The Missing Link: Mirio × Soul Mate Male reader (A03 request #5) part 2

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You woke up slowly and saw lights hitting your eyes freaking you out. You thought you were in a lab, and you tried getting off the bed, but your legs didn't want to work. You nearly fell off the bed, but a scarf caught you.

"So you're the Alien, I thought you would be more green," Aizawa said as you screamed.

"Hey, Y/n, how are you feeling?" Miro asked as you continued to scream.

"Why are you screaming?! Is that how your people say hi?!" He asked as the scarf went back to him.

"You are annoying next time you scream, I'll punch you in the face," he said.

"It moved by itself!" You said.

"Yeah, it's a part of my quirk," he said.

"A what? Normal people can't just move stuff with their minds!!" You said.

"Your people don't have powers, do they?" He asked.

"What do you mean?! That's normal to you?!" You asked, panicking.

"Well, he's harmless. That's all I needed to know. If he does anything stupid, even Minoru can kill him," he said.

"My quirk is called Intangibility. I can go through solid objects, mostly Tangible material," he said as he fazed through the wall.

He fazed back in, and he was naked, making you look at him confused.

"What happened to your clothes?" You asked as he looked down.

"Oh, this happens all the time when I'm not wearing my suit," he said as he picked up his clothes.

"So superheros exsit?" You asked.

"Eighty percent of the human population has a quirk. Some are useless, and some are not. I can erase quirks, which is why I am here. You are just a useless alien," he said.

"I'm smart. I made a working wormhole. Does that count as a quirk?" You asked.

"No, I'm going to sleep. Before I do, he is going to be in your care. You found him, you take care of him. We need to find all the pieces of your ship. You aren't staying here, so make a list of what you need, then fix your ship," Aizawa said.

"I don't know if I can fix it," you say.

"You made a wormhole or whatever, so fix it," he said, glaring at you.

You sighed and tried to get up, but your body was still definitely not ready to get up.

"Hey, it's okay. Don't get yourself down. I got you a card and flowers. Just don't eat the flowers unless you want to get super sick," he said with a smile.

"Thanks.... man, I wish I wasn't so useless right now," you sighed as Mirio sat next to you.

"You aren't useless. You are still badly hurt, just a little time, and you will be good as new soon!" He said.

"I need to go to my ship and see how badly damaged it is," you explained.

"Sure thing! But first, your legs don't work, so you need to rest. I will make sure you get all better before you go anywhere!" He said.

"But I need to look at my ship now. The sooner, the better," you explained.

"Okay, then I will go get friends and put these flowers in a vase!" He said as he left.

A couple of minutes later, Tamaki came into your room awkwardly. It took him several minutes to even enter your room, and then he just faced the wall, making you very confused.

"Hi, I... I don't know if you remember me, but I'm Tamaki," he said softly.

"Hi Tamaki, does your friend have a how do I put this nicely? Um, a disability or is on some sort of medication because for being an alien, he seems to be way too happy to be my babysitter," you explained.

"He's always like that, and he believed in aliens for a long time and has kept telling everyone that they were going to visit one day. Can't believe he was right," he lied as you smiled.

Mirio asked everyone not to tell you about the marks just because he didn't want you to feel like you had to stay here for him. He was going to do everything in his power to win you over, but if he didn't, he was going to let you go. He wasn't going to force you to love him he was going to try his best to win you over.

"Huh, well, I'll make sure he gets a picture before I leave here so he can remember meeting me. I'm a very forgettable person," you explained.

"You ready to go?!" Miro yelled, scarring you off the bed since he fazed through the wall.

"You can't just scream like that!" Nejire chuckled as you lay on the floor in pain.

"Sorry! You are just so small and delicate!" He said as you looked at him oddly.

"I'm not little or delicate! I'm average for my height and build. I crashed my spacecraft, and honestly, if I went any faster, I would have died, so thank you for stopping it," you said as he smiled.

"Not a problem! I love getting almost killed by fast-moving fireballs! Let's go to your ship!" He said as you all went to the woods and went into a cave that had lights already set up and all your parts laying g out on tables and the ground.

"Oh my gosh," you said as you went into your ship and looked at everything. Sparks were still going off, and you sighed as you looked at the engine that was all but crushed and at the fuel system.

"Fucking damn it! I'm such an idiot! How did I make it this far in fucking life!" You growled as if you wanted to give up already.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Miro asked.

"It's going to take months to fix this... I will also have to build a wormhole. The longer I stay here, the more I could put my planet at risk, and yours. Worst of all, I could start a war between the worlds, and you guys would win. I wish I smoked, I wish I drank, I wish... I wish the ship crash killed me," you muttered as you sat down on the ground.

"Hey, don't say that. I want you here, I'm happy you're here. Sure, things aren't going right, but you got us. You have heroes who are willing to protect you and help you get home. Whatever you need, we will try to find a way to get it. We might get you out of here in a month instead of months. You are a child genius with our bronze and your brains. There is nothing we can't do!" He said happily.

"I might be a genius, but what good is it when you potentially just caused a war between two good worlds?" You asked.

"You haven't done that yet, and I believe you are a good person. Sure, I don't know, and you could backstab us but haven't shown us why we shouldn't trust you yet," he said.

"Thanks, but I think you are the only one here who will trust me as long as I'm here. I'm not from here, I don't have a quirk. Heck, I could be like Thaos and kill everything," you said.

"Who's Thanos?" He asked.

"Oh, um, he's a movie character," you said.

"Oh! I don't watch movies often. Let's just start slow and make a list of things you need," he said.

"Okay, I'm going to need metal, tools, the best telescope you have, and I don't know. I got to look, but probably a notebook, several whiteboards, and... things to write with," You said.

"Great start! See what happens when you just calm down and think. There's no reason to be all angry. It's okay to show emotions, but we should do it healthily, like punching villains in the face," he said.

"I thought you were going to say submerging yourself into your work," you said.

"You can do that too!" He said as you chuckled.

"I'm totally going to die here," you said weakly.

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