Patches: Tenya Iida × Reader Part 3

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You were in the kitchen cooking, and you had your puppets cleaning while some were dancing around. You had been here for a month, and you and Tenya were never on the best terms. He would get on to you for eating random things in class, scarring students from different classes, having your feet on the desks, sitting on the desks, dancing around during practice instead of working out, and your clothes being a distraction since they were tight on your body. You couldn't help your school uniform or your other school it being the way they were, so you decided to do something very unethical.

You weren't wearing a bra but pasties, and he would notice because you weren't small-chested by any means. You were wearing a baggy shirt and spandex shorts. Tenya was awake and went to the kitchen area after cleaning himself up. He was determined to make you the same level he was because you were too young to be a pro. He wasn't going to let you be a pro anymore and was going to find a way to take that away from you.

He respected pro heroes, and he did not just people who cut corners or used fear to get what they wanted. You must have done that and still used fear to keep your hero license. Tenya walked into the kitchen, and you had your back to him.

"Short shorts?" He asked; you said nothing but pulled cinnamon rolls out of the oven and set them out.

You also finished making the eggs and turned around. Tenya immediately noticed and grew angry rather quickly.

"Do you have any decency to put on a bra?" He asked.

"Do you have the decency not to judge others?" You asked as he glared at you.

"Ever since I got here, all you have done is hate me, and it's because I'm different. Many people are scared of me, and they should be because I will do whatever it takes to win a fight against a villain. I fought many villains and went on special secret missions where people died. Just not me, why? Because from a young age, my parents helped me train my quirk. We practiced every single day for hours. They encouraged me to use it around the house to help people cross the street and to use it to defend myself if it came to that. You see my quirk as a threat, and it is. You have never seen me angry before, and I hope it never happens because my puppets won't be nice to look at," you said.

"People here work hard to earn what they have; you haven't earned a thing," Tenya said as you smiled.

"People earn things in different ways. I don't use fear,' you said as Tenya wasn't convinced.

"I will find out how you became a pro hero before graduating, and when I do, I will expose you as a fraud," he said as you smiled.

"Hope so," you said.

"Put on a bra.... please," he said.

"Why can't people be more like my dad? He doesn't care if a woman, even not his wife, isn't wearing a bra," you said.

"It's not part of school uniform, so you can't wear it," he said.

"School doesn't start for another hour, so get over it. Would you tell your girlfriend or mom to wear a bra?" You asked.

"Yes! It's improper for a lady not to wear a bra out in a public setting!" He said.

"I didn't say anything about the public; I was asking in general. You are such a virgin or a control-hungry guy. Either way, you are a red flag. No wonder you don't have a girlfriend," you said.

"It's not part of your school uniform, so you should wear a bra!" He snarled.

You lifted your shirt, and his mouth dropped. His face turned red, and he forgot how to breathe. His mind went blank, and it was like he saw UA for the first time.

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