Blood And Seman Demon: Mezou Shoji ×

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Intense need for blood and / or seaman.

Smut last chapter

Accidentally nudity/ inappropriate jokes/ content throughout chapters.

Smut last chapter

Bullying is mentioned and will be done in this story. (Not by one shot leading character)

You were kicked out of your old school and had to transfer to U.A. high, not by choice. You were unique in every sense of the word. You needed one or two things to live, seaman or blood. You didn't like either, but you had to take some blood or seaman every day. You had to have about 8 oz of blood or seaman a day, depending on how much you used your quirk. You had a mini fridge stocked and filled with both. You took one of each a day, mainly to ensure you had enough energy to use your quick multiple times. Seaman was way better for you than blood, but it grossed you out. You got both from local banks. The seaman was usually about to expire, or it wasn't good to use, so you got that. It was harder to get than the blood was, so you usually had more blood than a seaman. You didn't want anything to do with guys at the moment, and explaining your quickness to every potential boyfriend made many people fear you, hate you, and disown you from school. You wanted a boyfriend, but no one would like a vampire that needed blood to survive or a seaman of all things.

You wore thigh-high socks cloves that covered your hands up to your shoulders and a covering for your neck that could cover your nose and mouth if you wanted. It's not like you didn't want to touch people, but you didn't like people touching you. You felt gross from drinking blood and seaman, and so you didn't want to gross people out. You were self-conscious about your looks, your quirk in general, your breath smelling like blood or seaman, so you always had mints and hygiene products on hand.

Today was your first day, and you were already ready to turn around and leave. You have already set up your room, and now it was to meet people. PEOPLE!!!!

You hated people, well, not all people, just some. You stood outside the cafeteria, not knowing what to do. You checked your notes, and it said to go into the cafeteria and eat, then go to your first class.

"But people are in there! I don't like new people; they scare me!" You ate as you looked at the other notes.

"Get it done?" You said more like a question.

"Get what done? Oh my god, are these out of order?" You asked as you tried to go through them, but they all fell.

"Damn it..." you said as you took a deep breath.

"Like we practiced. Hello, my name is Y/n Dicks... no Docks! Docks! God, I'm such a nightmare. Okay, I got this. My name is Y/n Docks, and I can shapeshift into anyone and match their voice to their clothing. I like bread. My hobbies are... things I do? Okay, no small talk, just your name and power. Wait, if they ask questions? Just ignore them or say I don't know, I guess?? Oh God," you said as you went in and signed.

So far, so good. No one has talked to or asked you a question yet, and you got your tray.

"Hey!" You heard a voice say, startling you, making you throw your tray behind you, and you shapeshifted into Mr. Principal.

They all looked at you, and you just stood there and then turned to see Kirishima covered in food.

"My god, you're a giant," you said, then realized your voice changed.

"Oh no...," you said as everyone looked at you.

You looked at him and felt everyone staring at you. You tried to say words, anything at this point, but you were just making hand gestures with no words. You managed to gather your words, but then saw the hottest guy you had ever seen walk in. He was wearing a mask and froze seeing you, and you lost everything you practiced.

"God, he's hot!" You thought.

"Hey, who the fuck are you!" Bakugo screamed, making you scream a d turn to Aizawa; you toppled forward because you grew too fast.

You took out Kirishima and immediately got up and put your hands out defensive

"Hi. Hi, I'm new. I'm... I'm just here. I like food. I'm just going to go. Why am I so tall? Wait, my boobs are gone!" You said as you looked at a reflective surface and screamed.

"God! Oh, it's me. It's me. Okay, I'm going to go now," you said awkwardly as you covered your face and tried to leave.

You tripped over some guy's tail and hit the ground, making you turn back to normal. You quickly pulled your mask up and tried to avoid touching anyone else. Mezou wanted to help you, but you promptly dodged his attempt to help you and crawled under a table and hit your head as you tried to get up. You quickly got out of the room, leaving everyone very confused.

"Man! Why can't I be normal?!" You yelled as you slipped on one of your index cards.

"What the hell was that?" Bakugo asked as you picked up your index cards and disappeared.

"You embarrassed yourself in front of the hot guy! At least you didn't say he was hot to his face like I did to my ex. Okay so I am a failure so what's next. These cards are so out of order! Who made these and didn't put numbers on them? Oh right me. Uhhh," you said as you tried to organize your cards.

"Hey," you heard someone say startling you and making you drop all your cards.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you,' he said as you stated to grab your cards up again.

"It's okay I.. I just get startled easily. I'm new. That's not my name I'm new here to this school. My name is Y/n di- Docks. Docks. Y/n Docks," you turned around and saw the hot guy you saw and were speechless.

Even in a school uniform he was hot. It didn't seem fair or right to you for some reason.

"Hi, I'm Mezou Shoji. You tripped several times so I just wanted to make sure you were alright and if you were just accident prone or needed food,' he said.

"I um. I don't know. I like food? You said more like a question.

"Well if you're hungry you can eat with us. Kirishima is cleaning the mess you made and feels bad he scared you," he said.

"A lot of things scare me, people, heights, spiders, small spaces, talking in front of people, public bathrooms, blood, being naked in public. Long story short, I forgot to change my clothes while shifting never again... small spaces... I'm rambling, sorry," you said awkwardly.

"It's fine, if your hungry, you can eat with us," he said as he started to head back to the cafeteria and started blushing hard.

"He has a nice butt to! He's so nice! Y/n what the hell are you thinking! You can't date ever! Everyone hates your quirk. If he or if anyone besides the teachers knows what you have to take, then no one will like you," you said to yourself as you sighed.

Man, why couldn't you just be normal for once?

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