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| Y/N's POV |

As a brand new young artist to the music industry as well as a new actress to the acting world, it tends to come with a lot of friends. And enemies.

When I was first starting up in the acting world, my first ever friend happened to be Zendaya. Shocking, I know. I played a background character in Euphoria which kicked off my career from there. I still talk to Zendaya to this day, always asking her tips about anything. She's a great role model, she's been a great sister figure for me in my life.

I've loved singing ever since I was 4 when I found out that I can screech my favorite songs out loud. My mom was always super supportive of my dreams — and still is to this day — but my dad, however, isn't. He's not fond of me.

But we'll get to that in a minute.

I started to write songs and poems my freshman year of high school, I used to share them with my band teacher. She loved them, found the melody to be perfect. Since then, I received many equipment pieces and instruments for my birthday and holiday's to help jump start my singing career.

I soon met Dove Cameron — another role model in my life — who sends me inspirational text messages everyday. And then I had the pleasure of meeting the musical genius herself, Taylor Swift. I fangirled, obviously.

We speak on a weekly basis, she's been so busy with everything and her music, that we don't always speak. But I'm okay with knowing that I'm a close friend of hers.

Back to acting though.

I was currently focusing on my acting career, I've been known for my record-breaking albums but I've barely appeared in any shows/movies. I wanted to make more appearances, make myself known as an actress and show my skills off.

I got the idea from Dove — although it's the opposite for her — she was hoping to focus more on her singing career than acting, wanting to put more songs/albums out into the world. Show off her work. I love her work, truly. Her song Boyfriend was my gay awakening.

I was actually on my way for a audition for the new Scream VI movie. I was aiming for a small role — something that wouldn't attract too much attention just yet — but enough to make me known to other producers and directors.

My phone rang in the pocket of my coat, it was a rainy day here in New York City, the grey clouds cowered over the city, making it dark even when it was only 1pm.

It was my manager, Frankie, calling me. He was a nice guy, sassy too — like me — which I wasn't complaining about. When I was in search of a good manager, I wanted someone who reminded me of... well... me. So when Frankie first introduced himself, I immediately liked him. He is such a cool guy and his sense of style never ceases to amaze me.

"Hey, Frank." I answered, pressing the front of my phone against my cheek. "What's up?"

"Hey girl! I was just checking to make sure that you're on your way to your 2 o'clock audition." I could hear the sound of paper being shredded in the background.

"Yep, I'm actually 5 minutes away now. I'll call you when I finish, okay?"

"Alrighty, good luck, Y/n."

"Thank you." I replied back graciously, smiling even if he could see — I slid my phone back into my pocket — looking up to see the building that I had written the address down on.

I made my way inside — signs pointed me in the direction of the audition room — the receptionist seemed to know who I was since she waved excitedly at me. I waved back with a tight lipped smile, sticking my AirPods in until it was my turn. I already knew the roles that couldn't be taken already; like Tara Carpenter since Jenna Ortega had that role locked in. I wasn't planning to audition for any of the core four characters anyway.

"Hey, I'm Devyn, what's your name?" A young girl approached me, she looked to be around my age — maybe older.

"Oh, I'm Y/n." I introduced, smiling internally that she didn't recognize me and automatically ask for an autograph. She took the empty seat beside me, facing her attention towards me as well. "Any specific role you're interested in?"

"I've been looking into this character named Anika. She plays Mindy's love interest." She explained, making me nod in interest, a smile gracing my lips as she continued to talk. "What about you?"

"I'm not looking for any major roles, I was kinda hoping to be one of the background characters who gets stabbed." I joked and she laughed softly, shaking her head before speaking up.

"I think you'd be perfect for the role of Tara's love interest." I was unfamiliar of that role, I didn't even know the name. As if Devyn could read my mind, she added, "Delilah Bailey, that's who she is."

"Ah, okay, I see." I chuckled a little nervously. "I don't know if I'd be good enough for that role. To be honest, I think I'd be too nervous to be the Jenna Ortega's love interest."

Devyn and I share a soft laugh, engaging in more small talk before it was her turn to be called in for her audition. "Hey, good luck." She wished to me, I repeated it back to her but right before she entered the room, she turned to me with a smile. "Try out for Delilah, you would be perfect for the role."

Her words echoed through my head as the door was shut behind her — I silently wish her good luck multiple times — she was my first friend and I really am hoping she'll get the role she wants.

I glanced down at the journal I held in my hand; it had a dark red, velvet cover, the pages were a little old-fashioned for a reason. I did one of three things in this book; sketch, write poems, or write new songs or just lyrics that come to my head in general.

I glanced off to the side to see a boy with brown hair, seeming to almost be the same age as Devyn. He glanced at me, giving me a friendly wave which I happily returned, he seemed nice. I hope to see him around more often.

"Miss Y/l/n?" A man stepped out of the room, Devyn following as she walked away, discreetly giving me two thumbs up. "We're ready for you."

I exhaled slowly, closing my eyes for a moment as  calmed my nerves down. I stood up — stuffing my journal into my purse — and walked towards the friendly man who greeted me with a warm smile.

This audition could very well change my life.

If you didn't know, Delilah is going to be my own made up character for the movie

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