Chapter Thirty-Seven

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We're all sitting at our favorite coffee place. I have my hot chocolate while the others have of their coffee. This is supposedly a meeting outside of my room which I appreciate. "Alright, let's strip X of his power." I say. And the others look at me confused.

"What I mean is, let's take away his power, tell each other all of our deepest, darkest secrets. So that he can't use anything against us." "I mean, most of us already have told our darkest secrets, so there's no real issue anymore, is there?" Natalia says. "Not everyone." Nate argues.

Then he turns to the attention to Grey. Grey sighs. "Well, I have two secrets that I'd prefer to stay hidden, but due to our circumstances I can't keep it hidden anymore." He says, looking reserved, posh, like he always does. "The first secret I'd like to clarify is that I tried to kill myself last year."

He says reserved like it's no big deal. The entire table freezes in shock. Except for me. "The second secret that I'm supposed to keep hidden for the safety of the people that I tell it to end myself. Is that I'm a Prince." He says again, resolved like it's no big deal.

"What!?" Natalia, Sarah, Sky and I say at the same time. Drawing a little bit of attention to us. "A Prince, like a real life Prince with a castle and everything." Sarah says, completely shocked. "Yes, my real name is Grayson William Wilson the III.

I decided to move here to have a chance to get a normal life and also to be away from the press and the public. But it seems like my secret has to be revealed now before X has a chance to do it himself." "Seriously, you're going to be a king." I say, completely shocked. "Yes, I am."

"As soon as you graduate, you're going back to your country?" Sky asks. "Yes, I am. I need to go back to Eldora." "Oh alright." Is all Sky says. But I can tell that she's disappointed and hurt by the news. "So, you were just planning on keeping this secret from us forever?" I ask.

"Of course not. You'd have seen me on the news eventually." I let out of bitter laugh. "Seriously." "Apologies for not telling you sooner." He says. Despite his cool demeanor, I can tell that he's a bit tense. "So anybody else got something they'd like to share with the class?" Mike says.

"No, nothing else. This is it." Nate says. "Well then I'm curious as to what X is going to do next to get to us." Natalia says. "He has no more advantages. Now that Grey has told us everything, there is no power he has over us.

All of our secrets are revealed, and so there's nothing that he can do except for kill us at the end of the year if we don't figure out what's going on in Aurora's life or what went on." I say bit by bit it feels like pieces are coming together, but I don't know what those pieces are or where they fit in this enormous puzzle, that is Aurora's life, or what used to be her life.

It's hard to even think about what it could possibly be. I mean, what was she like? was she nice or was she rude? was she confident or was she shy? I don't know any of these tiny details because I haven't met the single person that can tell me anything about her.

It's like there were wiped off the face of the earth, or maybe they left. "Maybe we should try reviewing what we already have. I mean, how complicated could it be? It's one girl's life, right?" Natalia says. "It's not that simple, I'm afraid. If it were, we would have figured it out already.

Auroras life was complicated. Very complicated. Complicated beyond belief." I say. I can't help but wonder, why isn't X helping us? I mean, he's forcing us to do this, but he isn't helping us in the slightest. He's not giving us clues or anything that could be useful.

If he wants this case to be solved so bad, then what's stopping him? "Let's look at it from a different angle this time. Obviously not much will come of it but if we find out who was in her life before she died it could possibly help us I mean we obviously know she had a little sister named Anna who supposedly got kidnapped by Auroras murder, which makes zero sense.

Which means that someone is trying to cover someone's skin." I say. "That has to be the case, otherwise we would have solved it already." Nate says. "Well, I'll have to do my research. It's not going to be easy, but I can find what I can find. I guess.

Hopefully they haven't left the estate, which is seemingly what everybody in the same year or maybe it was something else.." Sarah says, trailing off.

After our little coffee meeting, I went to the Staples. I come here often. Tony is wonderful company. He's like the father I never really had. "Ah, there she is." He says, smiling. I used to think of Tony as a grumpy old man when I first met him, but I didn't really know who he was underneath.

Now that I spent all this time with him, now that he's rebuilt the stables into something beautiful, I can now tell that he loves animals more than he loves people. "I came here to ride with Silver and to see you." I say smiling. Tony is one of the only people that I truly smile to.

I can truly be myself too. "It's good to see you back." He says. "It's good to be back." I say to him. "Well, a lot of things have changed since last year. It seems my daughter's starting to slowly come back into the picture with my granddaughter." My mood lightens up slightly.

Tony has mentioned his family a couple of times, but his daughter was not really close to him and he didn't get to see his granddaughter that often. He knows information about her, but he barely sees her. But now things are starting to change.

"That's wonderful news, Tony. I know how much you've missed your real family." It kind of hurts to say, but I say it anyway. Tony walks towards me. "Like I said, it's good to see you back again." That's all he says before he walks past me and into the office.

I walked to Silver and brush her main. It's already brushed because Tony takes good care of Silver while I'm away. That's why I don't have to worry about her. She's in good hands. Once I get Silver ready and I start riding her across the fields, it feels amazing.

Like I'm free, like I'm on cloud 9 just like it used to be, but this time it feels slightly different. Things are different after all. I'm different. Things have really changed and I don't know if they're for the better. X is threatening my life and my friend's life. But all of that slowly fades away as I ride silver across the fields.

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