want to show them what a real Hashira looks like. You can beat people senseless," he said as you were eating.

"Not interested," you said.

"How about if I beat you in a workout challenge and I get to weld your sword for as long as I want," he chuckled, making you sigh.

"Again with my sword, I am not giving you my sword," you said.

"Chicken?! Are you afraid of losing to the great Inosuke?! Why do you look awful?" He asked as you sighed.

"I got drunk last night," you said.

"We could have had a drinking contest!!!" He yelled as you looked at him, annoyed.

"Like you could hold your liquor. You are already annoying enough that you don't need alcohol," you said.

"How about this, I win. We have a drinking challenge. You win.. I'll let you do whatever you want to me," he said, making you raise an eyebrow.

"Anything?" You asked.

"Anything you want," he smirked.

"Even bury, you up to your neck in dirt and leave you there all night?" You asked.

"Yes," he said as you smiled.

"Fine, I will. Let me get ready," you said as he smiled.

He left your room and hoped he was going to be able to confess to you. He hoped that if he did, then you wouldn't leave. He had a plan to ask you out at the end of the day privately so you could say yes or no. He wanted you to be comfortable around him and he just wanted you to feel safe but at the same time, he didn't know if he could control himself around you because he already kissed you and you did things to him without even knowing about it.

"Race you!" Inosuke yelled outside your room, making you smile.

He took off running, and after you put your top on, you went after him and still beat him there. There were newbies there making you smile as some of the guys were big but struggling hard to keep up with Tengen's training.

"Okay, guys, this is Y/n the light Hashira, and this is Inosuke the... beast Hashira?" He said more like a question Inosuke was trying to trip you, but you were dodging him and then kicked him to a tree that was twenty feet away. The tree fell, and Inosuke came back while everyone looked at you shocked.

"I'll still beat you in training!" He growled.

"Oh yeah, you better. You talk big for someone who has never beat me in a real fight," you said.

"I will," he smiled.

You two grabbed the biggest guys to carry on your backs and took off running the course Tengen made with his wives, making everyone shocked. Once again, you could keep up with a man. Then you did some other exercises, making you both sweat, but you two added more than you both added to more or less to show off. You two found two perfect trees and went back to back. You two hacked arms and started running up the trees, making Tengen look at both of you like you were crazy. You made this one up as a trust exercise since Inosuke didn't trust you, and he wanted to prove how much better he was than you. But little did he know if you were faster than he was and better than him in most ways. He since then decided to train with you when you were around. You both went up the tree, making Inosuke laugh as the tree gap was getting bigger, so you both let go and started running up the tree until you both reached the top.

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