Chapter Nine

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I'm running in a field of filled with flowers no it's more of a maze, beautiful pink roses everywhere "Aurora come on we're going to be late." A girl she is brown hair light brown eyes with the freckles on her face. "I'm coming, I'm coming it's just so beautiful here I can't wait for father to finish building this place so we can finally call it home." I say. "Father asked me to come and get you out of here he knows how much you love it but we have to go greet our guests."

"Alright, alright I'm on my way. I'm coming my sweet little sister." We make it to this huge house. It's so. Familiar for some reason. "Ah, there you are Aurora. I've been looking for you everywhere. I had to send your sister to the garden. We must greet our beautiful guests." "Meet Mrs. Shamal and Mr. Shamal and their son Brian Shamal." No, this is not what I want. "It's nice to meet all of you." I say.

"It's nice to meet you too. You are exceptionally beautiful in person just as the rumors say." Mrs. Shamal tells me. "Why thank you." I say back. Putting on a fake smile. Why does this place look so familiar? Why is everybody calling me Aurora? None of this makes any sense. "Well, dinner is ready in the dining room, so shall we head there?" "Yes, yes, of course." We all head into the dining room and I uncomfortably poked at my food.

I don't want to be here. I'd rather be anywhere but here. "So Aurora. How is it here in Steyn City? It's just that my family and I were thinking of moving here. Once the building is done, of course." Mrs. shamal says. I look at my father and then back at her. "Well, it's beautiful for sure. I love it here, the gardens and the flowers they're incredible. I couldn't have asked for a better place to live." I tried to say it as convincing as possible, but it still felt mechanic.

I missed my life back at home. It wasn't as complicated as it is now. I try to stay strong for my sister, but I- I really wish that we just stayed the way we were in that apartment with mother. We were happy we don't need all of this. After mother died, father decided that it was best to throw himself into work and then we moved because we made enough money to make it. Father talked about business the rest of the time.

Until dinner eventually ended and our guests left and I'm sitting on the bed with my little sister tucking her in. "Aurora? Why couldn't we have just stayed in that apartment? Where mother was with us, I know that she died, but it still felt like she was there and now we're leaving and I feel like we're leaving her behind."

"We're not leaving her behind. She'll always be with us no matter where we are. And yeah, sure it would have been nice to stay in the apartment, but aren't you happy? Now we can have whatever we want and we get to live in this beautiful home. You have your very own room."

"But I feel like we're just forgetting about her. I feel like she's fading away. I barely remember what she sounded like." "I know." I say pushing back tears. "But it's ok she's in a better place now." I tuck her into bed and I head downstairs. Outside in the garden again, but this time I go to a tree where there's a two swings hanging. And I just swing back and forth, looking up at the night sky and the stars shining.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" In shock, I turn around to look at the guy who for some reason I can't see his face it's blurred, just like Father is. It's almost as if. She doesn't want me to see. "What are you doing here?" "Why I can't go to the swing and look up at the stars?" "You can. But not in another person's house. You know this is breaking and entering right?" "I'm well aware. But I have a feeling you won't say anything." He walks up and takes the swing next to me.

As much as I want to say something, I can't. It's as if I'm not the one speaking. "So what are you doing out here so late at night?" "Shouldn't I be asking you the same question, mystery boy?" "Alright, that part is true, but still." "I can't sleep." "That makes two of us." "So. Why can't you sleep?" "I have too much on my mind." "Oh." "Now why can't you sleep, Princess?"

"Honestly, I have too much on my mind too. It's just peaceful and quiet at night." "I know how you feel. My family is building a house here. So I came to check it out. We've been staying at a hotel close by because there's still some renovations that need to be done until the house is fully ready to move in too." "And so you decided to sneak into the biggest house that's still being built." "In all honesty, I didn't really think it through. I know it was a dumb idea."

"Well, that's an understatement of the century." I say, smiling to myself. "Yeah, probably." He says. Sounding like he's debating on staying serious or laughing. "So what do you think of this place?" "I personally think that it's going to take some getting used to." "You got that right." I say, and I look at him. Although I can't see his face, I know that she can. I'm not her. This is a memory but it's not my memory.

I wake up in the middle of the night, cold sweat all over my body, gasping for air. Wondering what the hell was that dream and why was I Aurora. I get out of bed and I go downstairs. I go to the fridge to get a glass of cold water. When I hear something behind me. I turn around abruptly and find that it's just Noah.

"God, you scared me." "Sorry, I didn't mean to. Couldn't sleep so I got up to get myself a glass of water." He says. And I just realize now that he has a glass in his hand. "Oh. Alright." "Listen. I'm sorry." "Sorry about what?" "I'm sorry for kissing you back, even if I was drunk. It was stupid, but." "But?" "I love you." I dropped the glass of water in my hand.

And it the grass shatters and spills everywhere. "Oh shit." I step away from the glass and Noah dives in to help me. Picking up all of the broken pieces. "I'm sorry, sorry. I shouldn't have said it like that. It is true, I do love you, I always have." "No. This can't be right now. That can't be right, Noah. That's impossible because you're with Emily."

"I know, I know, I know. The thing is, I was only with Emily just to get closer to you at first and then I really started to love her. But I couldn't deny my feelings for you." "Why?" He stands up with the broken glass pieces in his hand. Thows it away and turns around to face me. "Because I loved you for half a year. From the first time that I even met you. I have loved you and I cannot seem to stop no matter how hard I try and trust me Azania I really tried. But I can't deny my feelings for you any longer. That's why I kissed you back."

"How could you do that to Emily? She loves you. Loves as in right now, present. She may be gone, but she still loves you and you. You're hurting her." "I know. I screwed up. But I can't stop loving you." "Noah, I'm sorry, but I don't love you." "Yeah, I figured and I mean, now that he's back, I never stood a chance." "I'm sorry." "There's nothing for you to be sorry about." "Yes. There is I screwed up things with Emily so bad and I need to fix it." "We both do."

You can find updates and edits of my books on my tiktok: mastermind_edition 

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