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| Jenna's POV |
A/N: guess who's back, bitches? did you miss me, cause I missed you

"I know it's been a really, really long time since I've gone live but hey! How are you guys? Merry Christmas!" I chuckled excitedly, clapping my hands together as thousands of fans poured into my live. "As you all know, I'm getting married to the most beautiful girl in the world next year. I'm so happy and so excited. Plus-" I stepped out the frame to grab Juno from her high chair. "My baby girl is crawling!"

Y/N walked back in from the basement where our at-home gym is. She was wearing one of Calvin Klein's sport bras with tight leggings that shaped her ass perfectly and my adidas. "Morning, beautiful babies." She kissed Juno's forehead and kissed my cheek.

"And here's my lovely fiancé now." I smirked proudly, placing a light smack to her butt.

Y/N raised a playful brow at me as she stole a sip of my coffee. "You're crazy."

"Crazy for you?" I grinned like a lovesick fool.

"Hell yeah." She hummed, kissing my lips and cupping my cheeks for a moment with one hand. "I need to finish my workout but I'll be back up after so we can get ready for the party."

"Alright, baby. I love you!" I yelled as she walked downstairs.

"I love you too!"

I smiled widely. "That's my fiancé right there."

user1003847462: lucky couple!

"I wouldn't say perfect, but definitely destined to be together. I love her more than anything and I will proudly admit that out loud. I've never been in love with anyone like I am with her." I spoke highly of Y/N, like she was an out of reach queen that I worshipped.

But she was a queen and I did worship her, yet here she was in my arms, our house, our bed.

"It's funny because she didn't want me at first." I chuckled at the irony.

"NOT TRUE!" Y/N yelled from downstairs. I could hear the smile in her voice.

"IT IS!" I countered back. "She's just being dramatic."

Y/N marched her way upstairs with a smirk on her face. "Says the girl who overreacted to a little Gatorade being spilt on her that she felt the need to spill an entire water bottle over my head.

"Hey! There was a valid reason for that."

Y/N crossed her arms. I tried not to laugh.

"I was cranky that day and it was red Gatorade so it forever stained my favorite shirt." I pouted playfully. Y/N rolled her eyes, shoving my shoulder lightly.

"Yeah, yeah." She giggled, grabbing a water from the fridge.

"But it's funny how we met. I mean, it's funny now. Back then? Not so much. We had a whole hatred for each other after that." I continued.

"The story is good, y'all." Y/N smiled softly. "Because after all that, we came to our senses."

"Yup. But I think the first step was you getting back at me for the water thing. She spilt buckets of water on me with everyone's help on set. She was lucky it was a hot day." I glared at her, watching Y/N stick her tongue out. "But then she was staring at my abs and chest so..."

Eyes Don't Lie ✩ Jenna Ortega (G!P)Where stories live. Discover now