6 「 C H O C O L A T E - M U F F I N 」 3

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Third point of view
Inside The Quileute Pack House
With Catherine Dysis, Paul Lahote, Jared Cameron, and Sam Uley

𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑'𝐒 𝐒𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐀𝐑 𝐁𝐔𝐁𝐁𝐋𝐘 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐎 𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇 𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑, Paul couldn't help but roll his eyes at the two of them, almost immediately reminded to Embry's words before his imprint entered the Pack House.

The thought of what was now their imprint, somehow liking and attaching herself to her newest imprint rather than himself, her first one quickly causing a heavy feeling to settle in Paul's chest.

The feeling only worsening as he watched the two embrace in a soft hug , Sam more so initiating it as a way to calm down the possessive wolf that'd already jumped to the surface from within Embry, 

However the simple fact did nothing to stop the jealousy that was brewing within Paul, the man's expression taking on a pout as he resembled a sad begging puppy while no one was looking over at him.

"Alright alright, we get it, another added to the count," Paul spoke out partly joking with a roll of his eyes, pulling a chuckle out of the three people before him, Catherine being softer as she was slowly growing used to the man's sarcastic humor. "by the way you're last after Jared."

As he noted Paul pointed toward Embry who's eyebrow's furrowed, before he once again remembered the bits and pieces of what he'd been told by the rest of their pack about what was going on with them and Catherine at the time.

Parts of which he'd ignored at the time, especially when they got overly lovey-dovey and dreary eyed about their imprint, whom was now his imprint and in all honesty, Embry felt he should've listened a bit harder back then.

"Last," He spoke softly taking a  glance around at his pack brother, softly scratching at the back of his head before tilting it as he softly remembered. "for the-the date thing?

"Every one gets a date so she can decide whether or not this," Paul plainly explained with a bored drawl of his voice, whilst he motioned around toward the three of them then toward Catherine as well. "is all gonna work, I'm next by the way."

At this Embry nodded before furrowing his eyebrows and turning toward Sam, more so confused by the order of the dates, something Sam could easily read on his younger pack members face.

"He imprinted first." Sam calmly answered Embry's non-verbal question with a soft motion over to Paul, who beamed proudly at the fact that he was the first to imprint on Catherine.

Although despite his position as the first imprint, it seemed to Paul that it didn't really have many benefits beside pride and open bragging right, and better chances at getting to be first in line for things with Catherine.

"Not Jacob?" Embry asked verbally this time as his eyebrows stayed furrowed, having expected that Jacob had been the first given the fact that he and Catherine often acted as a couple whenever he'd came over.

And the last he'd heard from Jacob, before he learned that he joined in with Sam and the pack, the two of them had gotten together the day they'd come over and found him, Bella, and Catherine in his workshop.

"No," Paul answered still blatantly happy about being the first to imprint, his attitude bringing an open smile to Catherine's face as she was amused at the way he seemed to enthusiastic about it happening to him first. "so technically I'm the original, here."

As he finished, Catherine couldn't help but chuckle again, however Embry only rolled his eyes naturally used with Paul's over confidence and ego, something that'd been there before he'd shifted for the first time and gain both height and muscle mass.

That being said, Embry couldn't resist the urge to speak up, unwilling to let Paul continuously bask in his own self made spot light.

"But Sam and Jake still got their dates before you." Embry noted keeping his curious yet mocking tone, causing the large smile on Paul's face to quickly drop into a deadpanned expression.

Openly irritated that Embry would take the attention off the fact that he imprinted first, Paul could only stare at him with squinted annoyed eyes to the pleasure of Embry and the entertainment of Sam and Catherine's.

Although before the older usually angry lahote wolf could speak up on his displeasure hearing Embry's words, Sam spoke up instead after having lifted his head and turned his attention on the wall next to the front door.

The look on his face seemingly seeing through the wall to the outside, rather than seeing the wall, something Catherine noticed from her position where she was once directly in his view, never having left her position from in front of Sam and Embry.

"The others are here," Sam spoke clearly as he looked at the wall, before turning back toward Catherine and the others, his attention solely on Catherine as he stepped forwards. "come on."

The Pack Alpha spoke as he nodded his head toward the living room, then beginning to walk that way slipping his arm around Catherine's waist as he led her into the living room much to her confusion.

The young bunny hybrid not understanding why they were suddenly going into the living room if Jake and Jared were coming back, which ultimately caused both her nose and eyebrows to furrow in confusion before she threw a soft questioning glance around the room.

Although that being said she still walked along with Sam's leading arm, until she ultimately met eyes with Embry, who could just about sense the question that was being asked in her mind.

"They have to put on clothes before they can come in," He spoke with a soft shrug of his shoulder, having been walking beside Catherine and Sam, whilst Paul walked in front of the three of them into the living room. "house rule."

As he finished speaking, he, Sam, and Catherine all comfortably sat down in the living room, Sam and Catherine on the couch whilst Embry sat on the lounge chair to their left.

Paul darting out of the room for a moment instead heading toward the kitchen, disappearing into the room for a second before he quickly came back out two large chocolate chip muffin in his hand as he re-entered the living room.

The Lahote happily handing Catherine one of the muffin's in his hands, before he plopped down into the spot beside her with a large smile on his face.

"Thanks." Catherine spoke gratefully as she took the large muffin into her hands, in overly encompassing her tiny palms as opposed to way Paul could openly hold it in one hand.

"No problem." He spoke happily as he pulled back the wrapper on the muffin in his hands, which was made by the only cook the pack knew which was Sam's cousin Emily, who often found herself at the Pack House.

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