The Love Child: (Dad) Shota Aizawa × Reader × Eijiro Kirishima part 3

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Today, you were battling each other to see how strong you all were. You had to battle Minoru and it was easy because you let the whore version of you lose and boy that was a bad mistake. You had to fight your whore self and your dad was confused as your whore self started making out with all the boys she could making most of them run away.

"Come here, you sexy thing! Girls or guys, I'll fuck all of you!" She yelled as Shoto tried lighting her on fire but she dodged it.

"Come here you horny slut!" You yelled as she tackled Mashirao and tried to kiss him but he kicked her off.

"I like playing hard to get. Come on, Shoto, you want to be a bad boy. You can use fire on me if you like, I won't mind," she laughed as Shoto looked at her horrified.

You grabbed her by the hair and kept slamming her face into the ground.

"Your just mad because you want to fuck them but you kill everything you touch. No wonder you don't have a daddy! Poor little Y/n is so lonely and sad all the time. All she wants is her daddy. Too bad you will never have one! Your mom was a whore that decided to keep you because you were too far along to abort! You are just a monster that kills their pets for fun. He doesn't want a psycho daughter no one does, you know it's true. Im you just free from restrictions," she chuckled as she kicked you off.

You went after her and quickly kicked her ass then erased her. You didn't say anything as they looked at you shocked as you saw the words Manipulation written in her outline. You drew a fire and put it on her outline. You watched the outline burn, then you drew her again, and before she could do anything, your body slammed her into the fire, burning her up. You did this a couple of more times before the bell rang, and you put the fire out.

"You let your quirk get the better of you. If you don't control it, it's useless," he said.

"I can! The only reason she got out of control was because she had no one else to attack. She mentioned one or more appointments!" You growled.

"Then why bring her out?" He asked.

"To practice making her one on one!" You said.

"So you decide now to do that?" He asked.

"Better time as any," you said as you went back to class.

"Are you okay?" Kirishima asked.

"Yes! I just can't make her be used for a single person. It's frustrating!" You said.

"Also, she tried to kiss us," Kirishima said.

"Least of my problems right now," you said, annoyed.

"It's okay it just takes practice. No one can be good at everything," he said with a smile.

"Easy for you to say," you said.

"Come on, cheer up! There could be worse stuff. Also, why did you burn her like that?" He asked.

"None of your business now. Stop trying to be my friend!" You yelled at him, making the whole class that was still in the building freeze.

"Y/n, he's just trying to help you, calm down. Fitting out how to use our quirks differently is hard," Decku said as the literal word anger appeared on your face.

"I never asked for his help or anyone's help for that matter, so stop! I know my mother has been trying to get you to be friends with me still even though I told her to stop, so cut the crap! I can do things by myself, and I have done a lot of things by myself!" You growled as you left the area.

"Y/n, you should apologize. I know that version of you made you angry, but you can't let that stuff bother you, or you will make simple mistakes that will end up hurting people or worse yourself," Shota said as you sighed.

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