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| Y/N's POV |
A/N: for my fucking sake, you hoes are gonna pretend y/n never drank in the last chapter, okay? okay ☺️

I turned over in bed as I watched my girlfriend breathe steadily in bed under all the covers. We didn't get far last night for intimacy — she was so shit-faced drunk that I called things off and settled on sleeping.

It wasn't like she was against that, especially since she was throwing up most of the night after I said that. I showered her myself and got her to bed. I was a bit worried — mostly because Jenna has never drank like this before, especially around me.

Ever since i got pregnant, she's definitely come to a halt of what she drinks and what she doesn't. It was sweet of her even if I never asked her to do that.

So seeing her drink that much last night, was worrisome.

"Mm." Jenna groaned in her sleep, rolling on her back but her head remained tilted towards me against the pillow. I watched as her eyes flutter open, those beautiful brown irises meeting mine. "Hi." She mumbled cutely.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked in a whisper, as if I was too loud something might happen.

"Like a baby." She smiled, trying to sit up but a grunt left her lips as she held her head. "Andddd there's the headache."

I turned over and reached for the Advil and bottle of water I had ready for her. I gave it to Jenna as she smiled gratefully at me. "I have a question." I stated.

Jenna swallowed two pills and gulped some water down before putting it away. She turned to have me my full attention. "What's up?"

"I've never seen you drink so much as you did last night, so I'm a little worried." I seemed to have struck a nerve when her eyes ducked down from mine. "Is there anything going on or...?"

"Yeah." Jenna whispered ever so quietly. "But, when I tell you, please don't freak out, okay?"

"I won't, baby, I won't." I promised as I held her hands.



"You fucking idiot!" I tossed a couch pillow at Jenna who ducked behind the coffee table.

"You said you wouldn't freak out!" She pointed at me before dodging the next pillow I threw at her. "You are clearly freaked out!"

"I have every right to be." I growled angrily and approached her, grabbing her ear and dragging her upstairs. I heard her mutter soft 'ow's' on the way. "I can't believe you did that, Jenna. What if you got caught, hm? What if that man fucking killed you?"

"Billie was there too." Her words left her mouth quicker than she could stop and I could tell she never wanted to say that since she slapped a hand over her mouth. My eyes hardened as I sent a harsh glare her way. "I'm sorry, Y/N, I really am. I was scared but I did what I did. I sadly have no regrets because he almost killed Lloyd."

I let out a soft sigh, I could understand that part. "I don't even care about what you did, I'm just worried about why. What if I really lost you, Jenna? I would've had to raise our kid all by myself."

"I know." Jenna dropped to her knees in front of me, grabbing my hands tightly in hers. "I know, baby. I'm sorry. I really am. Although I don't regret it, I feel terrible for what I did." I cupped her face, pulling her head in my lap.

"I know why you did what you did but god, it was fucking stupid." I pulled Jenna's head up to look at her sternly. "Both you and Billie. She's gonna be in so much shit with Liv."

"I wanted to take all the blame because she was worried about this guy too but she kept saying that she was all in. No matter if we got caught or not." Jenna whispered, her eyes shimmering as she stared up at me. "I'm still really sorry, darling." She placed her hands carefully on my belly. "I am so sorry."

Her eyes were practically begging for forgiveness and I can't admit that her doing what she did, didn't sound attractive. Regardless of her and Billie being stupid, I'm just mostly glad she's safe and sound.

"It's okay." I assured quickly, tucking her head back into my lap. Her hands never left my bump. "It's okay, just please promise that you won't ever do that again."

"I promise." Jenna immediately replied, grasping my thighs to wrap my legs around her shoulders so she could stay trapped against me forever. "I promise with my life."

I didn't say anything after that other than smile on relief. I'll have to talk to Billie next if she hadn't already told Liv but for no, I soaked up the sweet moment I had with Jenna.

My feisty girl.

not a single bad song at all and his new album is just MWAH

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