The Heart In The Box: Rengoku × Reader part 4

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Rengoku had to stay in the butterfly mansion, so just in case you couldn't help him, you both were now sharing the same fate, and it was up to you to keep you both alive. Rengoku liked to meditate outside even on rainy days he went out there with you. He always sat you next to him before it started to rain and got you out of the box so you could feel the fresh breeze on your skin. When he started to feel some drops of rain on him, he would take out an umbrella and hold it over you while he continued to do what he was doing.

He brought you to the bathhouse and took you out as well. Even though you felt embarrassed, he would laugh it off because you couldn't see him or anyone else, but you could imagine. He washed your hair and tried his best to do what you were doing for him, but after a month, you were starting to starve, and he could feel it. Your body was growing weaker, and he decided to cut try to convince you to stop because now you were dying. In some moments, he could feel how weak you were, but then you would get some strength out of nowhere, and the red thread would be strong again. After two months, your body started showing signs of starvation, but you weren't giving up.

In the third month, cuts started to form, and you started bleeding for seemingly no reason. He also couldn't feel your feelings anymore and was hungry all the time, which was nothing new. The entire time your family sent you letters and Rengoku would read them to you. He would also write them back and ask for your input on what to tell your parents. They gave him recipes that you liked, and he made several and also caught the kitchen on fire twice, which made you happy but scared at the same time.

The first note Rengoku ever got warned him about how you almost died saving the bird and how you ate like you hadn't seen food in years. So Rengoku hunted a lot and smoked the meat to make jerky, so when you woke up, you had something to eat. He even made a room detached just for you and your food so no one would go in there by accident and get killed by you.

On month four, Rengoku left you with Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke due to your massive influx of power. He could feel you be weak and strong, and it was happening more frequently. You were losing control, and it was just a matter of time before you snapped out of your trance.

"Four months like this? How do you think she did it?" Tanjiro asked as he was watching the box.

"I don't know, but I don't want to see her once she can't control herself anymore," Zenitsu said.

"I say bring it on! I'll kill her first!" Inosuke yelled happily.

"We are supposed to keep her alive!" Tanjiro said as Inosuke pouted.

Your box started shaking, and a low demonic growl filled the room as well as a demon ora that was extremely strong.

"Someone isn't happy," Inosuke said as your box started shaking violently, and the red line disappeared.

The box exploded, and you started looking for sunlight to kill yourself until Tanjiro tackled you, which made you lose the last bit of humanity you had left. You screamed, letting everyone know you weren't messing around and you were starving. You tackled Zenitsu and tried to eat him, but Inosuke grabbed you and then body-slammed you into the ground.

"This isn't you, Y/n!" Tanjiro yelled as you grabbed him and tried to eat him while fighting off Inosuke and Zenitsu.

Finally, Rengoku came in and noticed the massive fight that had broken out. He waited a second before grabbing you and making you look at him.

"Hello, Y/n," he said as he head-butted you, making you scream in anger. You tried to go after him, but he punched you in the face and then hit you with the butt end of his sword.

You were so angry that you were going to go full force on him, and that was what he counted on. He ran down the hall, making you chase him on all fours like an animal, and then he ducked, making you jump over him. He closed the door, and you were surrounded by meat and a fresh kill that he had just put in there. You were eating everything in sight, and Rengoku made sure to make you more food. Every day for three days, everyone had to pitch in to watch you and hunt once all the food disappeared in the mansion.

It didn't matter if it was cooked or not. You were starving. You even ate the bones and even tackled people for their fresh kills. After your feeding frenzy was done, most of the demon slayers that came to the mansion for rest had to help go into town and bring in food for everyone since you ate it all. A large blood trail led from ten feet from the door to your room, which was caked in blood and bones.

It was dark, and Rengoku was bringing you your next meal when he didn't hear anything. He opened the door to see you passed out on the floor caked in blood. He put the animal down and tried picking you up, but when he heard your bones snap, he did so. He carefully picked you up like he pulled a baby almost and put your head on his shoulder while he carried you out of the blood-drenched room.

He carried you off, and some of them that were eating together, he saw and stopped to show you were done finally.

"Why is she covered in blood? Tokito asked.

"We have been hunting and feeding g her animals for the last three days. She has probably eaten better than we have," Tanjiro sighed with a smile.

"Oh, well, at least we don't have to kill her yet," Tokito said as he ate a rice ball.

"Where are you taking her? You better not bunk her with us," Genya said as his brother stood up and got out his sword.

"Hey! Put that down right now. She is just sleeping!" Mitsuri protested as he cut his hand and put his bloody hand up to your face.

You were dead asleep and did nothing but lightly snore, and blood dripped from your bloody hands.

"We will try again when she's awake. I don't trust her," he said coldly as he walked past her.

"She's staying in my room just in case she does turn. I did promise I would take responsibility for all of her actions," he said as he took you to his room.

He gave you his bed and didn't clean you off so you could sleep fully without being disturbed. After a week of straight sleeping, you shot up and noticed blood was all over you. The room was dark, and you weren't next to Rengoku, making you panic.

"Oh no... please no," you said as you felt weak, but you used your demon powers to smell him out. 

It was dark out, and Rengoku was with the other demon slayers talking away while you were smelling him out. You came across the door to the bathhouse. You thought the worst looking at the blood, so you broke down the door without even thinking about it.

To your horror, all the men, Rengoku, Genya, Sanemi, Inosuke, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Tokito, were in the bathhouse.

"Hi, Y/n want to join us? You are covered in animal blood," he pointed out with a smile.

"Animal blood?" You asked as Zenitsu quickly covered up.

"No, she can't be in here!" He panicked.

"Why she's covered in blood and she's already here might as well," he said as your legs gave out, and they snapped under your weight. Your body started to thin out rapidly now since your demon powers were depleted.

You were feeling weak and seeing stars as your body was losing its mass.

You tried to get out to protect them just in case you couldn't control your demon, but Rengoku had put a towel on and helped you up.

"Glad yo have you back, here let's get you something to eat and drink," he said as you looked at him oddly.

"I promised to take full responsibility for your actions, and this is a consequence of your actions. You didn't think I wouldn't help you after saving my life, did you?" He asked with a bright happy smile.

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