Chapter 72

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Archies POV:

My phone rings, seeing Jaces name light up the screen I jump to it. I've been doing that way more often than I'd like to admit but if it means I can find my princess again I'll do just about anything.

"Tell me something good Jace" I answer the phone.
"He's back" Jaces deep voice growls through the phone.
"Alex?" I question to be sure, I didn't want to get my hopes up.
"Yes, I'm sending men now to corner him" he informs me.
Hatred fills my entire being, this man had been hiding our girl from us, but not for much longer.
"Got it, I'll be there shortly" I reply before hanging up the phone.

"Let's go Zane" I wave to my new beta. He's easily one of the strongest wolves I know. He nods and follows me, "have they found her?" He asks. I shake my head in response and his fist tighten. "They found him huh?" He continues to push for answers, I nod, and Zane proceeds to crack his knuckles, "this will be fun" he lets out an evil laugh.

Zane has been very invested in helping me find Sky, and helping me through loosing her in the first place. He's the one who brought to my attention that the baby could actually be mine. He told me I seemed really happy with her and he'd do anything to help me regain that happiness back. That's when I knew he was going to be the perfect Beta.

We pull up to Jaces pack house with a couple other wolves following behind us. Someone meets us at our cars, "this way" she say walking towards a small brick building hidden just barely in the woodsy area. We follow closely behind.

Opening the door we find Alex tied to a chair, beaten pretty bad, and my hand immediately goes to my face. Sky is going to kill us for this. My eyes search the room for Jace. He's sitting in a corner of the building staring at Alex. I walk over to him.

"WHAT THE HELL MAN?" I yell, my anger written all over my face.
"What?" Jace was overly calm.
"Sky is going to kill us, LITERALLY" I make clear.
"He will be healed before we bring her back, we didn't break anything, just a few cuts and bruises" he reaches up and runs his fingers through his hair.
I sigh, "how'd you even get him here so fast?" I ask.
"Doesn't take much for a horny guy to fall for a helpless woman" he tells me.
"Explain?" I ask.
"We had Nova, over there" he points in the direction of a girl no older than 20 in a short black dress covered in blood, "to act like she was in need of rescuing from a big scary man" he then pointed in the direction of a guy also covered in blood, "when Alex felt the need to play Prince Charming, as soon as he got close enough Nova injected him with wolfsbane, he did continue to fight after that which is what led us here" he explains everything.
I shake my head in disappointment, "ya know there was probably a much easier way of doing this but what's done is done, any information?" I say with a smartass attitude.
"I got his phone off of him, but he's refusing to speak" he says handing Alex's phone to me. I hand it straight to Zane, who's super tech savvy, he's in my ear all day letting me know what's happening. He takes it and goes to a back room to do his work.

I sit back next to Jace, "we're close dude", I slap a hand across his. We hear Alex start groaning, and both of our heads lift up. Jace starts to stand and I place a hand over his chest, "I got this one". I pull my chair to sit in front of him, I straddle it backwards and his druggy eyes finally meet mine. "ALEX! How have you been buddy!?" I act like we are old friends but he sees right through me.
"I'm not telling you anything" he says before I can even get another word out.
"Alex we just want to know she's okay, can you tell me that?" I ask, sympathy in my voice. His eyes never leave mine, but he takes a deep breath and nods his head. I release a breath I didn't even realize I was holding in and notice Jace also relaxing. "And the baby?" I ask, "perfect and healthy" he answers, and I smile a little.  "I know you aren't going to tell us where she is" I place a hand in his shoulder. "She doesn't want to see either of you, you both hurt her deeply when she needed you, that's why she ran, she said she needs to raise her kid in a healthy environment, and she was scared Jace would try to lay claim to his child later in the future just because the alpha bloodline running through it" he exclaims, "so please stay away from her, she's happy right now."

I'm taken aback for a minute, trying to calm myself, obviously she believes it's Jaces baby, they were mates so why wouldn't it be? Jace walks up next to me, "did she consider the baby could be Archie's?" He asks as if he could read my mind. Confusion aligned Alex's face, and I let out a heavy breath.

"Can you answer us just one more question?" I ask him.
"Depends on what it is" he smirks. I'm honestly surprised that he has gone to such extremes just to keep our girl safe, I definitely respect him highly for this.
"You could die if you don't answer us Alex, you do understand this correct?" Jaces cold voice cuts through us.
"I'd happily die as long as it means she gets to live a peaceful life" he gives us a teethy smile, damn this man definitely had my respect, I wish he was apart of my pack.
"Tell us who killed Alpha Jax" Jace blurts out.
"W-what?" Alex stutters.
"You told me you know who did it, so spill it" Jace doesn't have a bit of remorse in him.
"That's what you brought me here for? That's why you drugged me and beat the shit out of me?" He laughs hysterically.
"Oh shit he's loosing it" I say tossing my chair to the side.
Jace delivers a hard punch to Alex's jaw and the laughing immediately ceased.
"Come on Alex, I don't like repeating myself, and you are bringing back old habits within me" Jace bends down to see eye to eye with Alex.
Alex spits blood directly into his face and Jace steps back, fixing his hand for another punch, before a couple of my guys jump towards him holding him back.

Alex starts to laugh again, "what is this? Good cop bad cop?"
"We just want to get revenge for her, it's the only way she will know we do truly care for her still!" I yell, getting frustrated.
The room grows silent.
Alex smiles big, showing his bloody teeth, "I'll tell you, but it won't do you any good, because she hates both of your guts." I don't reply but just wait for him to continue.

His face fell serious.
"Daxton and Kaitlyn" he finally spits out and my body goes cold, looking to Jace you could see his do the same.

Right before I conjure up the nerve to break the deafening silence Zane comes running out.
Bringing Jace and I out of our trance. We crowd around his laptop he brought out with him. "This address pinged his location everyday, I believe it may be where they are staying" he explains. And for the first time my heart fills with hope. "South Dakota?" Jace says, "that about six hours away I believe"
"Exactly" Zane assures him.

Hearing our conversation Alex starts wrestling in his chair trying to free himself, "leave her alone!" He yells.
"Let's go get our girl" I say turning towards the door, "Zane, handle this for me."

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