Chapter Twenty

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By the time I got out of the shower Nicholas had already left, I'm guessing to change into his funeral clothes.

I wore a simple black dress with leggings and knee-high black boots, a black veil over my eyes and I have black roses in my hands from the gazebo that Nicholas got me such a long time ago.

I remember the days where I was sitting there every single morning waiting for him to come back. But those days are long gone now.

The others look just as sad as I feel. I mean, her death hit all of us, not just me. I wish that I could have apologized to her before she died.

"He actually managed to get you to come out. Who am I kidding? Of course he did." Mike says, wearing a black suit just like the rest of the guys. "Whatever. I'm here for Emily." I say.

"Well, I'm glad you came anyway." Sarah says, hugging me. "I couldn't miss this. She was a friend to all of us. I couldn't just not come." As much as I hate to admit it, Nicholas was right.

In order for me to be able to let her go, I need to see her. Nicholas eventually arrived in a black limo wearing a black and white suit.

That's when we all decided to go inside of the church. We all take our seats and listen to the speech that is about to commence.

"Emily was a beloved friend and daughter. She put light into many of our souls. She made life better and she definitely made a mark on whoever she met.

She was a kind person no matter who you were or where you came from she never treated you differently.

She always put you first before herself. And so for her to die in such a tragic way was such a disappointment. She was meant to change the world.

I just never knew it would have been so soon. She shouldn't have died that way. She deserved better than that.

She deserved to live a long, healthy and happy life. But instead she was brutally murdered in a cold place, isolated from everybody she has ever known.

She died by herself, even though she helped many people while she was still alive.

I ask God why? Why couldn't it have been me instead of her? I would have much rather preferred to die instead of her, to see her dead body lying like that was the worst thing I've ever witnessed and I will never recover from it.

She was my everything. She was my daughter and I love her more than anything in the world even in death."

We all clap after the speech was finished. Emily's mother was bawling her eyes out and Emily's father had to comfort her. I stand up and walk to them, asking them if I was allowed to make a speech.

They agreed and let me do it, and now I'm standing in front of everybody that's sitting in the church, I'm on the stand and I'm ready to tell the truth. "Hello everyone. I wanted to come on stage to talk about Emily.

She was one of my best friends and she didn't deserve to die the way she did. She gave a loner, horrible, heartless person like me a chance. She became my friend. And she suffered for it. After everything that I've said to all of my best friends and to the people that I've hurt.

She stayed until the very end. When she finally left, she died and she didn't deserve it. No matter how many hurtful things she said to me that night, I don't care.

Emily deserved so much better than this. She deserved a bright future, She deserved to go to university and live the dream life that she's always wanted.

She didn't deserve to die in cold blood, alone and suffering. She deserved to be happy and I took a part of that happiness away from her when she was still alive. And I regret that, I will forever regret it.

But I will never regret meeting her and you shouldn't too, even if she's gone now, even if the pain consumes you, you should never regret it.

Because while she was here, she made you happy. And that's all that matters, even if it ended up sad. Thank you." I say everybody claps for me, but all I do is ignore them.

I don't want their support. All I wanted was to tell the truth and I did. I take my seat and I keep quiet.

Slowly everybody starts leaving the church to give Emilys family and friends some one-on-one time with her body.

Surprisingly. Emily's parents let us have some one-on-one time and when it finally rolls around to being my turn.

All I can do is stare at her, her pale body. "I'm so sorry, Emily. You never deserved this." I grab a chair and sit on it and just watch her. I was the very last person to have one-on-one time with her so I figured I could wait a little longer.

The door opens behind me and Nicholas walks through it. I didn't have to look back to know that it was him.

He comes up behind me and tells me that they have to take the body and put it in the ground. I'll never be able to see her face ever again.

She'll never be able to say hello to me. I'll never speak to her again. Nick keeps me in his arms as we walk down.

Emily's body was taken by four of her family members. She was laid to rest right in front of my eyes. We got a front row seats.

I never want to feel this way again. I'm still sitting in the chair even though everybody is long gone.

I tell the others that I'll meet them outside, when in truth. I just wanted a moment alone with her again.

Nicholas stays right next to me and for some reason I find comfort in that instead of being annoyed with it.

I finally stand up and walk to her grave, putting the flowers I had in my hand on top of it and I close my eyes.

"I'm not going to wallow in self-pity anymore. I refuse to do that, not again. I'm not going to be consumed by grief.

Instead I'm going to get revenge for her. X did this to her and I will kill him with my own two hands. I will make sure that he knows the suffering that he put her through. He will know the pain that Emily felt.

I will kill him even if it's the last thing that I do. But I'm not going to let any of my friends die either. I didn't think that he would actually kill Emily.

But if he's willing to kill her, then he's willing to kill the rest of us. So I will solve Aurora's case and then I will kill him."

"We'll do it together. You're not alone." Is all Nick says. I just admitted that I'm going to murder somebody and he doesn't even seem phased. Mark my words, X will die by my hands.

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