Chapter 75

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Jaces POV:

We finish packing and hit the road. Six hours seemed like a lifetime driving to find our girl. Archie and I made casual conversation for a while but it eventually fell silent. Finally I spoke up, "I'm sorry about your dad" guilt filled within me. Archie turned his face towards the window and shrugged, "we knew it was going to happen eventually right, the man acted stronger than he was. I don't hold you accountable, I told him not to go out to begin with, idiot should've listened".

We were about 30 minutes out from Skyannas place and my stomach started to knot up. "Any idea on what to say?" I ask Archie. Archie also looked like him nerves were getting the best of him. "Hey princess, how ya been!?" He shot me a cheesy big smile and I laughed. "I think that'll do it" I add sarcastically.

Finally we pull into the driveway. There's no cars, so we get out and knock on the door. I wait and few minutes, while Archie walks around the whole house. "I don't smell her" I say seeing Archie coming towards me. "She's definitely not here" Archie confirms. "Do you think she knows we were coming?" I ask. Archie laughs under his breath, "she's not dumb Jace" he remarks. A shocking expression on my face, "I know that" I start but Archie interrupts me, "Alex disappears for over a week at least and you think she doesn't know we had something to do with that?" He asks getting back in the car. "It just never crossed my mind" I said running my fingers through my hair.

We both took a deep breath, "maybe she's just out, let's just go look around and come back later" Archie says his forehead in the palm of his hand. I pull out and drive around, finding a parking spot on the side of the road. Around the corner was everything, it was filled with shops, and markets, food trucks lining the sidewalks. We decided to walk around and explore what Skyanna has been doing these past couple months. We split up and I walked toward a food truck sitting beside a small market. That's when I felt it, my hands started tingling at her scent.
"She's here" I texted Archie.
"I know" he replied.
As I rounded the corner the smell got stronger, and then went in the opposite direction.
"She's going home" Archie texted me.
"You saw her" I ask him.
"Yes" he replied
I turned around swiftly and started walking towards her place, her scent was sweet and I wanted to run to her.
"She knows we're here" Archie texts again.
"She sensed us!?" I reply.
"I don't know but she's taking ally ways and back roads so she's purposely avoiding something" my fist tightens as I read his message.

I know she's not going to just run into my arms as if nothing has happened, but they thought of her purposely avoiding us is killing me. I miss her so much and I just want to hold her again.

I'm still unsure of what I'm going to say or even do when I see her. I know apologizing won't be enough, but I have to figure it out. I have to tell her how much she means to me.

My stomach fell at the thought of spilling all my feelings out to her and she still decides to walk away. Or the thought that she could hate me forever because of all the bad decisions I've made since we met. I mean I left her when she told me she was pregnant because I didn't want to be a distracted alpha, I don't even care to be alpha if she's not my Luna. Then I beat up her best friend, the one person who was there for her through everything, just because I was jealous. I'm an idiot. What if she chooses Alex? He probably deserves her more than I do. Or what if she chooses just Archie? I felt a knot in my throat form. I guess I knew that was a chance I was taking when I decided to work with him to get her back.

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