Chapter 1

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"Time for school", I hear my dad yell from downstairs. He's the alpha of our pack. "Uugghhh" I groan as I slowly roll out of bed and hear a knock on the door. I open it to find my older brother and future alpha Jacob. "You are going to make us late again" he sighs. "Give me five minutes I promise I'll hurry", I shut the door in his face and run to the bathroom to quickly brush my hair and teeth, I ran to the closet and grabbed some spandex shorts and a over-sized t-shirt and threw some shoes on. Grabbing my bag I heard my brothers car crank up, "IM COMING" I yelled running down the hallway and out the front door. I jumped in the back seat of his car.

  Vivian was sitting in the front seat, she was my brothers mate and she was super sweet. "Ready to go?" She asked and I nodded my head, "I'm sorry" I muttered with my head facing the window. "Were you up all night drawing again?", my brother looked through the rear view mirror, I nodded again.

  I zoned out for the rest of the ride, thinking about this last month of school, graduation and then my 18th birthday had my mind was everywhere. I was having a very hard time focusing on anything.

  "We're here....hello... earth to Sky" my brother started snapping his fingers at me. Sky was my nickname, Skyanna is my real name. "Huh? Yeah yeah sorry I'm going, have fun at the office!" I yelled getting out the car. I threw my bag over my shoulder and started walking to my locker.

  I kept feeling a presence around me but everytime I'd turn around no one was there. Maybe I'm just paranoid? I saw all my friends hanging around my locker waiting on me. "SKYANNA" I heard Alex yell, "will you ever be in time?" We all chuckled.

  Julia was shaking her head with a grin when she said "so have any plans for your birthday yet?".

  I froze, because everyone knows you find your mate when you turn 18 and everyone thought Alex would be mine. We were so close since we was 5 years old. Piper chimed in, "you know alpha Jax is going to have her a big party", she started shaking her ass with that remark. We all busted out laughing as the bell rang.

  Piper and Julia took off in the opposite direction "see you at lunch", Piper yelled. I smirked and gave her a nod. Alex had classes passed mine so we always walk together.

  I felt the same presence watching me again and my whole body tensed up. Alex must've noticed because he asked "are you okay?". I looked over my shoulder to see a tall man with a leather jacket and jet black, slicked back hair, it was faded on the sides and he had a tattoo on the side of his head. He had a couple other guys with him joking around behind him.

  I looked back at Alex and gave him a smile "I'm okay, just have a lot on my mind." Alex smiled back, "you know you can always talk to me, how about we hang out after school".

  "I'd like that", I said as I came to a stop. We was outside my art class, my favorite class. "I'll see you at lunch?", I asked, right as Daxton walked up. Daxton was my very controlling and demanding boyfriend.

  "I don't think so", Daxton grabbed my arm, "you'll be having lunch with us today". Referring to his group of asshole friends. I tugged my arm back and shrugged my shoulders. "I'll see you later tonight Daxton, we need to talk anyway. Alex, I'll see you at lunch", I said firmly as I walked into my class. I could hear Alex snickering.

  I took my seat and less than 2 minutes went by when I saw the same guy from the hallway walk through the doors. We immediately made eye contact and shivers were sent down my spine. I put my bag in the empty seat beside me as to say, this seat is taken. He kept his eyes on me as I pulled out my supplies to wait on our teacher.

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