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| Jenna's POV |

"And yeah, dude, she's fucking amazing." I sighed happily on the phone with Emma while Y/N showered before our flight in 2 hours. "She's everything I could've hoped for."

"Yeah! Good in bed, funny, smart, caring, attractive in every way possible, charming as hell, and adorable!" Emma gushed about my girlfriend and I nodded along, she was right about it everything.

"Yes, thank you. And not good in bed, she's actually amazing. Last night, we-"

"Jen, honey, I love you but I just don't wanna know what you two did." She blunted. I let out a laugh but listened nonetheless. "Anywho, I'm glad you made it official to the world too. You never do that and I can tell that you really love Y/N because of it."

"Yeah..." I smiled idiotically before it dropped. "Wait- love? Emma, what do you mean by 'love'?"

There was a dead silence. "Well... do you love her?" She hesitantly asked.

"I don't know... I do know we've been dating for like 3 weeks, I mean, isn't that too soon? To love someone?" I rambled a little with a panicked tone. "I- Em, I don't wanna scare her away."

"So you do love her." She came to the conclusion and all I did was sigh. "Jenna, babe, there's nothing wrong with that. You don't have to tell her and you definitely won't scare her away, okay? She's like uh... ooh! She's like the Rachel to your Ross."

"Don't they breakup several times?" I asked with furrowed brows. "Doesn't Ross sleep with someone else and doesn't he marry someone else?"

"Missing the point, Ortega." I playfully rolled my eyes. "My point is, Ross and Rachel are meant to be a forever thing, okay? You don't have to take things fast or too slow. You do things the right speed with Y/N. Besides, I like her and I really want you to keep her."

I let out a chuckle, smiling since her words helped calm me down. "Mhm, I wanna keep her too. Thanks, Emma, you're the best." I heard the shower stop running. "Hey, I gotta go, she's getting out."

"Mkay. Oh, and have a safe flight. Text me when you land!"

"I will." I promised before hanging up. Y/N walked out with her towel tightly wrapped around her body. "Well, hello, gorgeous. How was your shower?"

"Good." She replied back with her back to me. "Who were you on the phone with?"

"Just Emma. She wished us a safe flight and everything." I informed her with a smile. Y/N turned to me and her face was kinda blank. Not angry, upset, confused, hesitant, disappointed, or anything. It was just... blank. "What's up?"

"You love me?" She blurted and I almost fell back in my chair. I stuttered out a response but when no words came out, I just hid myself away. I laid face down on my bed, curled into a ball and hoped that she would forget about it. "Jenna."

When I didn't answer any of Y/N's calls, she quickly put a bra and my boxers on before crouching in front of me on the side of the bed. "Baby. Hey, look at me." She grabbed my face firmly, her tone soft but stern. "I'm not mad or anything if that helps?"

"Yeah." I muffled out and kept my face hidden in my pillow but my eyes were able to meet hers.

"I uh heard everything. You weren't too far and these walls aren't that thick, we know that since everyone complains about how loud we are." She flashed me an empathetic, tight lipped smile. "But... it doesn't mean I don't feel the same way."

I immediately jumped up. "Are you serious?" I quickly asked. "Don't fuck with me, babe, I'll cry if you're not being serious."

Y/N laughed which made me worry until she joined me in bed, pulling me to lay in her lap while her hands lightly scratched at the back of my neck to calm me down. "I'm serious. I'm just nervous to say it to you, that's all. Relationships are hard for me and you make it seem so easy to be with you."

"I get the hard part." I sighed, closing my eyes.

"All I'm saying is that Emma is right. We can take this at our own pace. I don't wanna, like, move in right away or marry you like Ross did with Emily after knowing him for 6 weeks." She joked and I smiled sarcastically at her which made her giggle. "But I think I'm ready to say those three words whenever you are."

"Would it be okay if I didn't right right now?" I sat up in her lap, stretching my legs. "I kinda wanna save it for when the timing is right and feels more romantic."

"Whenever you're ready, I am too." Y/N repeated as she tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.

Eyes Don't Lie ✩ Jenna Ortega (G!P)Where stories live. Discover now