Patches: Tenya Iida × Reader Part 4

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You had two bullets stuck in you, but you still helped repair the classroom and took care of your injured friends. Hawks tried to get you to the hospital, but some students were worse off than you, and you had to make sure they went to Medical Girl first. No one died, but some injuries weren't fatal, thankfully. If you weren't sitting far away from the windows, you wouldn't have been able to protect the class the way you did. Hawks and Endeavor took all the gunmen and were going to integrate them themselves, but they were so scared of you that they spilled the beans faster than shot up the school.

"Okay, Ochako, you should go to the nurse now; I got you patched up the best I could," you said as she nodded.

"Thanks, Y/n, oh my God, you got shot!" She said as you smiled.

"I had worse. The bullets aren't quirk-stopping bullets, thankfully, so I'll be fine until I look you all over," you said as blood was running down your arm.

"Where is Tenya?" She asked.

"Principles office. To be honest, Tenya might lose his hero license," you said as she looked at you, shocked.

"What, why?" She asked.

"Well, he left you all in here and didn't bother to get you to safety before helping me, and second of all, since he wasn't wearing his suit, and since he's not bulletproof, he just went out there, and he's the reason I got shot twice. He almost got you all killed, and that's all the reason he needs to lose it. I had nothing against him, but since I'm already a hero at such a young age, he just wanted to show he was better than me, I guess," you said as she looked at you, shocked.

"Hey Mezou, good job sealing the door with the rubble," you said as Mezou nodded and went over to him and checked his wounds.

"Not bad, but nurse time. Take Ochako with you,"  you said.

"Okay, what about you?" He asked.

"I got stuff to do. You guys are now my priorities, not me," you said.

"Here, just go. I'll finish cleaning up," Hawks said.

"Thanks, Hawks; really, I wouldn't know what to do without you," you said.

"I'll call some heroes here to help; just take care of you," he said as you nodded.

Tanya's license was suspended for two months due to his lack of care, and he didn't know how much his anger toward you affected him. His family was made known for his actions, and it hurt him worse than having some of his classmates giving him a dirty look for leaving them like that and nearly getting you killed. You sat next to Aizawa once the bullets were out, and he looked at you as you sighed, annoyed that you got shot.

"Is everyone okay?" He asked as you nodded.

"Yeah, some of the students helped out. I'm going to make them some quilts to help me out. Shoto, Hina, Kirishima, and Bakugo did well. Tenya put his whole class at risk, and he lost his license for two months. I'm going to have to visit my brother looking like this, and he's going to worry," you said as Aizawa looked over at you.

"Tenya lost his license?" He asked.

"Yeah. It had to be done; he's going to blame me for it, but I don't care. If he had done what I said, none of his classmates would have had to fight while they were injured. I know it happens, but I had it under control," you said as Medical Girl came by with a container with your bullets.

"Here you go," she said as you smiled.

"Sweet! Thanks! Two more to add to my collection," you smiled.

"I'll never understand your collection of bullets," he said.

"And I'll never understand your obsession with apple sauce, but you know I still give it to you," you said.

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