Chapter Seven

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I walk in the hallway, suspicious of who would dare send me a game on message from an unknown number. It's odd. I have a feeling something's about to begin, but I have no idea what. I just hope that I'm ready. I know I have to be. I'm not going to disappoint her again. Emily Myers is still missing. The police have no idea where she is. They say that she ran away, but it doesn't seem right. Something is off.

Steyn assured everybody that he would do everything in his power to make sure that the girl gets back home. But my uncle said that there's something more sinister going on, that Steyn is not who he says he is. He acts as if he's a hero of this city, but there's something wrong. "Hey, Nick." Mike walks up to me. "Hey, Mike." I say with the sigh. He's the only one who's seemingly even looks in my direction.

I don't blame the others though. What I did was horrible and I hate myself for it. But the thing that I hate most is that I couldn't even let her go. That's why I'm here in the first place to spend one last year with her. "How's it going, the loner boy?" "It's going fine I guess." "You don't look like it's going fine. What's wrong?" "What's not wrong, Mike? I mean, what I did was wrong. This whole thing is wrong. Me being here is wrong and selfish and stupid but I can't help myself."

"You're right, it's pretty self-centered of you to come here. To dare to even step foot Steyn City after what you did but you did what you thought you had to do Nick and although I can't forgive you just yet for what you did to my best friend. I can push it aside because you are also my best friend." "Sorry to put you in such a shitty situation, Mike." "It's cool, but you owe me big time." "Yeah, I really do. You're a loyal and honest friend. You don't get those a lot. I'm glad that I have you Mike."

"Hey, Nick." Someone says from behind me, and I turn around to see that it's Nate. "Hey Nate, I'm surprised you're even talking to me right now." "Although what you did was pretty fucked up and horrible I can't be mad forever. It's not my thing to be mad about." "You know this will piss off Natalia even more. She wants us to have no contact with Nick whatsoever."

"Yeah, and what makes you think I care what Natalia thinks out of all people? She hates me, and the feeling is mutual. I can't even begin to explain how many times she's insulted me or nicked at me. If anybody should be worried about what one of the girls would think, it's you, isn't it? Sarah would be pretty angry to find out that you're talking to Nick at all."

"Nah, she'll understand." "I appreciate this I really do, but we're going to be late for class." I interject. "Oh, shoot you're right, Nick. Let's go then." "Not so fast you three." All three of us turn around to see the girls facing us. Azania is looking down at her phone with zero interest in the conversation whatsoever. "What are you doing talking to him out of all people?" Natalia says with an angry look on her face. She looks like she's about to scream. "Well, he's my best friend." "Azania is also your best friend, isn't she? Or did you forget about her already."

"I didn't forget about her, ok? She's my best friend. Of course I wouldn't forget about her. It's just that Nick has been my best friend since childhood. I can't choose between the two of them. It's not right and I refuse to. And anyway that is none of your business in the first place. If you have a problem with Nick then you can ignore him. You can't tell me what to do or how to live my life so you might as well just turn around and walk away, because I'm not gonna listen to word you say."

"Fine, then we will. But know that this is not over. Stupid prick." Natalia points at me. Then they all turn around and walk away. Azania didn't even glance at me once. "Wow Mike, standing up for yourself for once." "She can say all this stupid shit she wants about me, but I draw the line when she questions my friendships." "Yeah, I guess you might have gone too far. You can't really blame her. Azania went through a lot of shit when Nick left. Because Nick left." "Yeah, I know. But he's gonna make up for it. Right?" Mike turns to me.

"Hell yeah, I'm going to make up for it. I'm going to make up for all of the pain and suffering I caused her. I'm going to make it up for the rest of my life. Even if she hates me then I'm going to keep on making up for it because what I did was stupid and idiotic at best. I hate myself for it. And I will forever be in debt to her." Mike looks at me with this satisfactory glint in his eyes. "That's what I wanted to hear."

"Mike, Nate, I have something to tell you." They both look at me in surprise. "Yeah, what is it?" "Did you by any chance get a message from an unknown number?" They both look at each other like something just clicked in both of their heads. "Did it happen to say game on?" Nate asks. "Yes, it did." I say. "Well then, looks like we got a mystery to solve, don't we?" Just then, the final bell rings and we're officially late for class. I tried to avoid this but it happened anyway.

But something is definitely going on, and whatever it is, it's big. Why would anybody send all of us messages? Something's going on and I'm going to figure out what. And I have a feeling I'm not the only one that's going to do that.

You can find updates and edits of my books on my tiktok: mastermind_edition

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