The Missing Link: Mirio × Soul Mate Male reader (A03 request #5)

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Everyone had a soul mate except for Miro. Everyone had their marks, letting the others know their soul mate appeared. Every mark was unique and matched the person they were supposed to be with. Miro didn't have a mark appear on his hand, so he assumed his soul mate didn't exist yet or passed away. The sad truth was that marks disappeared if the other half died, so his not having one possibly meant that. He wasn't too sad about it, though, because then he could focus on being a hero. It's what he always wanted to do anyway. He might as well focus on that rather than focusing on what he didn't have.

"Ready Y/n?" A man asked as you were making sure everything was in place.

"Yeah, hopefully this time I'll make it," you said as you were checking the readings.

"You know it's okay if you don't," the man said.

"There are other planets out there with life. I have to make it if I do think about all the advancements we could get. I'm tired of being a child genius, I want to find people like me," you said as you made sure everything was finalized.

"This is a life or death mission!" The man said as you walked him to your office.

A man went to your ship and scoffed.

"Child genius! Fraud!" He muttered as he smiled.

He started messing with the ship you made. He wasn't going to let you make it out of the atmosphere alive. You were always telling him how to do his job when he was three times your age. You don't know anything! You graduated high school at the age of ten and always dreamed of space. You studied hard and made prototypes for years. You were smart and never let your overwhelming knowledge make you seem arrogant. You acted like a normal kid even though you were smart.

"We spent millions on this. This is the last chance before they shut us down if we don't make some progress. Richard, please, I think this is worth my life," you said as the older man sighed.

"I know you don't have much to lose, but you are like my son to me," he said.

"Thank you, you did teach me how to be a real kid instead of a genius," you smiled as you hugged him.

"Now let's go to another planet!" You smiled as he nodded.

You into your space suit, and have your one-man air shuttle to your wormhole device you had spent years making.

"Okay, so on three, we will launch you into the wormhole. We have it set for the meanest planet that fits the criteria for your plant, and hopefully, there is life on it that's intelligent. It's ten light years away, so no normal air shuttle will cut it if you want to come back. This is possibly a one-way trip. Are you sure you want to do this?" Richard asked.

"Yes, send me off!" You say happily as he sighed 

"By Y/n, it's been nice knowing you. 3.... 2... 1... Launch!" He said as he hit the big red button.

"Here I go again on my own! The only road I have ever known!" You sang even if those weren't the right words.

You wanted those to be the last ones he heard. Your little space shuttle started picking up speed, making you brace yourself by grabbing the belt, and the hole opened up wide.

"Hold on... Y/n, you are going too fast!" Richard screamed in terror as he was trying to shut it down.

"We can do it! I'll be fine!" You yelled as you jumped through the hole as soon as he found a way to shut it off.

"Oh shit," he said as they started watching the monitor. All they could see was the wormhole light and hearing you struggling to breathe through the speed at which you were going.

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