Chapter 43

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After a few hours and a couple drinks later I finally started to loosen up.

  His friends Savannah and Sierra dragged me on to the dance floor.

  I still can't dance, but I watch them have a good time. They are twins and have been really close with Archie for a long time according to them.

  They were hot. Perfect skin and black shiny hair cut into a bob, slim bodies and beautiful smiles.

  No doubt they were drawing the attention of every man in this place.

  Archie was watching me. A half smile on his face. I could feel the humor he got every time Sierra would try to get me to shake my ass and I would just shake my head no, hands waving frantically back and forth.

  "Don't leave us!" Savannah yells over the music.

  "I just need a drink!" I yell back, with a laugh.

  Walking my way over to Archie, my head in my hand, I was embarrassed.

  Archie's smile started to grow wider as I walked closer. Well that was until some asshole walked right in front of me cutting me off.

  "Excuse me, but you are the most beautiful woman here tonight, can I buy you a drink?" His eyebrow cocked up, his voice was deep and he had a thick southern accent. He was tall, and skinny. He wore a plaid button up, blue jean pants, and cowboy boots. His hair was a dark brown, almost matching my color, and it went about shoulder length.

  "No thanks cowboy" I laugh, trying to slide by him.

  His hands grabs my waist, "At least humor me for a dance then... cowgirl" he continues to try to persuade me.

  "No" I say sternly pushing him away and walking past him. But not before he grabs my wrist, "come on now" his demeanor has changed and now he's trying to pull me towards the bar with him.

  "I SAID NO" I yell yanking my hand back.

  "Don't be an ungrateful bitch" his face has gone cold.

  I feel a hand sliding down my back and as I turn to look I hear Archie's voice, "do we have a problem here?"

  "No alpha, just trying to buy a beautiful lady a drink" his fake smile back trying to fool Archie.

  Archie walks over to the guy, standing shoulder to shoulder with him he leans over "I suggest you keep your hands off my girl or you could loose them" he whispers in his ear before turning around, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the table with him.

  "Yes, I'm sorry alpha Archie" I heard the guy sigh.

  As we sat down, I grabbed my drink, tossing it back and slamming the glass down on the table. Inevitably breaking another glass.

  My irritability was high tonight after handling two difficult situations. I was trying to have a good time but everything was eventually just pissing me off and I would just roll my eyes or walk off. I could feel Violet pacing in the back of my mind.A feeling of yearning for something. Like I needed something to fill an empty void. But I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

  Tension was starting to get high and I was feeling overwhelmed, everything making me angry.

  Archie's hand gently stroked my cheek, before pushing some hair out of my face. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I'm not sure, just don't feel..." I paused for a moment not knowing what word to use "..right".

  His right eyebrow cocking upwards and a concerned look overcame his face "let's go home, I'll help you relax" he winked at me.

  On the drive home he moved his hand all over my body. He started holding my hand, which then changed to combing through my hair gently, which went to holding the back of my neck gifting me with a small massage, ending with his hand running up and down my thigh.

  When we got back to his pack house he opened my door, holding out a hand to me and I grabbed it. I craved his comfort right now. Still something inside of me, it's itching for something.

  We were stopped at the door by Alpha Theo.

  "Home early?" He asked.

  "Yes sir" Archie said plainly, like he didn't want to be stuck here long.

  "How'd the party go?" Alpha Theo questioned.

  "It was fun, just decided we wanted to spend time alone" Archie diving into the conversation his dad was starting with him.

  "Ah I remember when I marked your mom for the first time, I was very possessive over her. I still am" he starts to ramble. But at least I know where Archie got his possessive tendencies from.

  My anxiety was building as I started rocking back on my feet. What is wrong with me. Violet still pacing in the back of my mind, I feel like she's going to jump right out of my body.

  "I'm going to run the bathroom" I tell Archie before taking off up the stairs. I hear his dad continuing to ramble on about his teenage years.

  Sorry Arch. I needed out of there.

  Once I made my way up the stairs I basically sprinted to Archie's door. Turning the knob I was stopped. A hand covering mine, stopping me from going inside.

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