Chapter 6

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It was finally Friday. I was feeling a lot better, really only sore when I lifted my arms over my head. I was up early for the first time. I took a shower and got dressed in some ripped jeans and a band tee. I blow dried my long brown hair and put on very little make up as usual.

  I checked my phone and saw I had a couple messages.

  Unknown: you never answered me, when are you coming back to school?

  I didn't reply. Who even is this.

  Alex: you really did look fine as fuck in that black dress.

  I replied: I know

  As soon as I pressed send I heard a phone go off outside my door. I slung it open to find Alex standing there. "Goodmorning" he smiled.

  "What are you doing here?" I asked confused.

  "I was going to offer to take you to school today" he answered.

  "Oh okay" I was still confused he's never done that before.

  When we got to the school I got out and grabbed my bag, Alex walked around the car to me. I saw Jace and his group over at his car, Jace wasn't taking his eyes off me.

  "I got to run to the library really quick before first period, are you okay walking alone? Piper and Julia are out today" he told me.

  "I'm okay just don't want to see him" I said honestly.

  "If anything happens you mind-link me, I will be right there, I promise" Alex grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze before letting it go. We both walked separate ways.

  I could see people staring at me as I walked to my locker. I tried to ignore them but it was very overwhelming. It took me three tries before I was able to unlock my locker. I started taking some stuff out of my bag and putting some in. I reached up to put a book on the top shelf but I winced in pain still not being able to fully reach over my head. At the same time I felt someone grab my hip and place their hand over mine on the book and push it the rest of the way in. I was instantly calmed as a tingle went through my whole body.

  "I got it" Jace looked down at me.

  "Uhm thanks" I said lowly. I shut my locker and turned around to him. He was so close. He had a hand over my head on my locker. My voice started shaking "I better get to class".

  "Do I make you nervous" Jace grinned at me.

  "You wish" I half smiled back as I started walking to art class. I noticed him following close behind.

Shit I forgot he had this class too.

  As we drew closer to the door I saw Daxton. Oh shit oh shit I thought. I kept my head high, I was not going to bow to him. "How's the rib feeling" he grabbed my side and winced in pain. He was nothing to me anymore, why should I hold back. I looked him dead in the eyes and let my claws come out, I felt my wolf come forward as she wanted blood. I felt darkness sneaking up my body. I put a claw to his throat, "I will kill you" I said firmly.

  "Try baby" he winked at me and went in to kiss me.

  Everything went black. I grabbed his head and slammed it into the wall, the smell of the blood drove my wolf nuts. I turned him around and he swung at me which I dodge and laid one right on his nose. "You bitch!" He exclaimed. I then kicked him as hard as I could in the balls and watch him hit the ground. He was on the ground so why stop there? I kicked him dead in the face, I know I knocked out a few teeth.

  My wolf wanted more, she wanted blood, she wanted him dead. My fangs started to descend and I grabbed him up by the shirt and went in for the kill.

  Someone grabbed me from behind and drug me out the door. It was Jace. He pulled me close to his chest and combed through my hair. I could feel myself instantly calming. "Breath sky, breath" he'd say over and over. Electricity filled my body.

  I finally pulled away. "S-s-sorry.." I looked ashamed.

  "Are you calm?" He asked, I nodded "I think so".

  "You have no reason to apologize he deserved it" Jace assured me. "Are you okay?" He asked. I just nodded again. "Let's go to class" he grabbed my hand. "Don't worry about anything" Jace glanced over at me, "I have one of my guys telling the principal the whole story and Axle is telling the teacher so he knows why we are late".

  We walked in and Mr Marcus looked at me and nodded, I nodded back. I took my usual seat and this time Jace sat beside me. I didn't say a word.

  "I hope everyone is ready to start their project! Everyone should be sitting with their partner today so you can all get started!" Mr Marcus explains.

  PARTNER? I had no idea. I look over at Jace who is pulling supplies out. I start to do the same. "You okay with me being your partner? I know you wasn't here to pick" Jace asked. "Uh yeah this is fine" I answered.

  "Do you have any ideas about the project" I asked.

  "No I just started this week" he laughed.

  "Okay I was thinking this" I pulled out a giant sketch I had folded up in my book. It was a mural of all the packs that attended the school; my pack crescent moon, his pack midnight river, and the other pack that attends the school moonlight woods. It had a collage of all our symbols with some wolves in the background inside a giant moon. "I want to ask the principal if I can paint this on a wall". Jace studied the drawing for a second, "this is awesome, I'm pretty good at painting as well". "Great!" I exclaimed "when would you like to start?". He looked at my phone, "you never texted me back". A look of confusion struck my face, "that was you!?". "Yeah, so I'll text you about it later" he said sternly, then the bell rung.

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