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| Y/N's POV |
A/N: y'all I'm OBSESSED with Sailor Song by Gigi Perez, been on loop for 24 hours now

| Y/N's POV |A/N: y'all I'm OBSESSED with Sailor Song by Gigi Perez, been on loop for 24 hours now

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Liked by jennaortega, billieeilish, and 1,987,849 others
noty/n_l/n: we're a little obsessed with lil peep @billieeilish

billieeilish: you bet we are
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user34: LIL PEEP>>>

user98: the song choice is so real

oliviarodrigo: I can smell edits of you guys with lil peep songs now
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I looked at Jenna's scattered shoes in the middle of the floor with a sigh. I slowly trudged up the stairs, taking each step carefully before I reached our shared bedroom.

I peaked through the doorframe to see Jenna passed out on the bed. Her body was spread out in starfish form, lying on her stomach with her face buried in the mattress. She was facing the end of the bed and her messy hair was scattered. One arm was tucked behind her back while the other was pointing upwards on the bed. One of her legs did the same and the other leg stayed flat in the bed.

I walked in as I eyed the trash she never cleaned up. Old wrappers of candy bars, empty protein shake bottles, chip bags, and crushed up cans of soda took place on her side of the room. I quickly grabbed a trash bag and cleaned everything up - trying not to wake her at the same time.

Jenna had been working herself tirelessly with all these new roles that she's picked up on. Even after finishing Miller's Girl, she began to work with Tim again on a movie called Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. And of course, filming for Wednesday would start soon. Plus she had back-to-back interviews as well as trying to do everything for me at home.

I knew she needed a break before she collapsed. She might be a strong person, but even strong people fall eventually, asking for help.

After cleaning up the trash, I walked into the bathroom and flipped the light on. I grabbed a fluffy towel from the cabinet, setting it on the counter before grabbing a bath bomb from under the sink. I ran the water at a perfect temperature, throwing the bath bomb in.

Bubbles immediately start to form when I did so. I walked back into the room, sitting on the bed near Jenna, my hand running through her mangy hair. "Baby. Honey." I called gently for her, shaking her lightly.

Jenna's eyes jolted open, immediately staring at me. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, baby. I ran you a bath. Come on." I didn't leave her to question or deny my intention. I just dragged her out of bed, shoving her a little towards the bathroom door. "Strip while I change the sheets."

Jenna opened her mouth to protest but decided against it, shutting it again as she removed her shirt. I walked back into the room, tearing the sheets off the bed and pillows. I quickly put some new ones on, neatly tucking away Jenna's belongings.

Back in the bathroom, I helped Jenna lower herself into the water. She crossed her arms at first with a tense posture. Eventually, she relaxed when I kissed her forehead. I helped wash her body and her hair.

"I got you." I reassured with a whisper when I helped walk her back to bed. She sat on it like a vulnerable baby. I walked to the closet and grabbed her some comfy clothes; boxers, a black hoodie, and grey sweats. "Here. Let me help."

Jenna lifted her arms in the air as I pushed the hoodie over her head, her damp hair being hidden behind the hood. She stood up again, allowing her to put her boxers and her sweats on.

I pushed her to sit back down as I grabbed a hairbrush from the bathroom. Jenna looked at me with big doe eyes as I stood in front of her between her legs, brushing her hair back to get rid of the clumpy, tangled messes.

When I brushed through them all, I grabbed Jenna's toothbrush plus toothpaste and a cup. I handed her the toothbrush, watching her as she began to brush her teeth. When she finished, I let her spit in the trash can, rinsing her mouth out with the cup of water.

I set the trash can back down, rinsing off her toothbrush while putting everything back. Jenna laid like a still egg on the bed when I returned back to the room. With the tv playing softly in the background and green LED lights surrounding our room, I slipped into bed beside her.

I opened my arms and pulled Jenna into them, her face resting against my chest, her head slightly tucked under my neck. I wrapped my arms around her torso, her legs thrown over my hips.

"I don't deserve you." Jenna muffled out in a soft voice. It almost broke my heart.

"You absolutely do." I reassured as quick as possible, kissing the top of her head. "This kind of love is the love you have always been worthy of." Jenna didn't say anything after that and I assumed she was asleep until she kissed my neck a little.

"I love you."

I smiled a little when her hold on me tightened, careful of my bump. "And I love you more, sweetheart."

I want a hug so bad like UGHHHHH

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