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| Jenna's POV |

"Congratulations, you're having a girl!"

My jaw dropped as Y/N laughed in shock but happiness as well. I've always wanted a daughter — I never thought it would be so soon but I wasn't complaining.

I dreamed of when I had a family, I'd have a daughter and my dream was coming true. Y/N squeezed my hand out of joy and I wrapped my arms around her, holding her head up against my chest.

"We're having a girl." Y/N muffled out in disbelief. "We're having a girl."

"Yeah, we are." I giggled a little giddily, Doctor Reyes smiling warmly at us as she watched our reactions.


"I wonder how we should tell people." Y/N sighed against my neck, I kept her on top of me for a lot of reasons. One, I liked the warmth of her on top of me. Two, I knew she was safe and comfortable. And three, I could protect her and our baby if anything happens because she's right on top of me.

"Define people." I mumbled with my eyes closed. My hand slipped under her shirt to caress her smooth skin.

"Our fans, friends, family." Y/N listed with a small hum. "Like, I kind of want to announce it to the fans now."

"Maybe after we tell our families the gender." I met in the middle with her, earning a nod against my neck. "And after you tell your mom."

"Ugh." Y/N sat up with a disgruntled groan, remaining in my lap though. "I don't want to go there."

"You have to and you know it." I said softly, rubbing her thighs as she placed her hands on my chest. "Besides, I really want to meet your mom. She must be amazing if she created a wonderful daughter." Y/N blushed a little and shoved my shoulder to hide it, removing herself off my lap.

"Let's go see your family." My girlfriend decided, grabbing one of my oversized hoodies from my closet.

"Now?" I whined a little. I wanted to lay in bed forever with her but I guess she had other plans.

Y/N giggled a little, "Yes, now, please." I rolled my eyes with a smile but followed her nonetheless. I threw some pre-distressed jeans on with a long sleeve over the tank top I wore. We both slipped our shoes on — I needed to help put hers on though which I loved doing. Mostly because I loved to feel helpful to her.

"You hungry? Want to get something on the way?" I curiously asked my girlfriend, whom I helped into my car. I buckled her seatbelt for her, looking into her beautiful eyes for an answer.

"Uh yeah, I'm a little hungry actually." Y/N confessed. I smiled with a little pride, I knew it took a lot for her to admit when she was hungry if she felt comfortable to say it in general.

"Where to then, baby girl?" Y/N's hand immediately latched onto my free hand, intertwining our fingers as I turned the car on, using my other hand to drive out of my parking space.

"You choose." She whispered a little. I left her in charge of the radio as I drove around, figuring out what to eat. I decided on McDonald's only because I knew that Y/N would want their chicken nuggets.

"Ooh." My girlfriend immediately went a little wide eyed with hunger when she saw me pull into the driveway. I smiled while patting her thigh, ordering a chicken nugget meal for her and just a large fry for myself since I wasn't too hungry.

"Here you are, my love." As soon as I got the food from the window, I passed it over to my baby who dug through the bag for her fries, shoveling a couple of them in her mouth. "Thank you." I said to the worker in the window before driving away.

"Ouch, hot." Y/N winced, trying to grab a nugget. "Motherfucker." She cursed which made me snort under my breath. I let her eat peacefully, occasionally stealing a sip of her Dr Pepper as I drove to my parent's house.

"You're adorable, mama." At the red light, I turned to look at her with that lovesick smile on my face.

"Awwww, thank you." Y/N cooed and cupped my face, giving me a sweet kiss before letting me go in time for the light to turn green. "Ready to be a girl mom?"

"Absolutely." I responded immediately, earning a wholehearted laugh from my girl.

wanna guess the baby's name? 👀

Eyes Don't Lie ✩ Jenna Ortega (G!P)Where stories live. Discover now