Chapter Eighteen

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Emily's funeral is tomorrow and Azania won't leave her room. Naturally the others are worried about her, but I'm especially worried about her. She has a history of doing this, and not a good one and I can't blame her.

Losing Emily must have been horrible for her. No matter how many times the others tried to get her to get out of her room, she wouldn't.

I've barely even seen her these past few days and from the looks of how things are going, she won't be attending the funeral.

I doubt she wants anything to do with the funeral and I'm pretty sure she's blaming herself for what happened even though it's not her fault. Not in the slightest. It was X that did that to Emily, not her.

I know the guilt of losing someone precious to you I've felt it before but she was the one who got me out of it. She helped me get through it now it's my turn.

I knock on her room door to no answer. Mike gave me the keys to her house. I open the door it's surprisingly unlocked, there's no lights on. The curtains are closed, making the room almost pitch black.

Just a bit of sunlight peeking through the curtains. I can barely see anything as I walk up to her bed. "Hey." I say, trying to let her know that it's me.

She doesn't answer me and I don't expect her to. I closed the door behind me so she definitely heard that someone had entered her room.

I kick off my shoes and sit on the edge of her bed, lifting the blanket slowly. She's curled up in a ball, her eyes are open, but there's no light inside of them.

It's almost as if she's not even here. "Everything's gonna be ok, trust me. It may not feel like it now, but it will be.

I'm right here by your side. Always and forever." I say, trying to comfort her as best as I can. She barely even moves.

I wrapped my arms around her body, trying to comfort her, trying to let her know that there's somebody there at the end of the dark tunnel that she is in.

At this point she does move trying to get me off of her, but I wasn't going to let go of her that easily.

She needs this, even if she would hate to admit it, even if she'd rather die than admit it. But she needs this. She finally stops fighting abruptly. "I hate you." She says.

"I know." Is all I take back to hold her in my arms again. Is all I need for my world to be complete. I'm finally returning the favor she held me in her arms and now it's my turn.

"But I still love you forever, just like I promised." That was all it took for her to finally break down and start crying.

She is my life. My future. I love her even if she hates me. Heal for both of our sake. She cries in my arms for a long while before she falls asleep, before I even knew it, I doze off too.

But I wasn't going to leave her either way. Even if I had to wait all night outside of her door in the freezing cold, I'd wait for her and I know I'm not the only one who would. Not anymore.

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