Chapter Ten

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I'm at Azania's new house in her new room. "Alright, so where do we start?" Natalia asks. "Well, I mean we could start with the messages that we got from X." Sarah suggests. "They have to mean something. 

They couldn't possibly have just spoken random stuff it has to be broken down and analyzed from every single angle so that we can figure out what the hell he means by all of this. 

That's why I made an entire board. So the information we know about X is that he has all of our numbers and he has the guts to text all of us and threaten us." 

Azania brings an entire board a huge one at that. "Did you sleep at all last night?" Mike asks. "Sleep is not important when a friend is missing. Ok, maybe it's a little important." "Honestly, coming from you, you must be taking this pretty seriously. Sleeping Beauty." 

"Ok, moving on." Azania says, clearly not liking where the conversation is going. "We all know that Emily was last seen by me on the same street the party was." 

"Right and the police haven't questioned any of us because of our connections and our families. Our parents wouldn't be pleased with us being involved in a case." "Exactly. So we're the last people to see Emily." Grayson says. 

"Technically I'm the last person to see Emily and she wasn't happy that's for sure, but she wouldn't have run away even If she was really wanted to." "Why was she so angry at you anyway?" Natalia asks. "Well, complications." "What kind of complications?" "Big ones." 

Azania says, giving Natalia a look that says drop it. "Moving on. Azania was the last person to see Emily alive and well. Where did she go?" "Last time I saw her she went in the opposite direction of me and she's specifically told me not to follow her." 

"Alright, so she headed to the lagoon." "I mean that's not specifically true because she could have easily just gone to a house or maybe even a park. The lagoon isn't the only place the direction takes you." 

"You're right, we can't really narrow it down." "Did anybody get any new messages from X?" Sky asks and looks around the room. Azania looks like she wants to say something but holds it in. 

Just then, a message buzzes on Azania's phone only. She looks at it then looks at us. "Nothing." She says, she's lying. "Same here, there is nothing." Sarah says. "I'm all empty." Natalia says. "I got nothing also." Nate says. 

"Well, looks like nobody has anything from X, which seems odd because why would he just be radio silent?" Sarah says. "Honestly, I think the only way to get information about where Emily could possibly be is to go to the places that she was seen at last and maybe try and find clues there." Azania says. 

"Yeah, but don't forget about the last message that X sent all of us about how if we don't solve the mystery then we will all be dead." Natalia says. "And that there is this big secret that affects the entire state and we narrowed it down to Steyn because he is the founder of the estate." Sarah says. 

"About that, I thought it through and that might not be true also. Sure, Steyn is a suspect, but the council is too. They're the richest people in the estate. Yeah Steyn is the founder but he made the council which means that they also have laws and rules and have control over this estate. So they are also suspects too, which means that all of our parents are suspects." 

Azania says. "I mean, if this helps, I can run through what everybody was doing on the day that Emily disappeared. And I can also check if anybody has found anything interesting about the disappearance online." Sarah suggests. 

"Yes, that would be perfect. If you can find something then maybe that'll lead us a step closer, but we also need people at the places where Emily was seen last, so we all need to split up." Azania says. 

"You're right, it would make sense to use all of our abilities separately and individually to get the best results." Nate says. "But it also breaks down to similarities. So you and Sarah can stay here and see if you guys can figure out anything online and Natalia and I will go to Emily's house. "What are we going to do?" Sky asks. "I mean we could use a lie detector." 

 Azania says looking at Grayson. "I can also detect whether people are lying or not." I say, for the first time I finally spoke then she looks at me and looks away something cold in her eyes. "Well then you can go with Mike and Sky and you guys can check out where Emily was last seen together and Grayson can come with Natalia and I." 

 "I have to be home by six." Sky says. "That's all right. Six hours is enough for all of us. But we should meet up an hour early to discuss what we found, so let's all meet each other at five here." "Yeah, I'm in." Sarah says and the rest of us nod our heads.

"So what should we do now that we're here?" Sky asks. "I guess we should probably look around to find clues." Mike says. We're in front of the house where the party happened. "Come on let's go." I say. 

And we head straight to where Azania said she last saw Emily, they are three different paths the street led to, so we split up and I ended up in a park "Hey! Nick! Did you find anything!" Mike shouts from behind me Sky right on his heels as she tries to catch with him the best she can. 

I smile knowing I have friends I can rely on I wish I could tell them the truth being the future head of the mafia isn't an easy thing I honestly wish that I could tell them everything, but I can't tell them anything. 

I turn away from my friends who are still headed towards me and notice something black in the bushes. I walk closer to the bush only to see that it's a shoe. Somebody accidentally left their shoe here, but it seems odd. Who would leave their shoe in a bush? 

"Hey guys, I think I found something." "oh yeah, what is it?" Mike asks. "It's a shoe." I say. "A shoe? That's odd." Sky says "Exactly." I say. "Wait, I recognized that shoe. It's Emily's." Sky says. "Really. Are you sure?" I ask. "Yes, I'm very sure." 

"Well then, we should take it to the others." "Yep, we've looked everywhere else. So we might as well go back." Sky says. we head back to Azania's house to find that they're not there yet. 

Luckily Mike had the key so we ended up still being able to get inside the house and meet up with Sarah and Nate. It's odd. The police have been searching for days now, yet we found something in the first few hours.  

You can find updates and edits of my books on my tiktok: mastermind_edition 

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