McDonald's Romance: Muichiro Tokito × reader part 1

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Bullying (mentioned) (also done by other characters)

Manipulative parents

Muichiro's twin has cancer

Smut in the last chapter.

You had a bad reputation in school, mostly because most of your friends were guys, and it was because they were a lot nicer than the girls were at your school. Most only cared about their looks and getting boyfriends while you were more interested in hard work and school work. You lived by yourself and had a job. You worked a lot during the summer to make sure you could survive off of twenty hours a week during the school year since you weren't allowed to work more than that due to your age and also being in school. The circumstances were complicated, and you never really explained why you weren't living with anyone, but it was better for you.

All your friends had a copy of the apartment you made. You had an open-door policy with your friends stating that if they needed to get away from their house for any reason, they could come over. No questions asked. Genya and Sanemi used to end up on the couch, often to the point they had a dresser drawer each in your apartment. Sanemi moved out of his house once he graduated and got his place and stopped coming over as much, but his brother almost ended up living with you because you were worried for his health and safety.

He would come over covered in bruises and blood, and before you even became friends with him, he bullied you. But then it all changed when you ended up cornered by a bunch of seniors, and they were trying to get you to strip until you weren't wearing anything. He lost his shit and fought every single one of them without worrying anoint getting suspended.

When the teachers finally came around, he screamed at them for not doing their jobs and got out of school suspension for a week. Everyone else got a slap on their wrists because they were from important families. Once he came back, you gave him a key to your apartment. He tried to give it back, but you refused since you said you two were friends now. Then, one day, he didn't show up for school, and he always texted you after that.

You called him, and his phone was disconnected. You went to his house and found out his father was abusive, and that's how he ended up with most of the bruises. He had been tied to a bed for who knows how long, so you called the police and broke into the house to get him free. If it wasn't for his brother, we'd you would have been shot by his drunk dad who thought Genya was an escaped prisoner.

Since then, you have been friends with him, and you watched his siblings from time to time if you weren't working yourself. You watched Tanjiro's brothers and sisters as well, but if you had work, Inosuke or Zenitsu would watch them while you worked. You had been friends with the other three for ages, and you were friends with some girls, just not many.

Muichiro Tokito was new to the school and was pushing his twin brother Yuichiro in a wheelchair threw the halls. When he came to the elevator, he sighed, seeing the elevator was broken and wasn't going to work for a week and a half.

"Crap, I really should have checked to see if the leash was wrapped around my leg before opening the door," Yuichiro said.

"At least the stairs have a bar. Here I'll carry your chair," Muichiro said.

"I can't believe our first class is on the second floor," Yuichiro muttered.

"Need some help?" You asked startling Muichiro.

"Ha! Muichiro, you are jumpy today," he said.

"What's going on?" Tanjiro asked as Genya came from the other side of you almost immediately.

"We got some new students, nothing to worry about," you chuckled as Genya looked at them with suspension.

"My name is Y/n, this is Tanjiro, this is Genya, Inosuke is the one who is probably eating two sandwiches at once close by. Zenitsu is talking to Nezuko and also probably helping freaking out because he forgot to study for the math test we have coming up.

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