Oh Death Kirishima × Reader part 9.

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You stayed with Kirishima the rest of the night even though you tossed and turned all night. You were a wreck even in the morning when Kirishima took you out for breakfast so you could relax. But you couldn't relax at all. The air smelled strange, making you look over your shoulder a lot.

"Still worried about last night?" Kirishima asked as you looked outside, avoiding your breakfast.

"Yeah, it felt so real. What if it's a sign or something? Normally, I have nightmares, but that wasn't just a relapse from my past or any of you four. It was different," you said as Kirishima held your hands in his.

"If it's a sign, we will deal with it, okay. I know your biological father scares you, but you are not weak anymore, and you aren't alone. You have all of us. He will have to get through us before the world burns," he said.

"That's the problem he did. I can cut through your quirk like butter. What if he can, too, or worse? What if I don't have a quirk, but I'm a sign of death... maybe the end of the world or," you paused as Kirishima smiled softly at you.

"Then I will be happy because I got to spend time with the angel I fell in love with. I'm so glad to be with you, and if, and that's big if you mean the end of the world, well, I guess I fell in love with the cause of it. It doesn't matter to me; you matter to me. The time we share and the memories are what I care about. The good, the bad, the blah, they matter to me. This matters," he said as you smiled but noticed the plants outside were dying.

"Kirishima, you need to leave," you said as you grabbed him and pulled him away from the window.

"It's okay that you killed the plants," he said, looking outside.

"When have I ever killed plants?" You asked as he looked at you and then at the ground.

"How far are we from the graveyard?" You asked.

"Y/n, it's probably ne;w; don't worry about it," you said as you called Aiza,wa, but your phone was dead.

Kirishima got out his phone and saw the battery was depleting quickly before it died in his hand. He looked at you, and some people around you were confused about why their phones were dying.

"I can only do this in my Reaper form," you said as he nodded.

"I'm going to pull the fire alarm," he said as he went to the fire alarm near the bathrooms and set it off.

Everyone headed outside, and you were met with most of your friends were outside and the top heroes who were saved into your phone.

"We got your message and came here as fast as possible," Izuku said.

"What message?" You asked.

"Sos life or death then this place," he said as your chest started hurting.

"We didn't send that message; our phones died," Kirishima said as you saw blood dripping down your shirt. Your hair stood up on your arms and the back of your neck, making you freeze.

"Get down!" You screamed as everyone got down as a massive Scythe came out of nowhere and nearly took people's heads off. You tried to stop the blade, but it cut through your chains like butter. Bj tried to stop fighting back, but he ended up with a cut-throat and a hole in his shoulder from a Scythe that wasn't yours. He fell to the ground, and you went to him to try to stop the bleeding. Chains wrapped around your neck and yanked you away, then threw you down the street.

"Whoa! It's good to be alive! So you must be her little friends. Nice to meet you all; I'm her father. Sadly, I don't approve of any of you, so I will cut your hearts out!" He smiled as Aizawa got up and tried to use his quirk on him, but your father wasn't all there.

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