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| Jenna's POV |

1+ (661) - 701 - 349
The second you let your guard
down... I promise I'll hurt you
twice as hard.

"I don't know what to do." I showed Y/N the previous and recent threats that I've been receiving for the past week now from a mystery number.

"Why haven't you blocked them?" She immediately asked, staring at the text.

I scratched the back of my neck. "I just- I thought it would only provoke them more and I don't want to make things worse." My head lowered into her lap, sniffling softly as she glided her hand through my hair.

"Baby, this isn't good." Y/N pointed out the obvious. "Thank you for telling me. I don't know what to say or do."

After a moment, I sighed. "Me neither. I'm just really fucking scared."

"It'll be okay, baby. I won't let anything happen." Y/N promised, lifting my head up from her lap, holding my face gently in her hands. "We'll get through this together. I'm glad you trust me with this."

I didn't say anything but smile and rest my head on her chest for comfort and safety. I didn't know how truthful or bad these threats could be or how bad they might get, but I knew that Y/N was the safe haven I needed.


Y/N was taking a nap in my trailer so I took the opportunity to clear my mind and go for a walk around the neighborhood where set was located. I grabbed a black jacket, threw on some grey sweats and my high top converse. I grabbed a pocket knife as a just in case, tucking it in the secret pocket on the inside of my sweats. I grabbed my keys, wrote a small note for Y/N in case she woke up and turned off all the lights but left the tv on for her. I knew that she didn't like to be alone in the dark so I put on SpongeBob and let it play in the background.

Soon enough I was locking up both locks of my trailer door, making sure my girl was safe inside while she peacefully slept. I looked around, my hooded eyes glancing at the sunset above.

My converse thumped against the pavement on my way out of set. I threw my hood over my head, tucking my hands in the pockets of my jacket.

"Young people don't usually wander around here late at night." I heard a deep, low voice from the corner of a convenience store nearby. I turned and looked at him. "I ain't no predator, but it's dangerous to be walking these parts alone."

"I'll be fine." I pursed my lips together. I watched him discard the cigarette he had in his hand in a dumpster nearby.

"You look like you can fight." He moved out of the darkness and I got a good look at him. He had messy brown hair, oversized gothic clothes hugging his skimpy body. Dark bags under his almost black eyes, pale cheeks, and a defined jawline.

"Wanna test it?" I responded defensively. He chuckled and threw his hands in the air, keeping his distance.

"Nah, man." He chuckled and swiped his thumb under his nose. "I'm Lloyd. Can I ask what you're doing out here at 7 pm?"

I looked behind me, being cautious about everything. "Just taking a walk. Lot on my mind."

Lloyd sat back against a wall, tucking one knee to his chest and letting his leg fall to the ground. He looked at me. "Aye, I feel you on that." He pulled out a pack of cigarettes, grabbing one before he paused. "My bad, homie, you want one?"

"I don't smoke, no thanks." I politely declined. Lloyd shrugged and chuckled as he lit a brand new blunt between his fingers, the spark from the igniter lighting up his dark face again. "What about you? What're you doing out here?"

"Can't stand to be home." Lloyd shrugged, standing up with a grunt. "I'd rather be here under the glow of the millions of stars above me, you feel me?"

I chuckled and warmed up a little to the strange yet relaxed man. "How old are you?"

"19, you?" It felt a little refreshing that he didn't know who I was.

"20." I popped a piece of mint gum in my mouth and glanced at the store in front of us. "Wanna go get a drink?"

Lloyd let out a small coughing from the cigarette, laughing as he threw it away. "Yeah, bro, let's do it."

I smiled a little and followed him inside. "You live by yourself or with someone?" I asked curiously as I grabbed myself an Arizona Tea. Lloyd sniffled again, biting down on his bottom lip as he examined all of his drink choices.

"With my mama, she cool but she ain't cool when she drunk." He expressed in a chilled tone, reaching for a Sunny D. "Don't worry, homie, I'm all good."

I stared at him for a moment before we approached the register together. The cashier scanned our items. "Total is $5.36." He said and Lloyd reached into his back pocket but I already pulled out a 10, handing it to the man.

He gave my change back and Lloyd grabbed our drinks as we made our way outside. "Here." I gave Lloyd the leftover money while grabbing my drink in exchange.

"You ain't gotta do that for me, dude." He smiled for the first time, placing his shaky hand over his heart.

"It felt right so-" I shrugged and laughed a little as he moved as slow as a turtle, tucking the money away in the collar pocket of his flannel. "Thanks for keeping me company, but I should go before my girlfriend worries."

"Alright." I thought for a moment before holding my first out for him. Lloyd chuckled highly and bumped it with his own fist, giving me a gracious smile. "Hey!" He called for me as I began walking away. "Your girlfriend is a lucky person, I barely met you and you been the nicest person to me in my entire life."

I didn't say anything — yet a big smile formed on my face as I waved bye to him. I took a sip from my tea, walking with caution still back to my trailer. When I got inside, Y/N was still asleep, her cute body spread out on my messy bed.

I smiled lovingly at her, shutting the tv off and throwing my keys on the couch. I stripped out of my clothes until I was left in nothing but my undergarments. I soon crawled in bed behind Y/N, hugging her from behind and kissing her cheek softly.

"You smell like smoke." My girl slurred sleepily, giving me a lazy smile as she turned in my arms.

"I met a cool dude that's why." I chuckled, rubbing her back. "I'm home now so let's sleep, baby."

"Mkay." Y/N complied easily, stuffing her face in my chest, I felt her warm face against my bare skin. My arms wrapped around her torso while her legs intertwined with mine.

I really love her. Shit, I love her.

meet Lloyd, y'all are gonna love him

~A/N:meet Lloyd, y'all are gonna love him

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Eyes Don't Lie ✩ Jenna Ortega (G!P)Where stories live. Discover now