Blood and Semen demon Mezou Shoji × reader part 9

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You had been captured, but you had been acting like a wild animal; the blood bags were killing you. But your parents refused to give you fresh blood. You had been screaming for days, and you didn't have long left to live. You kept vomiting blood and thrashing around, trying to attack everything in sight. Aizawa made sure he didn't suger coat anything even though he blamed himself for how you were. Your friends wanted to visit you, but you were trying to kill them. It hurt them and wanted to give you fresh blood, but your parents refused due to their religion.

There was nothing anyone could do because your family claimed religion, so you were going to die; it was a matter of time. Mezou always visited you even if it was hard on him. He knew what you did for him and so many other people and if you didn't there would be so many more dead people out there.

Your parents came by but not to help you. They came here to make your baby brother say goodbye to you. Your friends got wind of your parents coming  so they all headed to your side ready to give as much blood as you needed to live.

"Scott say good bye to your sister. This is what happens when you sin," your father said as your brother looked at you sadly.

"But, doesn't God forgive people?" Scott asked.

"Your sister needs blood but because your parents hate her quirk they are willing to kill her because of it," Shoji said as your father scoffed.

"She doesn't need it she wants it because she's a demon!" Your father growled.

"Mommy please! I want my sister! You never let her play with me or let her touch me or my toys! I know she isn't normal but hod forgives people you said so!" He said.

"Not sick things like this!" Your mother said as Mezou had enough.

"I normally say everyone is entitled to there opinions but she is your daughter and she has done so many great things here. You made her a nervous wreck and surprised her hormones so she wouldn't kiss guys. It's normal for her age to be interested in guys. It doesn't matter if she turns into a guy sometimes or permanently changes into one she will always be your blood. You never supposed her dreams, cared about her or how she feels. You made her hate herself and her quirk which caused her such bad anxiety she was afraid of people touching her. I know she hadn't had any physical contact with her brother so that means you stopped hugging her at some point. She hid that she needed blood to live and now she is like this and you won't save her. You would rather have her dead then help her.

She is my friend and if I knew she gave me her blood to keep me alive I would have told her to let me die so she could have a better chance of living. I never touched did anything inappropriate with your daughter I know you belive she sleeps around but she doesn't. She has never been with a girl or a guy and hasn't kissed anyone here. You make her out to be a troubled kid in that way. If you don't give her blood I will give her all of mine," he said, determined to save you by any means necessary.

"You have no idea what she is capable of!" Your father yelled as he got in Mezou's face.

You heard the yelling and started getting angrier then you already were. You broke out of your restraints then broke through the window. You hit the wall but immediately got up got infront of Mezou.

"Do something! Kill her she's crazy!" Your mother yelled as your friends quickly went to your side.

You tried attacking your parents but Mezou held you back as you screamed and try to claw him to get free. Blood was all over your clothes and you were screaming like a wild animal. You tried to get away but then Mezou did the unthinkable and put his arm in your mouth.

The made you bite him and as soon as his blood hit your tongue you started drinking it up like your life depended on it. You biting him hurt a lot but what hurt him more was seeing you suffering  because you had stupid parents.

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